453: July 2, 2020

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Today, Dan and Jordan take an exhaustive look at two shows Alex Jones recorded on July 2nd. In his morning show, Alex rambles about cyborgs and puts off covering big news about the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell. To make up for not getting to it on his normal show, Alex returns to air in the evening and tries to cover the big news of the day, with depressing results.


  • New Merch!
  • Ghislaine Maxwell is arrested, so Alex talks about Podesta and Pizzagate
  • Discussion: Alex's coverage of Epstein
  • Trump's Q&A is going to cover Alex's article
  • Epstein's evidence on people is about removing God's protection
  • Maxwell got arrested because Berman got fired
  • Watch out for false reports about child dungeons, even though there are actual child dungeons
  • Alex isn't ready to talk about Maxwell, even though he knows all about it
  • Epstein was a triple agent who ran summits for Bill Gates
  • JK Rowling had a road to Damascus moment and is now a transphobe (this is a good thing)
  • The trans movement is about becoming robots
  • Alex's family member was in a secret meeting about chipping people
  • Alex's True Story: Alex's Dad was recruited to make cyborg dental implants
  • Hybrids are back in play
  • Clones go bad in freezers, so rich people have unwitting clones
  • Trans rights are clone rights
  • Order 66 is cheezy
  • It's only right to destroy satanist pedophiles
  • Soros is putting in hitsquad lawyers to take you out... ad pivot
  • Take a leap of faith for god, not the globalists
  • Caller: Ghislaine is going to get covid 19 in prison
  • Caller: is your toothpaste coming back?
  • Guest: Bishop Larry Gaiters
  • Larry: BLM founders are witches
  • Larry: Negro comes from necro
  • Larry: Media is from Hebrew for witches
  • Alex is not paying attention
  • Alex Jones Karaoke: Engel by Rammstein
  • Special report: Esoteric Alex
  • If you do evil, god takes it out on your children
  • Time for drunken ramblings
  • What's the point of covering the news?
  • Judges are going to take your children for demonstrating
  • So much crying
  • My kids are already dead to me
  • The Atlantic says CDC double reported tests!
  • BLM protests slowed spread
  • Evil is in America because the seeds of Christ's power is here
  • Atheists just think they're smart
  • Bill Gates wants you dead
  • So what, everyone had slaves
  • Alex wants to talk about Rwanda
  • Let's go to a special report during this special report
  • Adam Schiff doesn't have a soul... Oblivion is a great movie
  • Globalist Plan: Oblivion
  • Devil worshippers can breed out the soul
  • I can't even do my job
  • The world is ending
  • Alex wants to beat up the devil
  • Alex tries to fix it, but bails

Notable Bits

  • Alex's True Story
  • Alex Jones Karaoke
  • Stars!

Detailed Show Notes

Dan and Jordan discuss two shows that Alex Jones recorded on July 2, one in the daytime, and one in the depressing nighttime hours.[1]

Topics covered include:

  • Alex claims that he's been covering Jefferey Epstein for 15 years. There is no evidence of that on Infowars' website, nor on his mirror site, Prison Planet.
  • Alex has absolutely no idea how to pronounce Ghislaine Maxwell's name.
  • Alex pretends that the removal of Geoffrey Berman, attorney at the Southern District of NY, was due to Berman not allowing the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell to happen. No evidence for this is provided, and it seems more likely that he was removed because he was investigating Trump's associates.
  • Alex interviews a guy named Larry Gaiters, who claims that various words have completely made up roots. He says that "negro" comes from the Greek word "necro" (it does not) and that the word media comes from the Hebrew word for witches.
  • Alex misrepresents an Atlantic article from May about Covid test reporting inconsistencies. He claims that numbers are all just being made up, but this article is about how there were some states that were reporting negative results to viral and antibody tests as a single figure, which makes the data difficult to interpret. This was brought up, and corrected.
  • Alex lies about a study about how cities that had Black Lives Matter protests in them actually saw increased social distancing behavior, and it may have helped decrease transmission. Alex hasn't read the study, and is just making up what it says.
  • Alex realized that he did a bad job on his regular show, so he returns in the evening to do a 2 hour special emergency report about Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest. He seems very drunk, says nothing meaningful, rants about his ex-wife, almost starts crying a few times, and bails with half an hour left in the planned show. It was an absolutely embarrassing and childish display, but far from the worst Alex has been on air.