List of Knowledge Fight Intro Music
Knowledge Fight has had a variety of intro songs, created by DJ Danarchy. Most are associated with only one or two episodes, and were created to commemorate specific events in the podcast's history. DJ Danarchy maintains listings of his Knowledge Fight related work here and here.
Standard Intro
First played in 323: July 19, 2019, and first used as an intro song starting in 324: Bilderberg Speeches, this version of the intro is used for the majority of Knowledge Fight Episodes.
youtube | Ye1ihZjB_Xc
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Knowledge Fight!
Dan and Jordan
I am sweating
Knowledge Fight dot com
It's time to pray!
I have great respect for knowledge fight
Knowledge Fight
I am sick of them posing as if they are the good guys saying we are the bad guys
Knowledge Fight
Dan and Jordan
Knowledge Fight
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
I- I- I- need I need money
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Andy in Kansas A- A- Andy in-
Stop it!
Andy in Kansas Andy in Kansas
It's time to pray!
Andy in Kansas you're on the air thanks for holding
Hello Alex I am a first time caller I am a huge fan I love your work
Knowledge Fight
Knowledge Fight dot com
I love you
Harrison Smith Version
Elizabeth Williamson wrote a profile of Dan and Jordan entitled "Alex Jones's Podcasting Hecklers Face Their Foil's Downward Slide". This prompted Harrison Smith to do a whole segment clumsily attempting to make fun of both Dan and Jordan and the article, which DJ Danarchy immediately turned into a song, which was played as the intro for 551: April 20-21, 2021.
youtube | UmYm_wBaFNQ
--ownwards slide, Downwards-- Downwards-- Downwards slide, oh it's a downwards slide, is it?
A couple of greasy, overgrown man-children, they have a podcast called Knowledge Fight?
Alex Jones' podcasting hecklers;
They're doing research! You ever listen to the show? Knowledge Fight. Knowledge Fight.
Ugh, a couple of neck-beards, indeed. They literally just make stuff up.
They don't ever talk about what Alex Jones actually talks about, they don't actually say what he actually says, they don't actually delve into his sources of information.
Wheeeeeeeee----- Mr. Friesen -- Mr. Freisen, I was live you numb-skulls.
They're in league with some sort of cult leader called Celine; Wheeeeee----
Knowledge Fight, mocking InfoWars, Every single day. It's really just incredible. It's almost hard to comprehend.
I love you.
You Belong to the City Edit
Played during the live shows in Milwaukee, 783: March 2, 2006 (Live) and 784: August 9, 2013 (Live).
youtube | 4F9JuZBl2tI
When you said goodbye you were on the run
Tryin' to get away from the things you've done
Now you're back again and you're feeling strange
So much has happened, but nothing has changed
Still don't know where you're going
You're still just a face in the crowd
You belong to the city
You belong to the night
Living in a river of darkness beneath the neon light
You were born in the city
Concrete under your feet
It's in your blood, it's in your moves
For a man of the streets
You can feel it
You can taste it
You can see it
You can face it
You can hear it
Red alert, red alert, red alert
Red alert, red alert, red alert
You're getting near it
Red alert, red alert, red alert
You wanna make it, ooh-ooh
Red alert, red alert, red alert
'Cause you can take it, ooh-ooh
Kn-kn-kn-Knowledge Fight
You belong to the city
Dan and Jordan
You belong to the night
It's time to pray!
You belong to the city
We are the bad guys.
Knowledge Fight
You belong to the night
Knowledge Fight
You belong
Dan and Jordan,
Red alert, red alert, red alert
You belong
Red alert, red alert, red alert
Knowledge Fight
I need-- I need money
Andy in Kansas Andy- A- Andy in-
Stop it!
Andy in Kansas Andy in Kansas
It's time to pray!
Andy in Kansas you're on the air thanks for holding
Red alert, red alert, red alert
Hello Alex I am a first time caller I am a huge fan I love your work
Knowledge Fight
Red alert, red alert, red alert
Kn-know-Knowledge Fight dot com
I love you.
Red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert
I love you.
Red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert
I love you.
Episode 666 Version
Created and played as the intro for 666.
For some bizarre reason, YouTube has copy-struck this particular intro edit[1]. You can listen to it on other websites.
And the New World Order cannot kill me unless Celine decides it's time for me to die.
This is it -- Knowledge Fight -- the rise of Satan's kingdom on Earth.
For told of old -- Knowledge Fight -- the Old and New Testament. Prophesied for more than 5000 years.
Cult of Celine
Knowledge Fight
Dan and Jordan--
Six-six-six Six-six-six-six
Cult of Celine
Six-six-six Six-six-six
Knowledge Fight
Knowledge Fight
Cult of Celine
Satanism sounds pretty great.
This is a cult, man. Just like the bible says -- Cult of Celine.
Six hundred and sixty-six
These people are focused, psychotic murderers, and I really like the show!
With live feeds from on the ground of the Globalist Covid-19 anti-Christ takeover, Mark of the Beast, stay with us.
I love you.
Cantina Edit
youtube | ixarBwI0lL4
Doot-doot doot-doot do-do-doodle-lo--
That's our-- that's our theme song for the week apparently.
<Standard Intro Lyrics>
Norm Pattis Version
In the wake of ensuring that his client secured the biggest ever defamation judgement in US history, Norm Pattis went on his podcast to complain that it was actually "Alex Haters" like KnowledgeFight who were to blame for InfoWars years long contempt of court campaign. DJ Danarchy remixed Norm's whining into a special intro for 739: Formulaic Objections Part 8.
youtube | fD80mo3X-VY
A young fireplug of a lawyer got his teeth into Alex Jones and decided that this was something he'd like to gnaw on, and uh, you know so he tore through a series of people who were designated as corporate reps and then published their -- depositions online, and so the haters -- had a field day, uh, with their corporate reps. no one else at InfoWars was willing to do it again.
No one wanted their-- their deposition placed on video online to the ridicule of all the Alex haters.
Knowledge Fight? There are people, there's a, there's a cult of Celine., there's something called Knowledge First or Knowledge Fight?
These people apparently live by loving to hate Alex Jones, and they pounce on every piece of video they can find. There's uh, a website I learned about about called Knowledge Fight?
And, you know, these are a couple bottom feeders who make their chops hating Alex, and so they have Episodes almost daily.
You know that the corporate reps didn't want to be exposed to that again.
I guess I should say it. I got my ass kicked at
Highwayman Edit
youtube | xORBk9Ta3lY
I can't do the show, there's too many people in here
Go to rebroadcast! God dammit.
I was a highwayman, along the coach roads I did ride
You know they say horses are psychic and that's been proven.
With sword and pistol by my side
Fuck the horse you rode in on
Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade
Probably 150 women or more, that's conservative.
Many a soldier shed his life blood on my blade
Not that I've ever stomped anybody's guts out.
The bastards hung me in the spring of '25
Actually, I have a couple times. It's not too nice.
But I am still alive
How many people have you physically killed?
I was a sailor
I was born upon the tide
Deet-bomp-deet-bomp-bomp Deet-bomp-bomp-deet-bomp
And with the sea I did abide
North Korean folks
I sailed a schooner 'round the horn to Mexico
Delivering ballots
I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a blow
through a harbor in Maine
And when the yards broke off, they said that I got killed
She rented a boat and we went out on Lake Austin.
But I am living still
And I was like, God, what is it I'm supposed to do?
And it was like: Go after Glenn Beck.
I was a dam builder across the river deep and wide
God, those communists are amazing.
Where steel and water did collide
The democrats introduced bills to destroy half our dams
A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado
I'm about 97, 98 percent accurate.
I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below
We rarely have technical difficulties.
They buried me in that gray tomb that knows no sound
(mumbled) Life's very fragile.
But I am still around
I'll always be around and around and around
People come out of dark Alleyways with girls in wheelchairs ramming them into us.
We're in danger. We need your prayers.
I can actually shift psychic awareness.
Dogs are psychic buffers, way more psychic than we are.
I'll fly a spaceship called Minerva
Hi Kerry!
across the universe divide.
Fallen technology
And when I reach the other side
Jar Jar Binks
You know who that is?
I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can
I'm not ready to start the show.
Perhaps I may become a highwayman again
I'm Neo I'm Leo, I'm prophet of Maxtrixism
Or I may simply be a single drop of rain
But I will remain
I am that Messiah, what can I do?
And I'll be back again and again and again
A cult of Celine. It's a satanic cult?
What? It's a cat. Noooo....
I love you
Wild Wild West Edit
youtube | IqD-hn_UzuI
First Jordan, let's say hello to some new wonks.
Ohhh, that's a good idea.
I dunno why you forwarded me this email.
You know why.
Because, this-- you don't want this.
No, I don't.
But they wanted me to sing as much of Wild Wild West as I want.
Oh, no no no, you misunderstood, I added the "as much as you want" part. They had "the entirety of the song" written out.
Well that might be how much I want.
Lyrically, the entirety of the son-- do you wan the lyrics? Cause it's on the email.
No! I know, I saw that, I don't need 'em.
Ok. Ok-- <Jordan Laughs> You're right!
Yea, I'm there.
You're right, I'm the fool,
So, thank you so much!
Wicki-wicki wild wild West
Jim West, desperado
Rough rider, no you don't want nada
None of this, six-gunnin' this, brother runnin' this
Buffalo soldier, look, it's like I told ya
Any damsel that's in distress
She'll be outta that dress when she meet Jim West
Jordan: You weren't enthusiastic at the beginning
Rough necks go check the law and abide
Watch your step, It's a hole in your pride
Jordan: But you're working your way there. Hehe, It's getting into ya.
Swallow your pride, don't let your lip react
You don't wanna see my hand where my hip be at
With Artemus, from the song, that's runnin' the game
James West, tamin' the West, so remember the name
Now who ya gonna call?
The J B
Now who you gonna call?
If you wanna mess with any one of us
Break out, before you get bum-rushed
Jordan: The audience can't see this, but I am holy ghosting right now.
At the Wild wild west
When I roll into the Wild wild west
When I stroll into the Wild wild west
When I bounce into the Wild wild west
We're goin' straight to the wild wild west
We're goin' straight to the wild wild west
Now, now, now
Once upon a time in the West
Mad man lost his damn mind in the West
Jordan: Oh dammit, I thought we were good.
Loveless, didn't have a dime, none the less
Now I must, put his behind to the test
Jordan: I thought we had finished.
Go through the shadows, ready for battle
Bring all your boys in, here come the poison
Behind the back, of the riffin' again
Front and center, now where your lip at kid?
Who dat is?
Mean brother, bad for your health
Lookin' damn good, though, if I could say it myself
Told me Loveless is a mad man, but I don't fear that
Jordan: DJ Danarchy, DJ Danarchy
He got mad weapons too? Ain't tryna hear that
Jordan: I need you to hear me
Tryin' to bring down me, the champion?
Jordan: I'm speaking to you through time.
When y'all clowns gon' see that it can't be done
Jordan: This is just for you <laughs>
Understand me, son, I'm the slickest they is
I'm the quickest they is
Did I say I'm the slickest they is?
So if you barkin' up the wrong tree, we comin'
Don't be startin' nothin', me and my partner gonna
Test your chest, Loveless
Can't stand the heat, then get out the wild, wild
Wild, Wild, West
When I roll into the wild, wild, West
Jordan: Oh my god, it's still going!
Anyway, you're now a policy wonk.
I'm a policy wonk.
Thank you.
I'm a policy wonk (wild wild west)
Pol-pol-policy wonk
I'm a policy wonk (wild wild west)
Pol-pol-policy wonk
I'm a policy wonk (wild wild west)
Wild wild west
I love you.
Wild Wild West / Cantina Edit
Created for part of a set performed at the live shows in Milwaukee. This is starts out the same as the Wild Wild West Edit, but transitions into the Cantina theme partway through.
youtube | 4rnAN-eG5Es
Identical to the "Wild Wild West Edit".
Celine's Cameow Edit
Celine made an audible meow in 813: May 29, 2023, which was turned into this intro played for 814: June 1, 2023.
youtube | aWp0ODGV5k0
(Distorted Meowing)
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Dan and Jordan
I am sweating
Knowledge Fight dot com
It's time to pray!
I have great respect for knowledge fight
Knowledge Fight
I am sick of them posing as if they are the good guys saying we are the bad guys
Knowledge Fight
Dan and Jordan
Knowledge Fight
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
I- I- I- need I need money
Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert
Andy in Kansas A- A- Andy in-
Ohh! That was a good Celine take!
Andy in Kansas Andy in Kansas
It's time to pray!
Andy in Kansas you're on the air thanks for holding
Hello Alex I am a first time caller I am a huge fan I love your work
(Distorted Meowing)
Knowledge Fight
Knowledge Fight dot com
I love you
Live in Scotland Intro
youtube | FC8TQHctLOo
...a-a-a-and everybody loved me doing the English accent.
You don't have a snotty-- shut up!
Do you hear that I have a snot nose?
I am Piers Morgan, my dear boy.
Go ahead now, you've pathetic little worm
I do not breathe through my snoot, my proboscis while I talk to you, you little man.
I'm sorry, go ahead, go ahead.
So people across the border united in their outrage that it's now a racial crime to make fun of Scottish people.
You are the culture that created the Magna Carta and the common law and now look at you.
I've had enough of it, and no I'm not celebrating the Diamond Jubilee as you noticed.
So I'm not kissing the ass of Irish or Scots, literally when I read the documents and if you look at who fought the Civil War-- it was mainly Scots on the South Side.
They literally say in white papers there's something about Scots and Irish that we have to get rid of; they won't sell out; they won't submit.
Scotland is one of the most draconian countries in the Western World; You saw what they did to Count Dankula.
How 'bout spraying Scottish and Irish towns with nerve gas? Or bio weapons?
I'm more English in my, uh, pedigree than anybody else.
I love English culture, the UK, the whole nine yards.
Cause I'm Scottish, Irish, the whole you know, all of it, I'm German, Alsatian, French, to say that I'm anti-British or anti-Welsh or anti-Scottish or any of that it's just asinine, ladies and gentlemen, I mean, I am I- I- am-- and it's all Gaelic to begin with. It's all Celtic.
Silence the peasant immediately!
Can one of you on one of those gidget-gadget-spheres in there, get on them-- get on one of them internet tubelets and find me that clip.
Have we dumbed them down enough for me to do this?
Why oh, I'm Harry Potter and because I have a lisping English accent I'm-- everyone's going to believe me now.
Live from the UK, it's Knowledge Fight
<Standard Intro Lyrics>
Live in England Intro
youtube | 6QC2EMxfwxA
Oh my goodness, look at that rabble in America, they own firearms, it's so horrible.
We're already training them with the constant brainwashing and calls to worship Brittania and hate their ancestral enemies the Frenchies, Ohhh the French.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live, and now, for all of you Anglophiles out there, prepare for the pain.
The funny thing is we're trying to save the dumbed-down British people, they are the attack dogs of the people that are soft killing 'em.
And nothing against England, I mean I've got a lot of English, ya know, blood myself. Ya know one of my ancestors, uh- Gresham, invented the stock exchange, on record.
I had British family came over on the mayflower, both sides!
And the King of England is the sworn enemy of humanity.
He couldn't stand the Queen of England, that's in mainline history books because, uh, she was a nymphomaniac, demanding sex up to 20 times a day!
Oh, you didn't know the Queen of England's husband was a Nazi? Ha ha ha ha...
You didn't know his cousin, that started the Bilderberg Group was?
If you don't wake up and say "no", you deserve to die.
And again folks, I've got extensive British lineage; so did George Washington and he absolutely defeated the Transylvanian King.
They're not British, they're not Scottish, they're not Irish, they're not Gaelic, they're not Viking. Prince Charles is the heir of Count Dracula. It's mainstream news!
They act like the queen doesn't run anything, folks, she runs that whole country. She shuts down roads in England every day, randomly, to exercise her power.
And everybody loved me doing the English accent.
You don't have a snotty-- shut up!
Do you hear that I have a snot nose?
I am Piers Morgan, my dear boy. Go ahead now.
I do not breathe through my snoot, my proboscis while I talk to you,
I'm sorry, go ahead, go ahead.
The show is called 8 out of 10 cats, and this is how our society is turning into a tyranny.
Everything is now a big joke.
The Queen of England has now joined with the United States and the West
and so the Transylvanian Queen knows which way the wind is blowing and can see that Trump and America are winning!
Now she's coming in like the Deuce (sic) Ex, the hero that comes at the last moment when the main hero is gonna lose.
Queen Elizabeth with this action has now become the Han Solo Deuce (sic) Ex at the moment.
Red alert red alert red alert!
Red alert red alert red alert!
Knowledge Fight live in England
<Standard Intro Lyrics>
Episode #911 Intro
youtube | SBG8wjNzmwo
9-1-1 on 9/11
Welcome back, final segment with Leo Zagami, our Vatican expert, and expert he is.
We don't get experts on that are experts at BS. We get people that are experts who are experts at being accurate for years and years and years. And he is.
Leo, in the last five minutes we have here, big picture, how's the New World Order going, how's humanity doing in the fight against it?
I am Jesus, but we have also the Mahdi, and who is the Mahdi?
The Mahdi is Osama Bin Laden.
We are against Satan, both me and Osama bin Laden.
And I was the one who signed the order to bring down the Twin Towers.
Red alert, Red alert, Red alert...
So it's my sole responsibility, but when you will understand the full picture in two thousand twelve, you will thank me for it.
Red alert, Red alert, Red alert...
Trust me, my friends.
Kn-Kno-Kno-Knowledge Fight. (Choking noises)
9-11, but 3-11 is nine hundred and eleven days after 9/11. The globalists are obsessed with numerology. They did 9/11 on 9/11. Then, uh, 3/11 was nine-hundred and eleven days after 9/11, or excuse me, 4/11 was, nine hundred and eleven days after 9/11, the Madrid bombing, 7/7, 7/21, I mean they do the same stuff over and over again. On the 2 year anniversary of 9/11, the, uh, New York lottery came up 9/11. The Chicago mercantile closed on the two year anniversary of 9/11, never happened before. They love to flaunt this on our face.
That's why September 11th took place right around 9/11.
Dune Worm Remix Intro
During the episode "Doing Dune: Part 2", Dan spoke over the standard theme song to produce a Dune-themed intro.
Danarchy's "Paul's Dream" Remix
Likely inspired by Dan's bootleg Dune intro, DJDanarchy produced the following remix, incorporating elements from the Dune soundtrack.
Dune which is you know great writer uh but Dune is really heavy and lets you into the mindset of the globalist but also what's really going on it's it's it's that uh paulit trates once he accesses his full male lines genetic memory which we all have but can't access he he then sees all the future paths but then he also understands his decisions and others make determinations on that path so imagine having all that knowledge and being able to see the future paths but understanding that it's foggy because you don't know what free Will's going to do knowledge fight Hall of Trades and that archetyp is not a God but he's beginning to be able to at least see some of what God sees he can't interpret it all but he's now been given Godlike vision and and and and so there's many Antichrist there's one final Antichrist the B tells us and and the Antichrist is always trying to put his signal out
knowledge but but we have to understand that it could be a 500 years or next year it going to be 10 million years or it could be next week we are determining through this the future does that make sense absolutely I've read it like eight times yeah it's good stuff let's go to Harry go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say I really love what you just said and and T knowledge knowledge fight I have great respect but knowledge F knowledge Dan and Jordan I need I need money stop it St bre Red alerted alerted alerted Alert aled stop it I just want to have fun with it but you didn't think Doom was good no I walked out of the theater halfway through I think if you're a fan of Dune you were excited to watch this amazing cinematography but I was too confused uh um because it was just like it's time to pray
and I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge fight I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge fight Dan and George knowledge fight I need I need money and the theas stop it I am sweating Andy and Kansas you're on the air thanks for holding Alex my first time color I'm a huge fan I Love Your World Knowledge Ffight I love you
Knowledge Fight Episode #1000 Intro Theme
To celebrate episode 1000: January 20, 2025, DJDanarchy made a custom intro.
yeah this this show is powerful knowledge fight is powerful so I was telling you when it was a covert very small operation it's let's let's not exaggerate it's about a thousand times bigger now I really have nightmares about knowledge fight let's not exaggerate there's got to be over a thousand on the air on record 1,000 shows big deal they enjoy it I mean this is getting SC these people are crazy very interesting people Dan andj these are Kim Jang on one of these and of course I've been listening to Dan since I was about 40 he's a multiplatinum recording artist done for the Wild Wild West remake with Will Smith I just got called racist Dan and Jordan do that a couple times a week that's at least 300 400 500 maybe a thousand a thousand shows I don't know and I wasn't hurt that they called me names myself I was hurt that they were so evil so a thousand episodes knowledge fight fight fight let's not exaggerate more than a thousand knowledge fight shows I'm being lied about and demonized usually a couple times a week Dan and Jordan trying to psychologically inoculate the public that I'm a bad guy that I'm an evil person so I rarely respond to it these people are bad I really lay awake at night thinking how to beat them happy 1000 show show