481: September 13, 2012
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Today, Dan and Jordan go on a time-traveling adventure to explore what was going on with Alex Jones on the day of a couple of Wonks' wedding day. In this installment, Alex picks a surprise fight with Ron Paul, helps Jesse Ventura promote a horribly-titled book, and engages in some familiar salesmanship.
- Guest: Jesse Ventura
- Alex has listeners in Antarctica
- Press button, start jihad
- Globalist Plan: Revenge of the Sith
- George Lucas is a 9/11 truther (no he isn't)
- Trailer for Innocence of Muslims proves Benghazi is a false flag
- Discussion: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula background
- CIA funded Innocence of Muslims to purposely agitate
- TV makes us dumb and gay
- Alex is mad that Globalists made you gay
- Special Report: Is Ron Paul running for Texas governor?
- Special Report: Dan Bidondi interviews people about the constitution
- Caller: Write in Ron Paul for president
- Alex wants callers to talk about Middle East, not Ron Paul
- Alex hates Jesse Benton, Ron Paul campaign staffer
- Alex is done with Ron Paul
- Nosegate: Jesse Benton and Mitch McConnell bullshit
- Benton said Paulfest is full of extremists
- Alex is upset Ron Paul just wanted money
- Rand Paul parties with Peter Thiel
- Tech issues with getting Jesse Ventura on
- Jesse: cut off all foreign aid
- Jesse: economy moves slowly
- Jess: watch my TV show
- Jesse found an underground city in Ozark, Missouri
- So many banks in Ozark
- Jesse goes after David Icke
- Jesse will run for president if everyone else does the work for him
- Guest: Steve Shenk, selling food buckets
- Steve wants to talk about food related news
- Steve sells shitty food
- Steve may be in to Mayan Apocalypse
- Alex has moved to an off the grid house
Notable Bits
- Globalist Plan