162: May 19, 2018
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about a Special Report that Alex Jones put out on Saturday, May 19th. Alex doesn't usually work on Saturdays, so you know something serious is up. As it turns out, it looks like Roger Stone is in trouble, so Alex headed to the studio to vaguely threaten Robert Mueller and lie a bunch about some dead guys.
- Discussion: recent school shooting in Santa Fe
- Real News: Stephen Paddock was a sovereign citizen
- Special Report: Roger's Social Media aides called in for questioning
- Alex is proud and disappointed in his work
- Alex has a message for the elites
- Russiagate ramblings
- FBI mole in Trump's campaign
- Headline from Lyndon LaRouche PAC
- John McCain is a walking brain tumor
- McClatchy article says InfoWars is a Russian asset
- Alex downplays Roger's political cred
- Alex is the victim of Goebbels-style propoganda
- First they deplatform InfoWars, then Breitbart and Daily Caller
- Alex is manly, smart people aren't
- Alex is honorable, building up to his own sacrifice
- Message to Mueller
- Mueller blew up the World Trade Center on 9/11
- Background: Bruse Edwards Ivans and John P O'Neill
- Discussion: Antrax mailer
- Hillary is ugly
- Alex is all in
- Mueller has replaced McCain as head of the Deep State
- Mueller did OKC
- And I'm done
- Alex has a wedding to get to