130A: Endgame, Part 1
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Today, Dan and Jordan embark on an adventure that is probably a very dumb idea: covering the entirety of Alex Jones' very stupid "documentary" Endgame. Dan found approximately 130 specific instances of Alex either lying or "playing with the truth," so this could take a while. In this first episode, the gents learn that Alex doesn't know what "quote" means, but he does love Nazi propaganda films.
- Endgame bibliography sucks
- Dead Encarta links
- References InfoWars articles and other Alex Jones documentaries
- HG Wells quote
- Big Jim Tucker, the Bilderberg researcher, writes for The Spotlight
- George H W Bush's New World Order Speech
- Gary Hart info
- The answer to 1984 is 1776
- Georgia Guidestones and RC Christian
- Dr. Michael Kaufman, shitty researcher, Agenda 21 exposer
- Ron Paul newsletter quotes
- Nathan De Rothschild bullshit and the Satan Pamphlet, possibly written by George D'arenvale
- Picture of Not Gavrilo Princip
- Black Hand background
- WWI was to put countries into debt and form the League of Nations
- Woodrow Wilson was just a college professor
- CFR founded to abolish nations
- Fabian Socialist/ Fascist split
- Fake Hitler quote
- Smedley Butler was recruited for a fascist coup
- Wall Street plot
- King Edward abdication
- Sandra Bullock is a Nazi
- Rockefeller donated the land for the UN
- Council of Europe bullshit
- James Warburg's world governance quote
- Bilderberg formed in 1954 to form European Union
- European Union, North American Union, Asian Union: 3 megastates
- Alex goes to Bilderberg cliffhanger
Notable Bits
- Sandra Bullock is a Nazi