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Endgame is a documentary film produced by Alex Jones and InfoWars. The film was released in 2007 and (falsely) claims to expose the agenda of Globalists for a one-world government that will control every aspect of people's lives.
The film covers of lurid claims about the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. It also features interviews with various seedy individuals, some of whom have some pretty questionable backgrounds (e.g. Big Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin).
Endgame and its popularity have become an important part of Alex Jones' popularity and lore, but the film has not aged well (and was always a sloppy mess). Endgame's bibliography was always embarrassingly incomplete, and many of its sources are some combination of fabricated, badly misquoted, or completely out of context. Much of the second half of the film is devoted to Alex protesting a specific highway project that would have connected Texas and Mexico, and the film in fact ends with Alex bullhorn-ing Rick Perry's house on the issue.
Knowledge Fight covered the documentary in a 5-part episode, starting with 130A: Endgame, Part 1.