109: December 4, 2017
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the December 4th episode of The Alex Jones Show. The episode will live in all our memories as "that time Alex Jones tried to pretend he wanted dissenters to call in, then avoided the minimal valid criticism a caller threw his way and started to fake crying talking about masculinity." Also, Jordan screams about the tax bill.
- Sam Seder got fired
- Fuck Mike Cernovich
- Russian blood libel article
- Joy Behar is big news
- Why won't anyone retracts the story that's already been retracted
- People hate Trump because he said Merry Christmas
- Alex wants callers that disagree
- Everywhere I go, people talk to me
- Dan's Christian ska band
- Alex capes hard with strawmen
- Caller: you're a double speaker with ties to Russia
- Lose well vs win like a bitch
- Sponsors and listeners convinced Alex of Y2K
- Alex says Bill Cooper claimed he lied about Y2K
- Caller calls Alex's bluff
- Alex likes Russia because Russia is anti-globalist
- Alex's True Story: Alex meets his daughter's dentist
- Caller: would you give up Trump to prevent a civil war? Alex supports worldwide nationalism
- Alex fake cries and defines manliness
- Alex drinking on air
- You had globalists threaten to kill your daugher? Globalists won't kill your daughter if you're willing to kill them
- Caller has jokes, says Alex is a Polish agent
- Callers take too long
- Trump is better than King David and Paul
- Caller: Your app doesn't work
- Dogs can't be racist
- We neeed tax cuts AND spending cuts
- Neighbors
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Neighbors