163: January 27-29, 2009

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on back in the past on The Alex Jones Show. This episode may actually cover one of the most important days in Alex's career, one where he stumbled onto a tiny piece of news that he would go on to misrepresent and lie about for the next decade. Also, Alex learns that his singing sounds terrible on air.


  • Dan Story: Replacing an expired ID
  • New Wonk Level: Raptor Princess
  • The media is going to let Obama send more troops to Afghanistan, then demonize him so that the next president can be the savior
  • 2009 Alex is pro-Iran
  • Libertarian Alex doens't want utilities to be shut off
  • Caller: Why do they need the Trans-Texas Corridor if they're going to kill everyone? Why hasn't anyone given you $1 million?
  • Caller: Obama took his daughter out on Halloween
  • Guest: Gerald Celente, says buy gold
  • Guest: Wayne Madsen
  • Wayne: Rahm Emanuel is a jew and a ballerina, he cracked his knuckles at Obama
  • Stop people in traffic and tell them to listen to InfoWars, this news is huge
  • Big big news: PJW article on FEMA camps
  • Background: Walt Mansfield, aka Pastor Revere
  • HR 645
  • Aelx drops sovereign citizen bullshit: right to travel
  • Alex loves violence
  • Alex has a violent fantasy with caller on the line
  • Alex Jones Karaoke: The Highwaymen
  • Alex sings the entire song
  • Alex reaches out to cops
  • Gun grabbers are afoot
  • HR 45
  • Alex Jones Karaoke: Hurt by Johnny Cash
  • Buy food because the globalists will kill you
  • Ted sells gold at no profit
  • It's high treason! Ted, quick, sell gold!

Notable Bits

  • Raptor Princess Drop
  • Alex Jones Karaoke