452: Jordan Takes The Wheel 4
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Today, Jordan takes the reigns on the show and tells Dan about an episode of content he watched on One America News. In this installment, Jordan discusses Graham Ledger and Dan fantasizes about how Roger Stone could better use his last few weeks before prison.
- Jordan talks about Graham Ledger of One America News
- Year of Seltzer Update: Good and Gather Mint Cucumber 10/100
- Roger does an interview on OAN
- Roger prays to Trump
- Graham says come try to put a mask on me
- Graham background
- Roger is scared of covid, Graham says covid isn't a big deal
- I'm not trying to diminish the deaths, but 500,000 deaths is a political joke
- New Jersey data dump is a false death spike
- If Covid, why no excess deaths?
- Deaths are no big deal, unless they're a big deal
- Alex style clip commentary of Gavin Newsom
- Young people can fight off covid 19 without developing antibodies
- Newsome is shooting himself in the foot to spite Trump
- These 4 hot countries have low cases
- They're not testing, but they have 0 deaths!
- Shutting down just extended the first wave
- Roger, they're attacking you as a Trump surrogate
- Roger repeats InfoWars performance
- Roger's dirty dozen
- Roger: Judge Jackson hates me
- Our Trump, who are in White House, hear my prayer
- Hey look, Trump retweeted a petition to pardon Roger
Detailed Show Notes
Jordan tells Dan about an episode of OANN that he listened to.[1]