110: December 5, 2017

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about how Alex Jones couldn't stop interrupting a clip from Morning Joe that he played on his December 5th show. It takes Alex about 45 min of showtime to get through less than a minute of content, and boy, his analysis of it all is weak.

Also, Alex admits that he started an entirely new sales website so he could skirt pricing agreements that he's signed with suppliers.


  • New website: Fortified supply, made to get around MAP agreements and contracts
  • Alex interrupts Morning Joe video repeatedly
  • Mika Brzezinski
  • Joe Scarborough
  • Trump doesn't know the rules of Washington
  • Joe doesn't know the rules of history
  • Alex prays for justice and investigations
  • Joe Scarborough killed his intern, Laurie Klausutis
  • Alex still hates Joy Behar
  • Joe Scarborough wants to get rid of sovereignty and prosperity
  • Trump is going to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel
  • Trump loves flyover country
  • Trump family kicks butt
  • Lord Trump says you are trash
  • Mika is a rude demon
  • Fuck Joy Behar... ad pivot