231: March 24, 2009
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Today, Dan and Jordan get back to their normal show by chatting about the March 24, 2009 episode of The Alex Jones Show. The gents find Alex completely freaking out (and fake crying) about his made up Mandatory Service Bill, and breaking some bad news about a past guest with a really funny name.
- Alex wants reviews of The Obama Deception
- Alex equivocates the N word
- Rush Limbaugh was taking enough oxy to kill 7 horses
- Caller: OD was good, not as hard hitting
- Caller: OD didn't teach him anything new
- Discussion:Callers with an agenda
- Alex tries to explain why he made OD
- Alex doesn't know how polls work
- Alex complains about Obama's supporters doing what he does now
- Caller: OD graphics were great
- Discussion: Las Vegas Martial Law
- Alex is losing it over the civilian service bills
- One minute caller-fest
- Guest: Tyler Palmer, water filter sales
- Water filters are school bus sized
- Caller: why did you skip talking about Israeli dual citizenship?
- I meant to get into dual citizenship
- Discussion: dog whistle or dumb?
- Big Announcement: July 4, another Obama film
- Caller: Check out this Nic Cage movie
- Discussion: Knowing
- Donn de Grand Pré is dead
- Alex can't do research
- Discussion: Globalist fears
- Guest: Matt Martin
- Background: Matt Martin
- Alex and Martin got ACLU to go after MIAC
- They're shutting down the web, so get OD!
- PJW calls in
- Alex rants over don't fear the reaper
- The draft will get your women
- Alex rants over old version of the bill
- Paul, read me the article
- Obama is the next Joseph Stalin
- Discussion: The lie travels further than the truth
Notable Bits
- Me Puppet You Puppet