238: Coach Dave
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Today, Dan and Jordan introduce another possible Wacky Wednesday candidate, suggested by Policy Wonk Ian. This episode covers a man named Coach Dave, someone who may or may not be a coach, but definitely hosts a surreal extremist Christian radio show. Unfortunately, a little exploration reveals that there's a lot more than religion going on in his broadcasts.
- A wonk suggested covering Coach Dave Daubenmire
- Coach Dave was a coach
- Dave started a show called "Pass the Salt"
- Dan and Jordan can't figure out what Pass the Salt means
- Coach Dave theme
- Discussion: Coach Dav'es show and Reach
- Dave talks financial collapse
- Dave wants to evangelize public schools
- Discussion: Dave's Skype window
- Discussion: Not a coach Dave
- Dave sued by the ACLU for making players in public school pray
- School reports directly to ACLU now because of Dave
- Dave quit because he couldn't evangelize
- Softcore porn avenger
- Dave stands with Roy Moore
- Dave and Manning bond
- Discussion: Long Legged Mac Daddy
- Dave should never say black
- Dave calls Harlem a jungle
- New conspiracy theory: Barrack and Michelle Obama surrendered their law licenses
- Dave believes in the Mandela effect
- The Mandela effect is caused by time travelling demons
- Technology has broken our history
- Discussion: Lion and Lamb origin
- Dave takes calls during his show
- Dave has Charlottesville hot takes
- Western civilization is under attack in the south
- The left is rewriting history
- Race wars were made up by the CIA
- Dave is a white nationalist
- Dave talks about Charlottesville
- Discussion: Dave doens't know what white nationalist means
- Dave is part of John Birch Society
- Discussion: John Birch Society article about Robert E Lee statue
- Discussion: Charlottesville Robert E Lee Statue and Emancipation Park
- Ultimate bigotry: portraying white people as hillbillies
- Dave blames Soros
- Discussion: Dave is super dumb
- Dave wants to ban pornography
- Porn is bad because it ends in masturbation
- Dave is upset because porn users go to jail: Discussion: Dave's son had child porn