482: September 15, 2020

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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex Jones to see what he's up to. In this installment, Alex rambles a bit about the devil, discusses how he was appointed by God at the age of three to be a major pillar of the fight against the devil, and makes excuses about why he hasn't been on Rogan's podcast.


  • Mailbag: Lionel's book, Lionel's albums
  • Does Alex address ICE forces sterilization claims? Nope!
  • BLM is run by satanists
  • Alex won't get mad at Drudge for turning on Trump
  • Collapse of the colossus clown
  • Leftists have never had a bloody nose ... Politically
  • Alex is on a mission from god since he was 3
  • Satan is real and wants to kill you... ad pivot
  • Support radio stations
  • Globalist plan: Species
  • Why hasn't Alex been on Rogan?
  • Guest: Sherry Tenpenny, Osteopath antivaxxer
  • Sherry: 2-meter social distancing allows the AI to get an energetic imprint of you
  • New tech issue: no audio for guest
  • Guest: Bishop Larry Gaiters, bad etymologist
  • Larry talks witches
  • Larry: BLM is a 3-fold manipulation of reality
  • Voicemails

Notable Bits

  • Globalist Plan