230E: Obama Deception, Part 5
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Today, Dan and Jordan finish up their look at Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception, and are lucky to make it out with their sanity mostly intact.
- Discussion: Justin Fox is a globalist and Peter Schiff acolyte
- Discussion: Justin Fox on international banking
- Discussion: Breton Woods 2
- Never before has the media gotten behind a candidate as they did with Obama
- Alex is finally going to make his points
- Success/failure tally of globalist missions
- Point 1: Bring U.S. under control of super bank using taxes on everything
- Discussion: Carbon cap and trade
- Tarpley is a climate change denier
- Tarpley equates climate change to the Holocaust
- Point 2: Police state control grid
- Alex uses doctored web-page to demonize Obama
- Point 3: End Second Amendment
- Point 4: Regulating free speech and the media
- Point 5: Socialized medicine
- Point 6: Expanded military presence
- Caller: Obama operates on vampire rules
- Point 7: Take over family farms
- Point 8: Merge U.S., Canada, Mexico
- Point 9: Obama will pretend to be president
- Point 10: Protect the Oligarchs
- Discussion: Ron Paul commemorative memorabilia
- Professor Grif comes back!
- Hitler finally shows up!
- How to beat the globalists
- Rapid clip extravaganza
- Humphrie: Obama will be the next Hitler
- Obama Deception ends with an ad plug and a real Thomas Jefferson quote
- Post game analysis