232: Reverend Manning
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Today, Dan and Jordan explore the positions of one of Alex Jones' guests, Reverend James David Manning. What they find is a horrifying melange of insanity, historical ignorance, and very offensive homophobia. Please be advised, some of the stuff he says is very hard to hear.
- Dan was sent a link to Kerry Cassidy's TruTV pilot
- Kerry interviewed Andrew Basiago on the pilot
- Today's focus: Reverend James David Manning
- Obama released homosexual demons in his 1st two years
- Trump released psychotic freaky sex demons
- Discussion: Can homosexual be a bad word?
- Dan says they will probably never cover Stefan Molyneux
- Manning curses Lena Dunham
- Women are cursed with cancer, men get noisy balls
- Manning doubles down on semen in the Starbucks lattes
- Drinking Starbuck's semen lattes will get women pregnant
- There are no monuments or cities in Africa before colonization
- Egypt is not Africa
- Discussion: Ancient African achievements
- Manning threatened man who owed him money with a shotgun
- Manning repents, but he'll still kill you
- Manning kicked off YouTube, so he made a new channel
- Manning is going to defeat diabetes
- Dan won't cover anyone with mental issues
- Manning teaches about Blood Moons
- Manning will protect you from strokes while driving
- Manning found a bible verse that gives immortal life
- Tribulation Birth Certificate
- The certificate will protect you from bread trucks
- No one can kill Manning
- Black women are having a tough time finding husbands because Obama's gay demons are making them gay
- A white homo will steal your man
- Manning gives a horrible speech about killing gay people
- Discussion: how much does Manning have in common with Alex