237: March 27, 2009

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Today, Dan and Jordan pick up their exploration of Alex Jones' career back in 2009, and find Alex taking a stand and changing his position about Glenn Beck. He also spends about a third of his show talking to a "doctor," and supporting medical advice that will seriously hurt his audience.


  • Alex says things about city of Rome that sound like a sovereign citizen
  • Alex talks about maritime law
  • They're going to do the things they do to minorities to white people next
  • Alex rails against Glenn Beck the day after President of John Birch Society was on
  • Alex is pissed Glenn Beck had FEMA camp references on his show
  • Alex's complaint about Beck: he's either not extreme enough or if he is extreme, he's lying
  • Alex tells a rambling story about how he gives John Birch Society the right info
  • Alex complains that there's too much complaining
  • Alex warned about Beck for months
  • Alex complains about Popular Mechanics
  • Alex wants to piggyback Beck's success
  • Discussion: Jones-Beck beef intent
  • Alex and Jason Bermis shit on Glenn Beck
  • Discussion: Change in purpose of Sunday show
  • Alex is aware of UKIP
  • Dicussion: so many pieces
  • Bob Chapman is on, doesn't sell gold
  • Guest: Dr Scott Whitaker, board certified naturopathic doctor
  • Scott: hospitals are death traps
  • Scott: only go to a hospital for emergencies
  • Discussion: naturopathy doesn't work
  • Scott: hospitals want to keep you half-sick and half-healthy
  • Scott: the body gets rid of HPV naturally
  • Cut roses exude death
  • Scott is a sovereign citizen
  • FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real
  • Oncologist calls in and confronts Scott
  • Scott: I've cured cancer
  • Scott: Why don't you believe me? I believe you
  • Scott: That caller was arrogant with his "jargon" and "school"


  • Medisin