236: December 4-5, 2018

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Today, Dan and Jordan dig into a couple of present day episodes of The Alex Jones Show to see what he's up to, and what he thinks about all the news about his friends probably doing crimes. It turns out he doesn't talk much about that stuff, but he does spend a lot of time starting a very bizarre crusade against people who are younger than him.


  • Alex makes up lyrics over Against the Wind while Roger listens
  • Roger: Alex, you're coming to Florida. Alex: I'm NOT coming to Florida
  • Discussion: upcoming publicity stunt in Florida
  • Alex only has 50K signatures on his letter writing campaign
  • Alex rants about Tim Cook and China
  • Snoop Dogg asked Buckley How he pimp so good
  • Good news: Christianity realizes it's time to punch back
  • Bad news: Success breeds decadence where the lessers hunt down their betters
  • Alex has a constellation of articles, picks the thread out of them just like Celente
  • Bunch of studies show that most millennial want socialism
  • Alex reads multiple headlines on same study from a year ago to imply there's lots of studies
  • Discussion: Annual report on US Attitudes on Socialism
  • Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation founded by National Captive Nations Committee, which was founded by "unrepentant Nazi allies"
  • Alex is ok with Nazi collaborator adjacent info because it demonizes his enemies
  • Millennials are less physically fit and have lower IQs
  • Alex rants about millennials
  • Alex goes into Anderson Cooper narrative again
  • Alex talks about going to college, claims he made it in radio on his own
  • Alex gets on board with Ayn Rand
  • Millennials love to steal, rob, and join gangs
  • Discussion: InfoWars demographics
  • Discussion: actual study results
  • Generation Z: anti-millennials
  • Discussion: H W Bush's death
  • Discussion: Police, Fascists, and Antifa
  • Discussion: Alex has been manipulated by Corsi and Stone
  • I don't put people into groups...Now here's some groups
  • Palestinians are just Arabs who want to take over free land
  • Discussion: Palestinian Emigrants
  • Western culture is under attack! Take your birth right!
  • Alex makes up numbers from study
  • Ad pivot: double patriot points
  • Alex rants about skull and bones, keeps talking about sex in feces
  • Proud Boys guests: Rufio PanMan and MAGA Titan
  • MAGA Titan woke up from folding a $20 bill
  • MAGA Titan is a meme troll
  • Discussion: aliens are on earth