161: May 14, 2018

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Today, Dan listens to the voice of the people and brings Jordan up to speed on what is going on in modern day Alex Jones. Unfortunately, the day that they end up covering involves Alex reporting on the murder of over 50 Palestinians by Israeli soldiers by mostly just talking about Muslims being bad. That isn't the most fun, but to make things even less fun, Milo Yiannopoulos shows up to "joke around" with Alex to try to drum up some cheap free press about their dumb jokes.


  • Bracket winner: Act liberal
  • New drop is delayed
  • Israel is not expanding like Islam
  • Soros is a Nazi collaborator
  • Soros wants the UN to take over Israel
  • No Israel, no rapture
  • Christianity and capitalism are contracting
  • Extreme Islam bashing
  • House of Islam and house of war
  • Parliamentary countries
  • have fallen to Islam because Islam controls 10-15%
  • Teargassing from drones was Alex's idea
  • Muslims use children for suicide bombers
  • Trump could bring peace if it weren't for Palestine
  • Who said this quote?
  • Alex supports Israel so he can criticize Israel
  • Snipers killing people are bad, but terrorism exists
  • Neighbors!
  • The media never covers Islamic terror
  • It's no longer a crime to expose someone to HIV
  • Alex is going to stay calm
  • Alex wants to talk about Stormy Daniels
  • Alex mocks dead Palestinians
  • Guest: Milo Yiannopoulos
  • SJW's are unhappy with themselves
  • Being edgy for exposure
  • Sailor suit coffee girl discussion
  • Fuck you, Maxine Waters
  • Omar Navarro background
  • Mavarro pepper sprayed a child
  • Roger calls in with big news from a cigar store
  • Alex and Milo invade Google
  • Alex and Milo get kicked out by cops

Notable Bits

  • Neighbors!