Transcript/547: April 8, 2021
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:13.000)
Damn and Jordan, I am sweating
Unknown Speaker (00:00:18.079), it's time to pray
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.320)
I have great respect for Knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:23.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.199)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys
Unknown Speaker (00:00:27.440)
Shang, we are the bad guys, Knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.039)
Damn and Jordan, Knowledgefight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.240)
Rattle her, rattle her, rattle her
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.039)
Need, I need money
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.439)
Rattle her, rattle her, rattle her
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.439)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and, Andy and
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.240)
Stop it, Andy and Kan, Andy and Kansas
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.240)
It's time to pray
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.240)
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding us
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.439)
Hello Alex, I'm a victim caller, I'm a huge fan
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.840)
I love your work
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:58.439)
I love you
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.439)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledgefight, I'm Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.439)
I'm Jordan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.240)
We're Gible Dudes, like to sit around, drink novelty beverages
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.239)
and talk a little bit about Alex Jones
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.040)
Oh indeed we are, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.040)
Quick question
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.040)
What's up?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.840)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.640)
My bright spot today, Jordan, is, uh, hey
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.640)
I finally got an appointment to get a vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.640)
Oh yeah, thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.840)
Very exciting
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.840)
Um, it's been, I've been, uh, I'm past due in terms of, like, the groupings and what have you
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.239)
and I've been trying to, uh, find a place where I can go get a shot
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.640)
and I'm finally, as people are listening to this, it comes out on Friday
Unknown Speaker (00:01:34.640)
Oh that's true
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.439)
I'm going tomorrow
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.840)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.840)
to get my shot, so, uh, I'm excited about that
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.840)
I'm very excited about that
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.239)
I'm excited about embarking on this next chapter of, uh, life
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.040)
We're free!
Unknown Speaker (00:01:47.040)
Or something approximating it
Unknown Speaker (00:01:49.040)
Something like that
Unknown Speaker (00:01:49.640)
Yeah, and, uh, also as a sort of byproduct of this, this bright spot
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.640)
Um, I don't know if there's going to be, you know, any kind of side effects
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.439)
like a fever or, you know, tiredness or anything
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.640)
and so, in the interest of that, I'm going to give myself the weekend for just self and rest
Unknown Speaker (00:02:06.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.239)
Um, and so our Monday episode, uh, will actually come out on Wednesday
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.439)
We're gonna push that back just, uh, for the sake of
Unknown Speaker (00:02:13.840)
Safety, better safe than sorry
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.039)
I'd like to sit around and drink some tea, maybe, or something, you know, like
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.840)
If there's anything that the pandemic has taught us, it's maybe be overly cautious from time to time
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.240)
Yeah, you know, it's sort of, uh, I wanna, I wanna be like that image of what my parents thought I was doing
Unknown Speaker (00:02:29.439)
when I stayed home from school sick
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.439)
When I was in school
Unknown Speaker (00:02:33.039)
Oh, he's just watching the Price is Right like everybody else does
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.439)
Just sipping soup
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.840)
Just sitting there with a little blanket on
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.039)
Just broth
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.840)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.840)
Letting those, those fumes open up my pores and my, uh
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.340)
My sinuses
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.840)
Yeah, you got it
Unknown Speaker (00:02:47.639)
Um, yeah, so that's, that's exciting
Unknown Speaker (00:02:49.639)
That's wonderful
Unknown Speaker (00:02:50.439)
Yeah, how about you?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.240)
We're all very excited
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.840)
Uh, my bright spot, Dan, is, uh, Godspeed You Black Emperor
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.240)
Yeah, you were telling me it's a new album
Unknown Speaker (00:02:56.240)
Has put out a new album
Unknown Speaker (00:02:57.240)
And it is spectacular
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.840)
It is so good
Unknown Speaker (00:03:00.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.240)
They're on, like, almost 25 years as a band or something
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.439)
They're incredible
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.039)
It's fantastic
Unknown Speaker (00:03:08.639)
They still got it, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.039)
I feel like you and I were supposed to do something and you couldn't because you had to listen to the album on repeat
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.639)
I was too busy listening to Godspeed
Unknown Speaker (00:03:17.240)
Uh, hey, work can't get done
Unknown Speaker (00:03:19.240)
Sorry, I would, look, I would love to help
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.240)
But, uh, Godspeed released a new album
Unknown Speaker (00:03:23.439)
So I'm gonna have to listen to this 40-minute opus
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.039)
I understand
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.039)
I understand
Unknown Speaker (00:03:29.039)
Um, so, Jordan, today we have an interesting, uh, little bit to go over
Unknown Speaker (00:03:32.439)
I don't know if you've been able to keep unaware of some of the news
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.439)
Some of it I have been unable to stay unaware of
Unknown Speaker (00:03:39.639)
Right, so we'll get into some of that
Unknown Speaker (00:03:41.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:41.639)
Oh, boy
Unknown Speaker (00:03:42.639)
Um, but before we do, let's take a little moment to say hello and thank you to some new wonks
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.439)
Oh, that's a great idea
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.439)
First, uh, this person, J-D-O, J-D-O, I don't know how to pronounce that
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:53.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.039)
Um, they, uh, also, uh, were kind enough to mention, uh, keep, uh, tell me about an event that's coming up in Oklahoma
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.639)
Where, uh, all kinds of weirdos are speaking and, man, I wanna go
Unknown Speaker (00:04:09.240)
I believe Mike Adams is giving a speech
Unknown Speaker (00:04:10.840)
Oh, no
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.840)
Uh, I really would like to go, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:14.439)
But anyway, thank you, J-D-O
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.040)
You're now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.040)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:04:19.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:20.040)
Oi, hawkin
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.040)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:22.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:23.040)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:04:24.040)
Oi, hawkin
Unknown Speaker (00:04:25.040)
Uh, this person also wanted me to give a shout-out to the Knowledge Fighters
Unknown Speaker (00:04:28.540)
Apparently there's a Discord, uh, uh, server?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.040)
Is that what it's called?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:33.040)
I have no idea
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.040)
Discord is beyond me
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.040)
Yeah, me too
Unknown Speaker (00:04:36.040)
Um, but, uh, there's apparently a place where, uh, listeners of the show congregate and, uh,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.040)
chat, uh, up
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.040)
And I've heard it's a lot of fun
Unknown Speaker (00:04:44.040)
Oh, that's great!
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.040)
Yeah, so
Unknown Speaker (00:04:46.040)
That's really great that I'm just now finding out about it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.040)
Uh, next
Unknown Speaker (00:04:50.040)
Justice for wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.040)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.839)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.839)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.839)
Thank you, next
Unknown Speaker (00:04:55.839)
And that is our rallying cry, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:04:56.839)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.839)
Pee Biggs
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.839)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:00.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.040)
Thanks, Pee Biggs
Unknown Speaker (00:05:02.040)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:06.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:07.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:08.040)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.040)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:11.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:13.040)
Oh, boy
Unknown Speaker (00:05:14.040)
I think they said that they wanted me to mispronounce
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.040)
Mispronounce it?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.040)
Yeah, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:19.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.040)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.040)
Thank you very much, Zap Rodoser
Unknown Speaker (00:05:23.040)
Rose Dozer
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.040)
Zap Rose Dozer
Unknown Speaker (00:05:25.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.040)
I, I only hear Zap Brannigan in my head, so that's what I got
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:31.040)
Jucks definitely killed his daughter
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.040)
Chuck Norris wasn't wearing a wig
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.040)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:36.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:37.040)
Thank you so much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:38.040)
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker (00:05:39.040)
And finally, I'd like to say thank you and give a shout out to a new technocrat, this
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.040)
is, uh, thank you so much, Treadmark, you are now a technocrat
Unknown Speaker (00:05:47.040)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:05:48.040)
Crikey, mate, that's fantastic, have yourself a brew
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.040)
How's your 401k doing, bro?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.040)
Alright, we gotta go full tilt boogie on this, Watson, alright?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.040)
Let's just get down to business
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.040)
We ain't making that money off that heroin
Unknown Speaker (00:05:59.040)
Why you pimps so good?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.040)
My, my neck is freakishly large
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.040)
I declare info war on you
Unknown Speaker (00:06:05.040)
Thank you so much, Treadmark
Unknown Speaker (00:06:06.040)
Yes, thank you very much, Treadmark
Unknown Speaker (00:06:08.040)
Treadmark also wanted me to give a shout out to, uh, Reddit board, ah shit, I forgot the
Unknown Speaker (00:06:13.040)
name of it
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.040)
Um, R The Donald, I believe was the one that he really wanted to get out there
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.040)
So Jordan, there's been some news
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.040)
Yes, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:06:27.040)
So I'd been all ready to go back to 2003 for today's episode, have some fun, learning about
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.040)
the past and what have you
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.040)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.040)
But then at the last minute all my plans got thrown into whack
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.040)
As is always the case
Unknown Speaker (00:06:39.040)
Alex went down to the border, he was looking for a soul to steal
Unknown Speaker (00:06:42.040)
And on Wednesday he released a video of himself accosting somebody who was transporting some
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.040)
children, possibly recklessly in the back of a station wagon
Unknown Speaker (00:06:50.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.040)
Alex, or maybe it was more of a van, I don't know, I don't know car types
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.040)
Anyway, Alex and his associates yell at the guy driving the car about how he's been caught
Unknown Speaker (00:06:59.040)
smuggling people
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.040)
And it is a huge mess
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.040)
Uh huh
Unknown Speaker (00:07:03.040)
I don't know what all the details of this situation are at this point, but I do know
Unknown Speaker (00:07:06.040)
that I don't believe for a second that Alex and his dumb posse found someone just smuggling
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.040)
children casually
Unknown Speaker (00:07:11.040)
I'm gonna wait to dig into this until there's a little bit more public information because
Unknown Speaker (00:07:15.040)
I could see this going a couple different directions
Unknown Speaker (00:07:18.040)
And honestly, Alex better keep his fingers crossed because it looks like a couple things
Unknown Speaker (00:07:21.040)
in that video that he released could be crimes
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.040)
Oh, that's not good
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.040)
He's sitting there banging like on the roof of a car trying to physically stop it from
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:31.040)
Which could be a problem
Unknown Speaker (00:07:32.040)
He's acting in ways that some might interpret as defamatory
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.040)
I mean, it does a little bit sound like Alex Jones just started attacking Clark Griswold
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.040)
on the way to the fucking theme park
Unknown Speaker (00:07:46.040)
I'm not a legal expert, but it really looks like this video is an open and shut case of
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.040)
defamation against a charity that is alleged to be involved in this smuggling
Unknown Speaker (00:07:55.040)
This is Catholic Charities RGV
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.040)
Their address and signs are clearly shown in the video
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.040)
That's not good
Unknown Speaker (00:08:03.040)
And the accusation is very clear from Alex's actions that this charity is essentially a
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.040)
front for smuggling
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.040)
That's probably defamatory
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.040)
This organization is the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.040)
And the specific building that Alex was staking out was the Humanitarian Crisis Relief Center
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.040)
that they began operating last summer
Unknown Speaker (00:08:19.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:20.040)
According to their website, this is at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen, Texas
Unknown Speaker (00:08:25.040)
And quote, the center provides a place for the countless men, women, and children and
Unknown Speaker (00:08:29.040)
infant refugees to rest, have a warm meal, a shower, and change into clean clothing
Unknown Speaker (00:08:34.039)
as well as receive medicine and other supplies before continuing on their journey
Unknown Speaker (00:08:37.039)
So Alex was like, quick, someone's acting Christ-like, destroy them!
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:43.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:44.039)
If you look into this specific charity, it becomes a little interesting that Alex would
Unknown Speaker (00:08:47.039)
choose this one to focus on
Unknown Speaker (00:08:49.039)
The organization was started by a nun named Sister Norma Pimentel
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.039)
who was a very fierce and public critic of Trump's border policies
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.039)
To her credit, she was also a vocal opponent of Obama's policies, but that probably doesn't matter to Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.039)
She wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in February 2020 titled
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.039)
quote, President Trump don't ignore the suffering at the border caused by your policies
Unknown Speaker (00:09:11.039)
In 2019, she was invited to participate in what was called a roundtable conversation
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.039)
about issues at the border with Trump himself
Unknown Speaker (00:09:17.039)
That one was called Back in the Habit, I believe
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.039)
Sister Pimentel was disappointed by what she experienced
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.039)
as she discussed in an interview with Texas Monthly
Unknown Speaker (00:09:27.039)
Quote, Trump asked every single person at the table to say something
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.039)
and I realized that when they were speaking, they were just reaffirming what it was
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.039)
that he had talked about and congratulating him
Unknown Speaker (00:09:38.039)
I realized that the roundtable was about listening to and reaffirming his plans
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.039)
He didn't really give local people an opportunity to say anything
Unknown Speaker (00:09:45.039)
That is unsurprising
Unknown Speaker (00:09:47.039)
Very recently, in March 2021, she was featured in an article in the Rio Grande Guardian
Unknown Speaker (00:09:53.039)
that begins like this
Unknown Speaker (00:09:55.039)
Quote, the executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
Unknown Speaker (00:09:59.039)
thanks God for President Biden's decision to reverse the Trump administration's
Unknown Speaker (00:10:03.039)
Migrant Protection Protocols policy
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.039)
Sister Norma Pimentel says it's God's plan to have asylum requests
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.039)
of unaccompanied minors from Central America fully processed in the United States
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.039)
Sure, mere days ago, on April 4th
Unknown Speaker (00:10:18.039)
Sister Pimentel was interviewed on Face the Nation
Unknown Speaker (00:10:21.039)
where she discussed how Biden's changes to Trump's policies have changed her work
Unknown Speaker (00:10:25.039)
Okay, so you're saying that a few days ago
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.039)
Just a few days, perhaps even, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:10:31.039)
One or two days before this incident occurred
Unknown Speaker (00:10:34.039)
Eh, right around
Unknown Speaker (00:10:35.039)
The person who began or started the very charity that Alex will accosted
Unknown Speaker (00:10:42.039)
and defamed
Unknown Speaker (00:10:43.039)
Who has also been a long time public critic of Trump's policies
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.039)
and again, for the sake of giving it up for moral clarity and consistency
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.039)
was also a critic of Obama's policies
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.039)
and is a critic of these new policies not going far enough
Unknown Speaker (00:10:59.039)
but inasmuch as they are representative of progress in the areas that she works in
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.039)
she is congratulatory of them
Unknown Speaker (00:11:06.039)
So what you have just told me is that this was a completely extemporaneous event
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.039)
Alex was wandering around and heard the call to action
Unknown Speaker (00:11:19.039)
No, but here's the thing
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.039)
Instinctively ran to stop this human trafficking from occurring
Unknown Speaker (00:11:23.039)
No, but here's the thing
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.039)
I can totally believe he doesn't know any of this
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.039)
I actually can totally believe that too
Unknown Speaker (00:11:31.039)
It could totally be a coincidence
Unknown Speaker (00:11:33.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:34.039)
I was looking into this charity and trying to understand a little bit more about it
Unknown Speaker (00:11:39.039)
and all these things like, oh, this is a person who is someone who Alex absolutely would target
Unknown Speaker (00:11:44.039)
Oh, despise, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.039)
But at the same time, I can totally see this just being a situation where
Unknown Speaker (00:11:50.039)
he went to McAllen, Texas
Unknown Speaker (00:11:54.039)
was hanging out outside waiting for the optics to be right
Unknown Speaker (00:11:57.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.039)
Then he created a scene
Unknown Speaker (00:11:59.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.039)
did a publicity stunt
Unknown Speaker (00:12:01.039)
and blah, blah, blah, here we go
Unknown Speaker (00:12:02.039)
Yeah, that sounds about right
Unknown Speaker (00:12:03.039)
But, better hope this doesn't go to court
Unknown Speaker (00:12:06.039)
because I think you could make a pretty compelling case
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.039)
that Alex has a reason to have animus towards this organization
Unknown Speaker (00:12:15.039)
based on their political differences
Unknown Speaker (00:12:17.039)
I'm struggling to live in a world where a judge might disagree with me
Unknown Speaker (00:12:23.039)
on what is very clearly an open and shut case
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.039)
I don't like living in a world where a judge is like, well, if you interpret that
Unknown Speaker (00:12:29.039)
Nah, nah, nah, this is too obvious
Unknown Speaker (00:12:31.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.039)
So, I don't really care to deconstruct this video in and of itself
Unknown Speaker (00:12:36.039)
because it's just Alex yelling at a guy in a car
Unknown Speaker (00:12:39.039)
It's great
Unknown Speaker (00:12:40.039)
On April 8th, the Catholic Charities released a statement hoping to clarify
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.039)
the various defamatory claims made by Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.039)
The response makes total sense
Unknown Speaker (00:12:48.039)
Fuck that guy
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.039)
The only thing that I think is missing is a threat of legal action
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.039)
But again, this is up to everybody themselves
Unknown Speaker (00:12:56.039)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:12:57.039)
to deal with on their own terms and decide whether they want to go through that
Unknown Speaker (00:13:00.039)
rigmarole and that public embarrassment and difficulty
Unknown Speaker (00:13:04.039)
Oh yeah, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:08.039)
I would wish it on Alex though, so never mind
Unknown Speaker (00:13:10.039)
I would wish that on my worst enemy, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.039)
I wouldn't wish whatever the person suing him would have to go through
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.039)
all the difficulty
Unknown Speaker (00:13:17.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.039)
I understand why some people are reluctant to
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:23.039)
But boy, this seems like a pretty easy case
Unknown Speaker (00:13:26.039)
It shouldn't take too long to work its way through the courts
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.039)
I can imagine Alex giving a blustery speech about how he'll fight this or die
Unknown Speaker (00:13:37.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.039)
And then a week later issuing a public apology
Unknown Speaker (00:13:40.039)
Listen, I don't want to get in the way of nuns doing all their business
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.039)
Love nuns
Unknown Speaker (00:13:45.039)
Nuns are good people, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:13:47.039)
Did you see Sister Act 2 back in the habit?
Unknown Speaker (00:13:49.039)
This is how I'm going to poach Jordan's joke
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.039)
It was pretty great
Unknown Speaker (00:13:52.039)
So yeah, I don't want to talk about that video in and of itself
Unknown Speaker (00:13:56.039)
but what I thought might be interesting is seeing what happens on the 8th
Unknown Speaker (00:13:59.039)
because this is Thursday, this is after he's had the social media flare up
Unknown Speaker (00:14:06.039)
over this video
Unknown Speaker (00:14:07.039)
Sure, he's had his moment
Unknown Speaker (00:14:08.039)
It's been posted, we went all kinds of viral and stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:14:11.039)
Yeah, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:14:12.039)
And yeah, I wanted to see where he was at on the 8th
Unknown Speaker (00:14:15.039)
Yeah, sure, let's see what happens
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.039)
So here's another context drop from this show
Unknown Speaker (00:14:18.039)
I'm not okay
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.039)
And is anybody the good guy in Ukraine?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:23.039)
They've been killing each other for so long, eastern and western Ukraine
Unknown Speaker (00:14:26.039)
It's like the half-cocks and McCoys
Unknown Speaker (00:14:29.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:30.039)
Is anybody the bad guy in Ukraine is a dark question to ask
Unknown Speaker (00:14:36.039)
Well, you're focusing on a different part than I'm focusing on
Unknown Speaker (00:14:39.039)
I understand that
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.039)
The half-cocks and the McCoys?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:41.039)
I don't know what to do with the half-cocks and the McCoys
Unknown Speaker (00:14:44.039)
I just heard that and stroked out
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.039)
Yeah, I know that the people misspeak and whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.039)
And I'm not a nitpicker
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.039)
But this is an out-of-context drop, first of all
Unknown Speaker (00:14:53.039)
And second of all, if there's anything that Alex's persona should know a lot about
Unknown Speaker (00:14:57.039)
Oh, the Hatfields and the McCoys?
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.039)
Yeah, you think so?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:01.039)
Not the half-asses and the McCoys?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.039)
The half-cocks
Unknown Speaker (00:15:04.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.039)
Oh man, now I want to start a gang called the half-cocks
Unknown Speaker (00:15:10.039)
And just never explain the name
Unknown Speaker (00:15:12.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:13.039)
People are just like, why do they call them the half-cocks?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:15.039)
They say, we should get windbreakers
Unknown Speaker (00:15:19.039)
Unrelated to this conversation entirely
Unknown Speaker (00:15:22.039)
That was just a random thought
Unknown Speaker (00:15:25.039)
We should just get windbreakers
Unknown Speaker (00:15:27.039)
So we're going to start here on April 8th
Unknown Speaker (00:15:29.039)
And I will say, it seems like Alex isn't even thinking about the border, this video, anything
Unknown Speaker (00:15:36.039)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:15:37.039)
The alarm bells are hitting
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.039)
China has now, with aircraft carriers and over a hundred ships
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.039)
Thousands totaled
Unknown Speaker (00:15:45.039)
Encircled Taiwan and has heavy bombers flying over it
Unknown Speaker (00:15:50.039)
The Taiwanese say they may start firing missiles any minute
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.039)
That was this morning, last night there
Unknown Speaker (00:15:57.039)
All hell is breaking loose
Unknown Speaker (00:16:00.039)
The Russians are massing troops on the edge of Ukraine because Biden's sending in heavy weapons
Unknown Speaker (00:16:05.039)
And there are major artillery battles going on
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.039)
Between proxy U.S. and Russian forces and we are not the good guys in this
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.039)
So we got a world war coming together here
Unknown Speaker (00:16:16.039)
Yeah, that does sound pretty much the canary in the coal mine
Unknown Speaker (00:16:20.039)
This seems to be the line that Alex is taking now
Unknown Speaker (00:16:23.039)
Which I find interesting because a couple days prior
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.039)
He was really going hard on this SPARS document
Unknown Speaker (00:16:29.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:30.039)
And then he went to the border and did a giant publicity stunt
Unknown Speaker (00:16:32.039)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:16:33.039)
And now it's world war
Unknown Speaker (00:16:34.039)
Now we're moving on
Unknown Speaker (00:16:35.039)
This is confusing
Unknown Speaker (00:16:37.039)
I hear, I hear
Unknown Speaker (00:16:39.039)
This is chaotic
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.039)
What I am hearing while he speaks is the advice of a lawyer in his ear going
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.039)
Don't explain anything about that
Unknown Speaker (00:16:46.039)
Talk about
Unknown Speaker (00:16:47.039)
The more you talk about it
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.039)
Something else
Unknown Speaker (00:16:49.039)
Do you remember what happened with the million dollar bounty? Do you remember?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:51.039)
Oh no, I mean you're wrong about that
Unknown Speaker (00:16:53.039)
But it's weird that he starts the show like this
Unknown Speaker (00:16:56.039)
He does get into the video eventually
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.039)
Oh okay, well of course
Unknown Speaker (00:16:58.039)
So if there's a lawyer in his ear he forgets about it very quickly
Unknown Speaker (00:17:01.039)
You gotta keep the lawyer in there at all times
Unknown Speaker (00:17:03.039)
I think that one of the reasons that Alex is going on and starting his show
Unknown Speaker (00:17:07.039)
Sort of leading with this idea about world war and all this
Unknown Speaker (00:17:11.039)
Is because that day Biden was giving a speech
Unknown Speaker (00:17:15.039)
About gun control, regulation ideas
Unknown Speaker (00:17:19.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:20.039)
And that fits more in those sets of narratives
Unknown Speaker (00:17:26.039)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:17:27.039)
I'll make more clear what I mean a little bit later as we go through
Unknown Speaker (00:17:30.039)
But the beginning of this show and a large portion of the top of it
Unknown Speaker (00:17:34.039)
Is Alex playing Biden's speech and then just sort of rambling over it
Unknown Speaker (00:17:38.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:39.039)
Thank you for having the courage
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.039)
He cares so much about violence
Unknown Speaker (00:17:42.039)
That's why Obama fought in the Arab Spring
Unknown Speaker (00:17:44.039)
Fast and furious, killed millions
Unknown Speaker (00:17:46.039)
Senator Blumenthal understands it
Unknown Speaker (00:17:47.039)
With the guns of what the Middle East and Mexico
Unknown Speaker (00:17:49.039)
A lot of the folks out here understand it
Unknown Speaker (00:17:50.039)
He transitioned weapons to terrorists in Mexico
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.039)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:17:53.039)
With Obama
Unknown Speaker (00:17:54.039)
To turn pain into purpose and demand that we take the action
Unknown Speaker (00:17:57.039)
He's a gun running communist Chinese criminal
Unknown Speaker (00:18:00.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:01.039)
Yeah, enough of you funded terrorists
Unknown Speaker (00:18:03.039)
You drug dealing pedophile
Unknown Speaker (00:18:05.039)
Oh boy, so it's that, it's that for a while
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.039)
He's interrupting like Joe Biden is the highwayman
Unknown Speaker (00:18:11.039)
It's a little annoying
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.039)
Yeah, that's frustrating
Unknown Speaker (00:18:16.039)
Yeah, so he keeps insisting that fast and furious
Unknown Speaker (00:18:19.039)
Is the silver bullet that will take down the O'Biden administration
Unknown Speaker (00:18:23.039)
Ooh, how long did it take to get there?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.039)
It seems like that should have happened way earlier
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.039)
He kept calling Biden Obama and then
Unknown Speaker (00:18:31.039)
And then he just put it together
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.039)
Yeah, for a while he's been calling
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.039)
That's so frustrating
Unknown Speaker (00:18:35.039)
Oh, the reason I keep calling him Obama is because it's O'Biden
Unknown Speaker (00:18:38.039)
O'Biden was right there, guys
Unknown Speaker (00:18:40.039)
It was right there
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.039)
It's not hard to get there
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.039)
This is Alex doing his level best at being Rush
Unknown Speaker (00:18:48.039)
This is why the right is terrible at comedy
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.039)
They can't even pick up found jokes
Unknown Speaker (00:18:54.039)
Yeah, terrible
Unknown Speaker (00:18:55.039)
I would say that if Alex were to get sued
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.039)
Over this video where he is, you know, in my opinion
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.039)
Probably defaming this charity
Unknown Speaker (00:19:04.039)
Yeah, almost certainly
Unknown Speaker (00:19:05.039)
One of his best defenses might be that like
Unknown Speaker (00:19:08.039)
Not many people saw it, you know, it's no big deal
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.039)
Unfortunately, here he is bragging
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.039)
See, now there's where we get into trouble
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.039)
And then what happened yesterday, two days ago
Unknown Speaker (00:19:19.039)
We put out the video that has probably 50 million views
Unknown Speaker (00:19:23.039)
I mean, it's just everywhere
Unknown Speaker (00:19:25.039)
And the smuggling going on, it's all illegal
Unknown Speaker (00:19:29.039)
He didn't sign an executive order
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.039)
He didn't pass a law
Unknown Speaker (00:19:33.039)
He didn't repeal a law
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.039)
He just said, surge us before he even stole the election
Unknown Speaker (00:19:38.039)
And then now he congratulates them on the great job they've done
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.039)
And then there's the quote Catholic charity that's run by the Democratic Party
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.039)
Just one of the facilities there in McAllen, Texas
Unknown Speaker (00:19:48.039)
And there they are loading little kids in to a trunk like luggage
Unknown Speaker (00:19:52.039)
And we stop them, the police say, yeah, what you're doing is illegal, take them out
Unknown Speaker (00:19:55.039)
They go inside, we catch more cars doing it
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.039)
We haven't even put that footage out
Unknown Speaker (00:20:00.039)
I don't think you will
Unknown Speaker (00:20:01.039)
No, no
Unknown Speaker (00:20:02.039)
I suspect that that footage is not forthcoming
Unknown Speaker (00:20:04.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:05.039)
We'll see though
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.039)
Yeah, I mean, he's just bragging about how many people saw this
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.039)
Which I think works against his eventual probable argument that he's gonna need to make
Unknown Speaker (00:20:14.039)
Yeah, he's not good at this
Unknown Speaker (00:20:15.039)
To downplay this
Unknown Speaker (00:20:16.039)
He's not good at this
Unknown Speaker (00:20:17.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.039)
This is not good
Unknown Speaker (00:20:19.039)
But then again, if he doesn't get sued and there's no legal trouble
Unknown Speaker (00:20:21.039)
Then I guess he
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:24.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.039)
Anyway, Alex has this bee in his bonnet about the idea that people are saying that he staged this whole thing
Unknown Speaker (00:20:31.039)
He went down to the border and he staged it
Unknown Speaker (00:20:33.039)
Well, it seems like he didn't like capture a coyote
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:38.039)
So much as found people who were doing exactly what they said they were going to be doing
Unknown Speaker (00:20:43.039)
And accosted them
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.039)
And then how does literally dozens of national newspapers said, Jones probably staged this
Unknown Speaker (00:20:51.039)
There are no crisis
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.039)
Yeah, I staged the McAllen police
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.039)
I staged the kids being put in the trunk
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.039)
I mean, if I could stage something like that with a hundred million dollar budget
Unknown Speaker (00:21:00.039)
I would be better than
Unknown Speaker (00:21:02.039)
Is Joe Rogan gonna pay for it?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:05.039)
The top directors out there
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.039)
Alex couldn't think of one director
Unknown Speaker (00:21:09.039)
Spielberg, no, he's a globalist
Unknown Speaker (00:21:13.039)
Scorsese, no, he's a globalist
Unknown Speaker (00:21:14.039)
Clinton Tarantino, I hate him
Unknown Speaker (00:21:16.039)
I hate that guy
Unknown Speaker (00:21:18.039)
Ryan Johnson, no, I wasn't a fan of The Last Jedi
Unknown Speaker (00:21:22.039)
What else do we got?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:24.039)
I'm still bitter that I wasn't in Guardians of the Galaxy
Unknown Speaker (00:21:27.039)
James Scott, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.039)
Add that one into the list
Unknown Speaker (00:21:30.039)
All he's got is Clint Eastwood
Unknown Speaker (00:21:33.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.039)
So the media didn't say this about Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.039)
On April 7th, I couldn't find like any media outlets even really covering this publicity stunt
Unknown Speaker (00:21:43.039)
Any actual media outlets, I mean there was like a gateway pundit
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.039)
Sure, sure, sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (00:21:47.039)
But there were a bunch of random people tweeting about it
Unknown Speaker (00:21:49.039)
And I think that Alex is just pretending that random tweets saying that he probably staged the videos
Unknown Speaker (00:21:53.039)
The same thing as dozens of media outlets and national newspapers covering it
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.039)
What is new media other than tweets going national, man?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:04.039)
That's new media
Unknown Speaker (00:22:05.039)
I think I've come up with this equation
Unknown Speaker (00:22:07.039)
And that is random tweets plus narcissism equals literally dozens of national newspapers
Unknown Speaker (00:22:13.039)
That's a good, that's a good equation
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.039)
Yeah, I think that's what's going on
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.039)
So Alex is saying that everybody's saying that he just made this up and he staged it
Unknown Speaker (00:22:21.039)
And it's like back in 2009 when he covered Bilderberg Man
Unknown Speaker (00:22:25.039)
And everybody said that he was making it up
Unknown Speaker (00:22:27.039)
And the New York Times said
Unknown Speaker (00:22:29.039)
It did not exist and that I was having a full schizophrenic breakdown in the parking lot
Unknown Speaker (00:22:37.039)
That's because back then folks Bilderberg didn't exist
Unknown Speaker (00:22:42.039)
Within two years it was all over the news
Unknown Speaker (00:22:45.039)
Because back then the Drudge Report was not I guess run by CNN
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.039)
I was told that CNN bought it two years ago
Unknown Speaker (00:22:50.039)
I didn't believe it, it looks like it's true
Unknown Speaker (00:22:52.039)
But Drudge, the real Drudge back when Drudge actually owned it
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.039)
Exposed all that
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.039)
This is so fucking stupid
Unknown Speaker (00:23:00.039)
A quick search will disprove the idea that the media claimed that Bilderberg didn't exist until 2008
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.039)
I'm sorry I said 2009 earlier
Unknown Speaker (00:23:07.039)
When Alex and Drudge exposed it
Unknown Speaker (00:23:09.039)
For instance there's a September 2005 article in the BBC titled
Unknown Speaker (00:23:13.039)
Quote inside the secretive Bilderberg group
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.039)
Or you could look at Jon Ronson's 2001 book
Unknown Speaker (00:23:18.039)
Them Adventures with Extremists
Unknown Speaker (00:23:20.039)
Excerpts of which were published in the Guardian
Unknown Speaker (00:23:23.039)
And it was accompanied by the release of his TV show Secret Rulers of the World
Unknown Speaker (00:23:27.039)
Which featured an episode where he and Alex Jones go to Bohemian Grove
Unknown Speaker (00:23:31.039)
And the other episode of it was about the Bilderberg group
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.039)
No tweets at the time
Unknown Speaker (00:23:37.039)
Oh there's also a reference to the Bilderberg meetings in a 1999 Wired article you can easily find
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.039)
Alright, alright
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.039)
When Alex said that the media said that he was imagining the whole thing
Unknown Speaker (00:23:46.039)
What he means is that no one accepted his imaginary framing of real life events
Unknown Speaker (00:23:52.039)
People didn't say that the meeting or the group itself didn't exist
Unknown Speaker (00:23:55.039)
Just that the stories that Alex was selling his audience about them didn't stand up to scrutiny
Unknown Speaker (00:23:59.039)
That's the accusation
Unknown Speaker (00:24:01.039)
Not that he made up the Bilderberg group
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.039)
Excuse me Alex, you're full of shit can mean many different things
Unknown Speaker (00:24:08.039)
Also I'd like to learn more about how the Drudge report was secretly sold to CNN two years ago
Unknown Speaker (00:24:13.039)
Sounds like another thing that Alex is pulling out of thin fucking air
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.039)
I would be interested to hear about that
Unknown Speaker (00:24:18.039)
Did you look deep into that?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:20.039)
I didn't
Unknown Speaker (00:24:21.039)
Did you reach out to Drudge for comment?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.039)
I looked for tax filings
Unknown Speaker (00:24:26.039)
I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.039)
It's nonsense
Unknown Speaker (00:24:29.039)
Yeah, whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:24:30.039)
So I think that there's overlap between this idea of like
Unknown Speaker (00:24:33.039)
When people are accusing Alex of making stuff up
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.039)
They're not talking about like the actual event
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.039)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (00:24:39.039)
And so like with the video that he shot down near the border
Unknown Speaker (00:24:42.039)
It's the same thing
Unknown Speaker (00:24:43.039)
It's like you didn't make up that someone got in a car
Unknown Speaker (00:24:46.039)
You're just lying about the surrounding context
Unknown Speaker (00:24:48.039)
9-11 was an inside job, you're full of shit
Unknown Speaker (00:24:50.039)
You don't think 9-11 happened?
Unknown Speaker (00:24:52.039)
No, obviously it happened
Unknown Speaker (00:24:54.039)
Yeah, you may have actually said it didn't happen at some point
Unknown Speaker (00:24:57.039)
Yeah, exactly, that's fair
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.039)
I gotta review all the tapes
Unknown Speaker (00:25:01.039)
So when Alex is making these accusations, obviously
Unknown Speaker (00:25:04.039)
That's bad
Unknown Speaker (00:25:05.039)
But there are certainly ways that he could make the situation worse
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.039)
Which he decides to do in this next clip
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.039)
Putting out a million dollar bounty
Unknown Speaker (00:25:12.039)
I'm not gonna say what we're gonna do
Unknown Speaker (00:25:13.039)
But I'm obviously gonna be going back to the border very soon
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.039)
I'm not gonna say it's gonna be tomorrow, even this weekend
Unknown Speaker (00:25:18.039)
It might be today
Unknown Speaker (00:25:19.039)
I'm just gonna tell you that
Unknown Speaker (00:25:20.039)
I've already decided when I'm going, I'm going
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.039)
I'm going
Unknown Speaker (00:25:22.039)
I'm not gonna tell this system how or when
Unknown Speaker (00:25:25.039)
And quite frankly
Unknown Speaker (00:25:27.039)
If I had the money, because we're maxed out right now
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.039)
I would have a full-time team just in McAllen
Unknown Speaker (00:25:34.039)
And in Brownsville, rubbing the Texas border
Unknown Speaker (00:25:36.039)
It is wild, wild west
Unknown Speaker (00:25:38.039)
Insane, illegals everywhere you go
Unknown Speaker (00:25:40.039)
Buses everywhere you go
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.039)
Total children sleeping in dirt under bridges
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.039)
We sent a drone in there, they had a geo fenced up
Unknown Speaker (00:25:48.039)
So we couldn't show them in the dirt
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.039)
But Project Veritas got folks in there
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.039)
We have all these whistle blowers
Unknown Speaker (00:25:53.039)
All this whistle blower video
Unknown Speaker (00:25:54.039)
People that saw children being raped inside the facilities
Unknown Speaker (00:25:56.039)
We broke that on Monday
Unknown Speaker (00:25:57.039)
Now you see Governor Abbott talking about it
Unknown Speaker (00:25:59.039)
I mean, I flew over with a helicopter
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.039)
We have hours and hours and hours of this footage
Unknown Speaker (00:26:05.039)
And that's why you need to go to
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.039)
So we can stay on air
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:11.039)
Now do you see what's happening
Unknown Speaker (00:26:12.039)
As everything we talked about went on
Unknown Speaker (00:26:13.039)
Despite the fact you're trying to censor us and block us
Unknown Speaker (00:26:16.039)
Infowars, I want to report to you our success
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.039)
So that you understand why you supported us
Unknown Speaker (00:26:21.039)
As the core audience of the core radio stations
Unknown Speaker (00:26:23.039)
That are like, you know, funding us to go out and be the missionaries
Unknown Speaker (00:26:27.039)
To tell the truth against the globalists
Unknown Speaker (00:26:29.039)
That's what you're doing here
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.039)
So there's something a little bit disgraceful about using this as a
Unknown Speaker (00:26:33.039)
Like directly as a fundraising
Unknown Speaker (00:26:35.039)
Yeah, it's a little bit like holding your audience hostage
Unknown Speaker (00:26:37.039)
Yeah, it also will be difficult for Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.039)
Were somebody to sue him for this
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.039)
It would be hard for him to argue that he's not using it
Unknown Speaker (00:26:45.039)
In order to make money
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:47.039)
Because that's literally what he's doing here
Unknown Speaker (00:26:48.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:49.039)
And as far as the criminal malicious intent towards the border
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.039)
Saying, I'm not going to tell the system how or when I'm going to get there
Unknown Speaker (00:26:56.039)
Seems like admitting to a certain amount of suspicious activity at least
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.039)
I'm going to be sneaky
Unknown Speaker (00:27:01.039)
Yeah, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:27:02.039)
Now, if you want to escalate this even further
Unknown Speaker (00:27:05.039)
Alex has a great idea for you
Unknown Speaker (00:27:07.039)
And that is one of his old tricks
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.039)
I mean, I have to tell you, ladies and gentlemen
Unknown Speaker (00:27:12.039)
That anybody
Unknown Speaker (00:27:13.039)
Because I don't care about getting the scoop
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.039)
If Ben Shapiro wanted to go down to McCallum
Unknown Speaker (00:27:19.039)
Or if Tucker Carlson wanted to go down to McCallum
Unknown Speaker (00:27:23.039)
He probably will
Unknown Speaker (00:27:25.039)
Or anywhere
Unknown Speaker (00:27:27.039)
Ted Nugent says he wants to go with me down there
Unknown Speaker (00:27:29.039)
I'm going to take him down there, he's a fellow Texan
Unknown Speaker (00:27:35.039)
You'll sit there for 30 minutes and you'll see kids getting crammed in trunks, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:27:39.039)
I mean, you can't swing a stick in the dark and not hit smugglers down there
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.039)
There is a sense that Alex is giving off that is like, you should go
Unknown Speaker (00:27:48.039)
Yeah, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.039)
Everybody should go
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.039)
We're all going, it's going to be a great big party
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.039)
Anybody who goes down there will immediately find proof of this illegal human trafficking ring
Unknown Speaker (00:27:59.039)
And you need to, you know, hey, all these people
Unknown Speaker (00:28:01.039)
If they went, if Ben Shapiro had the nerve to do it
Unknown Speaker (00:28:04.039)
He could get the scoop
Unknown Speaker (00:28:05.039)
I don't care about getting the scoop
Unknown Speaker (00:28:07.039)
Everyone should go, you should go
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.039)
That's a bad thing to do
Unknown Speaker (00:28:11.039)
When you're escalating people's suspicion
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.039)
And belief that they're fighting the literal devil and all this
Unknown Speaker (00:28:17.039)
To such a heightened point
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.039)
And be like, oh hey, you all should go down there
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.039)
You'll find direct evidence of all this stuff
Unknown Speaker (00:28:24.039)
I mean, you're asking for trouble
Unknown Speaker (00:28:26.039)
Like he has every single time in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.039)
I don't want to, like, here's the thing about
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.039)
You know, you don't want to get into slippery slope arguments with restricting speech, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:28:35.039)
So what I think we should do
Unknown Speaker (00:28:37.039)
Is write a very, very narrow law that puts out step by step what Alex did for Pizzagate
Unknown Speaker (00:28:44.039)
And then is like, you just can't do that
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.039)
All of that stuff, you can't do it
Unknown Speaker (00:28:49.039)
And then Alex wouldn't be able to do this shit
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.039)
And you know, the part about it that always gets a little bit muddy
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.039)
Is that like, yeah, not every time that you behave like this
Unknown Speaker (00:28:57.039)
It causes a horrible outcome like a shooting
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.039)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:29:01.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:02.039)
We have proof that it can and does from time to time
Unknown Speaker (00:29:05.039)
So stop doing the things that lead there
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.039)
Here's why it's not a free speech argument
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.039)
Are you going to or have been
Unknown Speaker (00:29:13.039)
Inspiring people to go commit terrifying acts
Unknown Speaker (00:29:16.039)
And have you really faced any consequences
Unknown Speaker (00:29:19.039)
Yeah, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.039)
I would say you've been rewarded
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.039)
Yes, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:29:24.039)
Anyway, so Alex spends a lot of time on this episode
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.039)
Talking about Biden trying to take the guns
Unknown Speaker (00:29:31.039)
Because Biden has some ideas about, you know, hey, it is a little bit terrifying
Unknown Speaker (00:29:36.039)
The prospect of, you know, being able to get kits where you can make a gun
Unknown Speaker (00:29:41.039)
And none of the parts have any kind of serial number
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:45.039)
Completely untraceable guns
Unknown Speaker (00:29:47.039)
It's certainly something that in the wrong hands could lead to a lot of trouble
Unknown Speaker (00:29:51.039)
Also the ability to just, you know, buy guns on the internet
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.039)
I mean, they trace fucking cold medicine
Unknown Speaker (00:29:59.039)
Yeah, and so he has, you know, he has some ideas
Unknown Speaker (00:30:02.039)
I'm not the biggest expert in the world
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.039)
But when I was listening to the ideas it didn't sound like anything that was too terrifying
Unknown Speaker (00:30:07.039)
No, I think I will be fine
Unknown Speaker (00:30:09.039)
But anyway, Alex thinks that Chidna is trying to use Biden to get the guns
Unknown Speaker (00:30:15.039)
For a specific reason
Unknown Speaker (00:30:17.039)
Really, the big news is the Chicons are trying to cause a civil war
Unknown Speaker (00:30:21.039)
Knowing that this will trigger a civil war
Unknown Speaker (00:30:23.039)
And a bloodbath for everybody, which I'm not looking forward to, which I do not want
Unknown Speaker (00:30:27.039)
But nevertheless, is a fact
Unknown Speaker (00:30:29.039)
So there you go, that's what's going on there
Unknown Speaker (00:30:31.039)
Everybody else in the bay, oh, he wants to save children
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.039)
This doesn't make any sense
Unknown Speaker (00:30:35.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:36.039)
Now the globalist plan is to start a civil war
Unknown Speaker (00:30:39.039)
Like at the behest of China for some reason
Unknown Speaker (00:30:42.039)
And that's gonna, I guess, kill a lot of people
Unknown Speaker (00:30:44.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:45.039)
I thought their plan was soft killing everyone with vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:30:47.039)
And then having an orderly extermination
Unknown Speaker (00:30:49.039)
And if that didn't work, then their plan B was to release super bio-weapons just to kill everyone off
Unknown Speaker (00:30:53.039)
Yeah, but that was last week
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.039)
How does a civil war or world war fit into that plan exactly?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:58.039)
Like, how is gun regulation a part of the bio-weapon plan?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.039)
Yeah, it would be a really dumb civil war to have if, like, while you're fighting it
Unknown Speaker (00:31:07.039)
Half of your army is just gonna drop dead from the vaccine at any moment
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.039)
It seems like if the plan was these bio-weapons, the globalist shouldn't care if you have guns
Unknown Speaker (00:31:15.039)
Like, you can't shoot a virus
Unknown Speaker (00:31:17.039)
I kept this clip in to illustrate how none of Alex's narratives mean anything
Unknown Speaker (00:31:21.039)
Everything is self-serving and meant to escalate whatever he's decided to make his audience afraid of that day
Unknown Speaker (00:31:27.039)
In this case, Biden's giving this speech on gun reform ideas
Unknown Speaker (00:31:30.039)
And thus, the thing to profit off making the listeners scared of is gun confiscation
Unknown Speaker (00:31:34.039)
That narrative doesn't really match up with the whole thing Alex has been doing with vaccine fear-mongering
Unknown Speaker (00:31:39.039)
So he can't really say that the gun regulation is part of the whole bio-weapon thing
Unknown Speaker (00:31:42.039)
Thus, he pretends that, you know, this isn't the entire thing he's been ranting about forever
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.039)
And now it's time to be scared about war
Unknown Speaker (00:31:49.039)
It's war that we need to be scared about, it's the summer of rage, Dan!
Unknown Speaker (00:31:53.039)
Also, if all Alex's enemies were working for the literal devil, it seems like they wouldn't be all on such different pages
Unknown Speaker (00:31:59.039)
Like, if the devil had this plan that they were supposed to be trying to carry out, why would China mess around with Taiwan
Unknown Speaker (00:32:05.039)
When that could only really get in the way of following through on the larger plan?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:08.039)
That seems really weird, and I would love Alex to explain that
Unknown Speaker (00:32:12.039)
Well, what it is, so it's, what it is, it's a Japanese management strategy that the, that the devil is using here, alright?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:18.039)
You have many different divisions, and you don't share all the information because they're all working for the same end goal
Unknown Speaker (00:32:24.039)
But, they've got their own strategies, that's how you create new solutions to problems, Dan
Unknown Speaker (00:32:30.039)
I feel like the devil, were this devil to be singularly focused on one objective
Unknown Speaker (00:32:36.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.039)
I don't know if there would be a need for teams to be working across purposes
Unknown Speaker (00:32:41.039)
But you haven't been reading Japanese management models
Unknown Speaker (00:32:44.039)
You do make a fair point
Unknown Speaker (00:32:45.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:46.039)
So anyway, Biden wants the guns
Unknown Speaker (00:32:47.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:48.039)
And Trump, you know, he said that he wanted red flag laws
Unknown Speaker (00:32:51.039)
Right, right, right, but that didn't happen, so we're good
Unknown Speaker (00:32:53.039)
But also that was, he was being sneaky and it was different
Unknown Speaker (00:32:55.039)
Of course, completely different, completely different
Unknown Speaker (00:32:58.039)
And of course, the red flag laws, you know, Trump was like, oh red flag means if you've been adjudicated mentally ill and you're schizophrenic
Unknown Speaker (00:33:04.039)
And you were, you know, kicked out of the Air Force was the case they brought to him
Unknown Speaker (00:33:07.039)
But he, they never put the Air Force records in that he was dishonorably discharged in an Air Force mental institution for two years
Unknown Speaker (00:33:13.039)
Trump's like, yeah, that guy shouldn't have a gun. Oh, the conservatives, Trump wants to, no, no, no, okay, well Trump's gone
Unknown Speaker (00:33:19.039)
Let's not, bad guy's gone, don't have him to kick anymore
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.039)
We got Biden saying, if anybody has a concern about you, your guns are gone, you don't get them back most of the time
Unknown Speaker (00:33:28.039)
And you get the SWAT team raid that ensues
Unknown Speaker (00:33:31.039)
So civil war, civil war, civil war
Unknown Speaker (00:33:34.039)
Whoa, so this is how Alex wants to remember Trump's comments on red flag laws, but that's not what Trump said
Unknown Speaker (00:33:40.039)
This was in 2019 after the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso
Unknown Speaker (00:33:44.039)
Trump said, quote, first we must do a better job of identifying and acting on early warning signs
Unknown Speaker (00:33:50.039)
I'm directing the Department of Justice to work in partnership with local, state, and federal agencies as well as social media companies
Unknown Speaker (00:33:56.039)
To develop tools that can detect mass shooters before they strike
Unknown Speaker (00:34:00.039)
That doesn't sound like adjudicating someone as mentally ill
Unknown Speaker (00:34:03.039)
That seems like talking to social media, taking the posts from social media to identify people who may be unwell and then getting their guns taken away
Unknown Speaker (00:34:11.039)
It's almost like Alex thinks reality is whatever fits his narrative at any given point in time, it's really weird
Unknown Speaker (00:34:17.039)
Honestly, what Trump was talking about seems way more invasive and draconian than anything that Biden's proposing
Unknown Speaker (00:34:23.039)
Trump went on, quote, we must reform our mental health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence
Unknown Speaker (00:34:30.039)
And make sure those people not only get treatment, but when necessary, involuntary confinement
Unknown Speaker (00:34:36.039)
Seems like Alex should be against that pretty strongly
Unknown Speaker (00:34:39.039)
These people have not committed any crimes, but because some globalist doctor is saying that they might commit one, we should have laws that they get locked up
Unknown Speaker (00:34:45.039)
This is pre-crime, Trump wants to bring in the guys in the tanks from the Tom Cruise movie
Unknown Speaker (00:34:50.039)
Yeah, it's precogs, it's Mission what, not Mission Impossible, Minority Report
Unknown Speaker (00:34:55.039)
Yeah, oh, this is Philip K. Dick shit
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.039)
They're coming for us
Unknown Speaker (00:34:59.039)
Trump continued, quote, we must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms
Unknown Speaker (00:35:05.039)
And if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process
Unknown Speaker (00:35:09.039)
That is why I've called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders
Unknown Speaker (00:35:13.039)
Today, I'm also directing the Department of Justice to propose legislation ensuring that those who commit hate crimes and mass murders face the death penalty
Unknown Speaker (00:35:21.039)
And that this capital punishment be delivered quickly, decisively, and without years of needless delay
Unknown Speaker (00:35:27.039)
As a libertarian type and someone who's insanely anti-government, Alex should be really afraid of a president calling for expedited death sentences
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.039)
Especially since Alex thinks that most people who commit mass shootings are secretly patsies
Unknown Speaker (00:35:39.039)
Also, that was the speech where Trump said, quote, may God bless the memory of those who perished in Toledo
Unknown Speaker (00:35:44.039)
And may God protect them, because he misread a teleprompter, the shooting was in Dayton
Unknown Speaker (00:35:49.039)
Yep. Anyway, the point of this is that Alex has created an ahistorical version of Trump's response to mass shootings and his public support for red flag laws
Unknown Speaker (00:35:57.039)
Because what Trump advocated is directly counter to a lot of what should make sense as Alex's position, so that's kind of messy
Unknown Speaker (00:36:04.039)
I think it's easier to hand wave it away and say the past is the past, let's move on and think about the future
Unknown Speaker (00:36:11.039)
Trump isn't president anymore, we don't need to think about all the stuff he said
Unknown Speaker (00:36:15.039)
We even sputtered through that in that clip
Unknown Speaker (00:36:19.039)
We don't learn from history here, how dare any of you
Unknown Speaker (00:36:22.039)
Let's not deal with what was said realistically, let's just have fun
Unknown Speaker (00:36:26.039)
So, who do you think the world's most powerful doctor is?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:32.039)
The world's most powerful doctor? Doom?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:36.039)
Sure, he has his own country
Unknown Speaker (00:36:38.039)
Exactly, he's pretty powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:36:40.039)
What about Oz?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:41.039)
Dr. Oz? No, I don't think he's very powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:36:44.039)
Dr. Phil is rich as hell
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.039)
Dr. Phil is pretty powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:36:46.039)
But you couldn't stand up to Dr. Doom, I think you really cheated the game there
Unknown Speaker (00:36:49.039)
Dr. Doom is a little bit of a winner there
Unknown Speaker (00:36:53.039)
He has lightning powers, right? What powers does Dr. Doom have?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.039)
No, the super stretch man is a doctor too, he's more powerful than Dr. Doom
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.039)
Mr. Fantastic?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:01.039)
Yeah, Mr. Fantastic, why do I call him super stretch man? I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:37:04.039)
Super stretch man
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.039)
See, this is why people think that I'm not amused by things you said
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.039)
I was just laughing really hard but silently
Unknown Speaker (00:37:17.039)
Yes, yeah, yeah, naturally
Unknown Speaker (00:37:19.039)
Sometimes it just doesn't play on the mic
Unknown Speaker (00:37:21.039)
It doesn't happen
Unknown Speaker (00:37:22.039)
Yeah, Invisible Woman was a doctor too, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:24.039)
Yeah, I am
Unknown Speaker (00:37:25.039)
All of them, all the Fantastic Four
Unknown Speaker (00:37:26.039)
No, no, no, Invisible Woman, the flame guy, Jesus, I'm not doing well today
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.039)
Human Torch?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:31.039)
Yes, I understand
Unknown Speaker (00:37:32.039)
I'm not even a dork and I know these names
Unknown Speaker (00:37:35.039)
Honestly, I was going to call her Mrs. Invisible, which I recognize is not okay
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.039)
Who else did she marry to him?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:43.039)
I think so, I can't remember exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:37:45.039)
And then The Thing wasn't a doctor, he was just an astronaut or something
Unknown Speaker (00:37:49.039)
Yeah, he was a military guy
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.039)
What are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:52.039)
I think The Thing and Human Torch were like
Unknown Speaker (00:37:55.039)
This is why Discord is beyond us, we're not even, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.039)
I think they were cool military guys and then Invisible Woman and Reed Richards were doctors
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:04.039)
I think
Unknown Speaker (00:38:05.039)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.039)
Still Dr. Doom more powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:38:07.039)
He does have his own country and they never really put him away, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:38:10.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:11.039)
My point is that if you Google it you'll get a different answer
Unknown Speaker (00:38:14.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:15.039)
Well, who runs the UN?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:16.039)
Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun
Unknown Speaker (00:38:19.039)
I tried this this morning and it works, we'll see if they've changed it
Unknown Speaker (00:38:22.039)
Guys, please go to Google for TV viewers
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.039)
Any radio listener can do this
Unknown Speaker (00:38:26.039)
Type in who is the most powerful doctor in the world
Unknown Speaker (00:38:30.039)
And before you even say powerful, who is the most powerful?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.039)
It says Bill Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:38:34.039)
And they say he is the most powerful doctor
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.039)
He is in charge and he will do what he will to you
Unknown Speaker (00:38:41.039)
So this is actually true
Unknown Speaker (00:38:43.039)
If you Google the words who is the world's most powerful doctor
Unknown Speaker (00:38:47.039)
The results do say Bill Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:38:49.039)
This is because the search terms identically reflect the title of a 2017 Politico article titled
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.039)
quote, meet the world's most powerful doctor, Bill Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:38:57.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:58.039)
The article itself is highly critical of Gates' outsized influence on the World Health Organization
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.039)
Given his status as a major donor
Unknown Speaker (00:39:05.039)
But it's not critical in the same way that Alex might be
Unknown Speaker (00:39:08.039)
For instance, the article points out that quote
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.039)
Rather than focusing on strengthening healthcare in poor countries
Unknown Speaker (00:39:13.039)
That would help, in their view, to contain future outbreaks like the Ebola epidemic
Unknown Speaker (00:39:17.039)
The agency spends a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects with a measurable outcome
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.039)
That Gates prefers, such as the effort to eradicate polio
Unknown Speaker (00:39:26.039)
Anyway, the fact that this Google search result comes up
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.039)
You know, it went slightly viral recently
Unknown Speaker (00:39:32.039)
As it has in the past a couple times
Unknown Speaker (00:39:34.039)
Alex probably just saw it on social media
Unknown Speaker (00:39:36.039)
Now he's complaining about it on his show, which is really sad
Unknown Speaker (00:39:39.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:40.039)
He hasn't even read the Politico article
Unknown Speaker (00:39:41.039)
Because if he has, he would recognize that it actually
Unknown Speaker (00:39:43.039)
He'd be like, oh, that's why it's
Unknown Speaker (00:39:44.039)
But it actually would be like, oh, this is kind of critical of Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:39:48.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:49.039)
That kind of doesn't work for him
Unknown Speaker (00:39:51.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.039)
It really seems far too obvious to say that a billionaire shouldn't have anything to do with
Unknown Speaker (00:39:58.039)
Just about any decisions regarding, well, anything
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.039)
But especially health in the modern world
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.039)
Yeah, I think it's a complicated question
Unknown Speaker (00:40:07.039)
And I think that, you know, based on the fact that there are Politico articles like this
Unknown Speaker (00:40:11.039)
There are people who are in the appropriate places asking those sorts of questions
Unknown Speaker (00:40:15.039)
And wrestling with it
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.039)
Anyway, because Alex has found this Google search result that he thinks is real cool
Unknown Speaker (00:40:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:22.039)
He lets himself off the chain a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:40:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:24.039)
There it is
Unknown Speaker (00:40:25.039)
Who's the most powerful doctor in the world, ladies and gentlemen?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:30.039)
I'm gonna kill your ass, Bill Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:40:35.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.039)
Meet the world's most powerful doctor
Unknown Speaker (00:40:39.039)
And for four pages it says the same thing
Unknown Speaker (00:40:42.039)
Because he paid in the search results to tell you
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.039)
I am the big swinging Johnson
Unknown Speaker (00:40:51.039)
I'm gonna put it in ya
Unknown Speaker (00:40:54.039)
Whoa, family show, man, family show
Unknown Speaker (00:40:56.039)
I'm gonna put it in ya
Unknown Speaker (00:40:58.039)
The big swinging Johnson
Unknown Speaker (00:40:59.039)
It's not something that I want repeated anywhere
Unknown Speaker (00:41:03.039)
Nah, it's not fun
Unknown Speaker (00:41:05.039)
So, uh
Unknown Speaker (00:41:06.039)
Also, isn't the title is ironic, or sarcastic at least
Unknown Speaker (00:41:12.039)
Meet the world's most powerful doctor, Bill Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:41:14.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:15.039)
He's not a doctor, that's the point of the title
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.039)
Is that this is not how it's supposed to be
Unknown Speaker (00:41:19.039)
There's an irony, yes
Unknown Speaker (00:41:20.039)
Yeah, exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:41:21.039)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:41:22.039)
So he's taking a sarcastic headline literally
Unknown Speaker (00:41:25.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.039)
Yeah, gotcha
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.039)
Just wanted to be sure about that
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.039)
He's good at this, man
Unknown Speaker (00:41:30.039)
He's great at, reading comprehension is his jam
Unknown Speaker (00:41:33.039)
So now, someone else is good at things
Unknown Speaker (00:41:36.039)
Like guitar
Unknown Speaker (00:41:37.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:38.039)
And being a real creep
Unknown Speaker (00:41:39.039)
I don't know if he's good at those things
Unknown Speaker (00:41:43.039)
Look, I'm not a music scholar, I don't know anything about this
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.039)
But Ted Nugent is on the show
Unknown Speaker (00:41:49.039)
Of course
Unknown Speaker (00:41:50.039)
I gotta say, Uncle Ted sounds like a bit more of a lunatic than usual
Unknown Speaker (00:41:56.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.039)
This is an incredible time to be alive, but I'm glad Ted Nugent is there
Unknown Speaker (00:42:01.039)
Imagine saying that
Unknown Speaker (00:42:02.039)
Imagine saying that seriously
Unknown Speaker (00:42:03.039)
Thank you for joining us, sir
Unknown Speaker (00:42:05.039)
My pleasure, Alex, I'm celebrating life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Unknown Speaker (00:42:08.039)
I got my priorities
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.039)
I think we should quote the greatest philosopher of all times
Unknown Speaker (00:42:13.039)
I think we agree, that was Dirty Harry
Unknown Speaker (00:42:15.039)
When he said, a good man knows his limitations
Unknown Speaker (00:42:18.039)
So as I fight against the curse of self-inflicted apathy and Marxism running amok
Unknown Speaker (00:42:23.039)
And whatever creature that is
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.039)
That pretends to be the commander in chief and all his crazy supporters
Unknown Speaker (00:42:29.039)
The Nugent family is living the American dream
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.039)
He always sounds like he's on coke
Unknown Speaker (00:42:35.039)
But he claims he's 70 years sober
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.039)
Yeah, my immediate thought was
Unknown Speaker (00:42:41.039)
He got about halfway through his sentence
Unknown Speaker (00:42:43.039)
And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Unknown Speaker (00:42:46.039)
You just slow it down, buddy
Unknown Speaker (00:42:48.039)
Slow down
Unknown Speaker (00:42:49.039)
You're already going a little too fast to be taken seriously
Unknown Speaker (00:42:52.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:53.039)
So Ted Nugent seems, I mean like the Motor City madman
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.039)
Might be a little bit more literal
Unknown Speaker (00:42:57.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:58.039)
He sounds nuts
Unknown Speaker (00:42:59.039)
I mean, he doesn't live in the Motor City anymore, so
Unknown Speaker (00:43:02.039)
Well, he does, part time
Unknown Speaker (00:43:03.039)
Oh, fair enough
Unknown Speaker (00:43:04.039)
Well, somewhere in Michigan it is
Unknown Speaker (00:43:06.039)
He's making this metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:43:10.039)
It's pained
Unknown Speaker (00:43:12.039)
I think in this metaphor, Old Yeller is the government
Unknown Speaker (00:43:16.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:17.039)
Or something
Unknown Speaker (00:43:18.039)
So you're setting this up as we're going to take a long trip to get to the end of this metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.039)
You bet
Unknown Speaker (00:43:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:24.039)
Same group suing, NRA are suing me
Unknown Speaker (00:43:26.039)
I mean, this is a war and lesser do you know it's a war
Unknown Speaker (00:43:30.039)
Well, you know, not just spotlighting the cockroaches
Unknown Speaker (00:43:33.039)
I think the most important lesson has been hidden from generations
Unknown Speaker (00:43:37.039)
And that's the lesson of Old Yeller
Unknown Speaker (00:43:40.039)
We love dogs
Unknown Speaker (00:43:41.039)
When Old Yeller protects us from the snake and the cougar
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.039)
When Old Yeller brings us the newspaper and our slippers
Unknown Speaker (00:43:47.039)
We give Old Yeller a kiss and a hug and a biscuit
Unknown Speaker (00:43:50.039)
When Old Yeller, the same dog we love dearly
Unknown Speaker (00:43:53.039)
Begins foaming at the mouth
Unknown Speaker (00:43:56.039)
We know what we have to do to Old Yeller
Unknown Speaker (00:43:58.039)
But we don't embrace difficult and discomforting decisions in life
Unknown Speaker (00:44:03.039)
I use the reference of the Germans who pretended they weren't complicit
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.039)
By their cult of denial of what happened during the genocide
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.039)
There are Americans today that are hiding from the indicators
Unknown Speaker (00:44:15.039)
Hiding from the evidence
Unknown Speaker (00:44:17.039)
So here's the answer
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.039)
Number one, Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.039)
Everybody who believes in freedom right now more than ever
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.039)
You have to be a member of the National Rifle Association
Unknown Speaker (00:44:25.039)
Gun Owners of America
Unknown Speaker (00:44:26.039)
The Texas State Rifle Association
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.039)
All your state second amendment organizations
Unknown Speaker (00:44:31.039)
You have to communicate with your mayor
Unknown Speaker (00:44:33.039)
Your senator, your congressman, your governor
Unknown Speaker (00:44:35.039)
On a weekly basis
Unknown Speaker (00:44:37.039)
I'm just a guitar player
Unknown Speaker (00:44:38.039)
Slow down
Unknown Speaker (00:44:39.039)
Yeah, you are just a guitar player, sir
Unknown Speaker (00:44:41.039)
Wait, this is about guns?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:43.039)
I guess
Unknown Speaker (00:44:44.039)
I think he's saying we need to overthrow the United States government, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:48.039)
We need to put it down like Old Yeller
Unknown Speaker (00:44:49.039)
Yeah, that's kind of his point
Unknown Speaker (00:44:50.039)
Because they want gun regulation now
Unknown Speaker (00:44:51.039)
Was that the lesson of Old Yeller?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.039)
Now, when the government just lets you have all the guns you want
Unknown Speaker (00:44:56.039)
You give it a pat on the head and give it a biscuit
Unknown Speaker (00:44:58.039)
I would like to know Ted Nugent's interpretation of Romeo and Juliet
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.039)
I would like his explanation of that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:03.039)
He's too people mean
Unknown Speaker (00:45:04.039)
Great piece of literature
Unknown Speaker (00:45:05.039)
Too people mean to fall in love, parents are mean
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.039)
Kill themselves, it's all good
Unknown Speaker (00:45:09.039)
Kill themselves, it's all good
Unknown Speaker (00:45:10.039)
Yeah, that was weird
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.039)
That was weird
Unknown Speaker (00:45:13.039)
I guess he's saying that we're not happy about it
Unknown Speaker (00:45:15.039)
But we gotta kill the government
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.039)
Yeah, I guess we just have to kill the government
Unknown Speaker (00:45:19.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:20.039)
Strange metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:45:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.039)
So, Alex has gone and done this possibly defamatory video about this Catholic charity
Unknown Speaker (00:45:28.039)
And if I were Ted Nugent, I might not want to sign off on that video
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.039)
Just in case
Unknown Speaker (00:45:33.039)
I don't want to get ensnared
Unknown Speaker (00:45:34.039)
I don't want to actually be on public record being like
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.039)
Hey, that was an awesome thing you did
Unknown Speaker (00:45:41.039)
That was super cool
Unknown Speaker (00:45:42.039)
And I'm glad I helped playing it with you
Unknown Speaker (00:45:43.039)
We have to fight back on the activist level peacefully
Unknown Speaker (00:45:46.039)
But communicate on a regular basis
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.039)
And yes, Alex, Shamane and I with our Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild show
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.039)
And our Spirit Campfire
Unknown Speaker (00:45:53.039)
And all the different incredible communication that my wife Shamane accomplishes
Unknown Speaker (00:45:57.039)
We're coming down to the border because everybody has to know
Unknown Speaker (00:46:00.039)
That these children are being trafficked
Unknown Speaker (00:46:03.039)
And when you catch a guy doing it, he plays dumb
Unknown Speaker (00:46:08.039)
Well, that's not dumb, that's demonic
Unknown Speaker (00:46:11.039)
We have to spotlight these devil cockroaches
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.039)
These devil cockroaches
Unknown Speaker (00:46:16.039)
This is not good
Unknown Speaker (00:46:18.039)
This is very not good
Unknown Speaker (00:46:20.039)
That's not good
Unknown Speaker (00:46:21.039)
Yeah, Ted Nugent is clearly talking about Alex's video
Unknown Speaker (00:46:25.039)
Yeah, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (00:46:26.039)
There are a couple of huge problems I have with it
Unknown Speaker (00:46:28.039)
Number one, obviously, is Ted Nugent is not allowed to say traffic head
Unknown Speaker (00:46:33.039)
Traffic head, he says it twice
Unknown Speaker (00:46:35.039)
No, unacceptable behavior
Unknown Speaker (00:46:37.039)
Unacceptable behavior
Unknown Speaker (00:46:39.039)
It's very weird
Unknown Speaker (00:46:40.039)
And I want to know the spelling of demonic
Unknown Speaker (00:46:43.039)
Because immediately following dumb, it should be D-U-M-B-O-N-I-C, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:50.039)
Yeah, I mean, if it's on paper, probably
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.039)
Yeah, it has to be
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.039)
So, jumping from there, I mean, he sort of is endorsing Alex's video
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.039)
And we have to flush out these folks, these demons
Unknown Speaker (00:47:01.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.039)
Now he's sort of saying that they need to kill people
Unknown Speaker (00:47:05.039)
Who are like the people in Alex's video
Unknown Speaker (00:47:07.039)
You know, we've been to Africa many times
Unknown Speaker (00:47:09.039)
And Shamane has done a lot of interviews with some real heroes of law enforcement and the military
Unknown Speaker (00:47:13.039)
Who have dedicated their lives to saving these women and children that are enslaved and trafficked
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.039)
And it's happening on a daily basis
Unknown Speaker (00:47:23.039)
And thank God, a big salute to you
Unknown Speaker (00:47:25.039)
Not just from the Nugent family, Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:47:27.039)
But a lot of people are watching you spotlight these devils
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.039)
And we thank you for that
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.039)
But more and more people have to do it
Unknown Speaker (00:47:34.039)
And then they have to act upon it
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.039)
You can't identify a foaming-at-the-mouth dog
Unknown Speaker (00:47:39.039)
And then go back to your gardening
Unknown Speaker (00:47:41.039)
You have to deal with the rabid dog
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.039)
You have to eliminate the rabid dog
Unknown Speaker (00:47:46.039)
And if you're not able to do it, call your wildlife control office
Unknown Speaker (00:47:50.039)
But call somebody
Unknown Speaker (00:47:51.039)
That metaphor fell apart
Unknown Speaker (00:47:53.039)
I think that what we're listening to is
Unknown Speaker (00:47:57.039)
Ted Nugent taking these sort of ideas that Alex has had about
Unknown Speaker (00:48:01.039)
Everybody's got to go down to the border and, you know, find all this
Unknown Speaker (00:48:04.039)
And he's going one step further and saying you have to take action
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.039)
Against the people who are trafficking
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.039)
And boy, you know, that could get really out of hand
Unknown Speaker (00:48:14.039)
If your standard of who's trafficking people is as low as Alex is
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.039)
This is directly inciting
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.039)
See, this is why we have my new Pizzagate law
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.039)
If you do a Pizzagate, it's against the law
Unknown Speaker (00:48:28.039)
He was just talking about literal dogs, though
Unknown Speaker (00:48:31.039)
He was saying that if a dog has
Unknown Speaker (00:48:33.039)
What if you just have, like, some stuff on your glasses
Unknown Speaker (00:48:37.039)
And then you just murder a dog
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.039)
Maybe you should think a little bit more
Unknown Speaker (00:48:41.039)
I can't stress enough how, like, I saw that video
Unknown Speaker (00:48:44.039)
When it was making the rounds
Unknown Speaker (00:48:46.039)
I'm like, this sucks
Unknown Speaker (00:48:47.039)
But, you know, this is Alex doing what he does
Unknown Speaker (00:48:49.039)
I hope he gets sued for it
Unknown Speaker (00:48:51.039)
Then I listen to his show and I'm like
Unknown Speaker (00:48:53.039)
It sounds like he's kind of encouraging people to go and do what he's doing
Unknown Speaker (00:48:57.039)
And I think that's probably bad
Unknown Speaker (00:48:59.039)
That seems like the kind of behavior he's done in the past
Unknown Speaker (00:49:02.039)
Nothing could have prepared me for Ted Nugent coming on
Unknown Speaker (00:49:06.039)
And making this pained metaphor that is so much worse
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.039)
That seems to imply that what people need to do
Unknown Speaker (00:49:13.039)
Is come down there and kill people who are trying to help
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.039)
Asylum seekers and refugees
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:19.039)
It's so fucked up
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.039)
Yeah, I don't know if there's anything that could prepare you for
Unknown Speaker (00:49:24.039)
A sudden appearance of Ted Nugent telling you to murder
Unknown Speaker (00:49:27.039)
In a bad metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:49:29.039)
Yeah, that's something that I
Unknown Speaker (00:49:32.039)
That's Kool-Aid Man levels of surprise
Unknown Speaker (00:49:35.039)
Oh no
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:37.039)
Now, much like the Kool-Aid Man, he barges through walls
Unknown Speaker (00:49:39.039)
You know that
Unknown Speaker (00:49:40.039)
We're about to get someone else barging through walls
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.039)
And that is Ted Nugent's son
Unknown Speaker (00:49:44.039)
Sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (00:49:46.039)
I want to hear what Ted Nugent's son has to say
Unknown Speaker (00:49:48.039)
You actually do
Unknown Speaker (00:49:49.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:50.039)
Ted Nugent's son is there with him
Unknown Speaker (00:49:52.039)
And Alex wants to talk to him a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:49:54.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.039)
And, oooh, Nelly
Unknown Speaker (00:49:57.039)
Here we go
Unknown Speaker (00:49:58.039)
And Rocco, I know you're an articulate person in your own right
Unknown Speaker (00:50:01.039)
The great son of Ted Nugent
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.039)
Well, what is your view on all this?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:05.039)
Man, I'm a little bit more oriented to the metaphysical aspects of it
Unknown Speaker (00:50:09.039)
I feel like I got this guy on the front lines of the
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.039)
The terrestrial aspect
Unknown Speaker (00:50:14.039)
And me and some of my friends have been tuned into what you've been doing
Unknown Speaker (00:50:17.039)
And others, like David Icke
Unknown Speaker (00:50:19.039)
And I got more interested in like, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:50:22.039)
Who's really behind the cabal
Unknown Speaker (00:50:24.039)
Extraterrestrial beings that are hijacking energy fields of the planet
Unknown Speaker (00:50:30.039)
That are installing slaughterhouses
Unknown Speaker (00:50:32.039)
That are, you know, the motives
Unknown Speaker (00:50:34.039)
By the way, I totally agree
Unknown Speaker (00:50:35.039)
When you hit the bottom of the rabbit hole, whatever it is
Unknown Speaker (00:50:37.039)
It's anti-human, it's anti-success
Unknown Speaker (00:50:39.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:40.039)
Yeah, so Rocco, Ted Nugent's son, is into the spiritual side of this
Unknown Speaker (00:50:46.039)
Another new law
Unknown Speaker (00:50:47.039)
It should be against the law to grow up rich
Unknown Speaker (00:50:49.039)
That's what I heard right there
Unknown Speaker (00:50:51.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.039)
So I wanted to understand this a little bit more
Unknown Speaker (00:50:54.039)
I had no idea, I'd never heard Ted Nugent's son
Unknown Speaker (00:50:57.039)
And I was like, oh this is interesting
Unknown Speaker (00:50:59.039)
No, it was about, there was a cartoon
Unknown Speaker (00:51:01.039)
It was Modern Life, something?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.039)
Oh yeah, it's fun
Unknown Speaker (00:51:04.039)
Thank you
Unknown Speaker (00:51:05.039)
So, this guy's modern life
Unknown Speaker (00:51:09.039)
Apparently consists of putting out YouTube videos
Unknown Speaker (00:51:12.039)
Where he's driving, you know, you got the camera on you while you're driving
Unknown Speaker (00:51:15.039)
Oh no, he's doing those?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:16.039)
Mic down for this
Unknown Speaker (00:51:17.039)
Oh boy
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.039)
This was terrifying
Unknown Speaker (00:51:25.039)
Hello Earth
Unknown Speaker (00:51:29.039)
And anyone else who may be tuning in
Unknown Speaker (00:51:35.039)
The download to be shared today in this moment
Unknown Speaker (00:51:41.039)
While the highway is being driven on
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.039)
Is a message that just came through
Unknown Speaker (00:51:51.039)
The reference point many know as Archangel Michael
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.039)
And my relationship with Archangel Michael has been one of
Unknown Speaker (00:52:01.039)
He's almost been like the older brother that you didn't really know
Unknown Speaker (00:52:05.039)
Because you were really young when he was at home
Unknown Speaker (00:52:09.039)
And then he left for the military or something
Unknown Speaker (00:52:14.039)
And then you like grew up
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.039)
And then he came back and he's all like stern and transformed
Unknown Speaker (00:52:21.039)
And then he leaves and never comes again
Unknown Speaker (00:52:23.039)
And so he's like this image in your mind of like discipline
Unknown Speaker (00:52:26.039)
And yeah, like the little brother, like the big brother
Unknown Speaker (00:52:31.039)
He's the bigger brother that holds you accountable to your highest potential
Unknown Speaker (00:52:37.039)
And he has this sword, at least in my interfacing with him
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.039)
He has a sword that he carries around with him
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.039)
And it's like a sword of light
Unknown Speaker (00:52:47.039)
And it seems to also be a sword of the divine masculine personified in a device
Unknown Speaker (00:52:55.039)
In a moment as a sword
Unknown Speaker (00:52:57.039)
So it's a dick? Is he saying the sword's a dick?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:00.039)
Yeah, I believe he's saying that the Archangel Michael has a lightsaber shaped like a penis
Unknown Speaker (00:53:06.039)
Is essentially what I'm hearing
Unknown Speaker (00:53:08.039)
Yeah, so Ted Nugent's son puts out videos where he rambles about how he talks to angels
Unknown Speaker (00:53:13.039)
Yeah, somebody should take away his license
Unknown Speaker (00:53:16.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:17.039)
Now, I was watching a few of these and there's just a bit of
Unknown Speaker (00:53:21.039)
Of course you are
Unknown Speaker (00:53:22.039)
There's just a bit of like, you know, sort of that spirituality that is kind of untethered
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.039)
And a little bit Project Camelot-y in many ways
Unknown Speaker (00:53:32.039)
Well, he's talking about the Archangel Michael as that older brother who went away
Unknown Speaker (00:53:36.039)
In the military and then came back to you and also has a giant lightsaber sword that looks like a dick
Unknown Speaker (00:53:40.039)
And he gave him a download
Unknown Speaker (00:53:41.039)
And the download, spoiler alert, is the greatest FOMO
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.039)
You know, the fear of missing out?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:46.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:47.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:48.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:49.039)
You do not
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.039)
No, you do not continue, sir
Unknown Speaker (00:53:51.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.039)
The greatest FOMO is missing out on what you could have been if you didn't get your shit together earlier
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.039)
I really, really, really need to throw a thing
Unknown Speaker (00:54:07.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.039)
Archangel Michael coming down with his sword to blow mines
Unknown Speaker (00:54:12.039)
So now, I was thinking like, okay, I could play some more things from these videos that are just kind of silly
Unknown Speaker (00:54:17.039)
But honestly, like, I don't know, that just kind of, that kind of content is the kind of stuff that I'm like, I gotta go
Unknown Speaker (00:54:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.039)
I gotta get away from this
Unknown Speaker (00:54:25.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:26.039)
And I figured there's something better I could tell you
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.039)
And that is
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.039)
The Ted Nugent's son is also a rapper
Unknown Speaker (00:54:32.039)
Oh no!
Unknown Speaker (00:54:36.039)
Oh god
Unknown Speaker (00:54:38.039)
Don't do this to me
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:41.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:42.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:43.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:44.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:45.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:50.039)
Had to tell you no Had to tell you no Had to tell you no Had to say no
Unknown Speaker (00:54:58.039)
I had to walk away I had to talk to me I had lost my faith I had lost myself I had lost my health
Unknown Speaker (00:55:07.039)
Tearin' in the windows Pay a chance to get help
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.039)
Yeah, it's basically that
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.039)
I, um, yeah, I found that it was a little bit, I mean, it makes a compelling argument for there being, such a thing as too much autotune
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.039)
Yeah, yeah, that's, that's definitely the case, man, how much would it suck to not even suck as much as Chet Hanks?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:29.039)
You know, or just suck more than Chet Hanks, like, that's bad
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.039)
I feel really bad because I don't want to, like, mock someone's creative outlet
Unknown Speaker (00:55:36.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:37.039)
I think that's bad, but also
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.039)
I want to mock rich kids' creative output, I'm fine with that
Unknown Speaker (00:55:43.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:45.039)
I mean, I think that this is not quality music
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.039)
I think it's funny that it's Ted Nugent's son
Unknown Speaker (00:55:54.039)
Trying to make this nonsense music
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.039)
You're not even the best, worst son
Unknown Speaker (00:55:58.039)
That's the worst part about it
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.039)
Oh, man
Unknown Speaker (00:56:01.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:02.039)
Anyway, this has been Get to Know Rocco in his modern life
Unknown Speaker (00:56:05.039)
Yes, yep
Unknown Speaker (00:56:06.039)
And now we move on
Unknown Speaker (00:56:08.039)
Now we would like to un-know
Unknown Speaker (00:56:09.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.039)
So they leave, the Nugent family leaves
Unknown Speaker (00:56:13.039)
Oh, also just remember that Ted Nugent's wife is a really huge QAnon supporter
Unknown Speaker (00:56:17.039)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.039)
We went into an argument about it with Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.039)
Of course, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.039)
A couple months back
Unknown Speaker (00:56:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.039)
Good family
Unknown Speaker (00:56:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.039)
So they leave, and Alex lights a literal candle, but maybe it's also a metaphor
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.039)
I'm being honest with listeners, I know the metaphysical's real, I know God's real
Unknown Speaker (00:56:35.039)
I know the spirit's like a fire, and you can't just keep that fire under yourself
Unknown Speaker (00:56:39.039)
You gotta share it with other people, like this candle
Unknown Speaker (00:56:41.039)
I'm lighting here in studio with Ted Nugent right now on TV and radio with his simulcasting
Unknown Speaker (00:56:47.039)
They want to put America's flame out, they want to put our republic's flame out
Unknown Speaker (00:56:53.039)
But they can't do it if we continue to share it
Unknown Speaker (00:56:55.039)
But if they're able to demoralize us and make us be cowards and make us be fearful
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.039)
They can put that flame out, but you're aware of them trying it
Unknown Speaker (00:57:03.039)
They don't have the power to do that anymore
Unknown Speaker (00:57:06.039)
Alex is becoming more and more of a prop comic
Unknown Speaker (00:57:09.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:10.039)
Yeah, so he's doing like one of those Christmas candles where you only burn it for the, you know
Unknown Speaker (00:57:15.039)
It's like red, green, red, green, red, green, and every day before Christmas you burn the red one off
Unknown Speaker (00:57:21.039)
And then you turn it out, and then you burn the green one off
Unknown Speaker (00:57:24.039)
But it's for the end of the republic?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.039)
Something like that
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.039)
Yeah, just like, you know, when he had that skull and the goblet or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:57:33.039)
A lot of people will think, what does this mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.039)
And I'm asking you, what does this mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:38.039)
I am gonna light this candle because I want to talk about the metaphor of a candle
Unknown Speaker (00:57:42.039)
But I also want you to be able to see it
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.039)
I just, because there's a moment before this where he screamed at some 18 year old
Unknown Speaker (00:57:50.039)
Get me a candle
Unknown Speaker (00:57:52.039)
That's the problem here
Unknown Speaker (00:57:54.039)
I would say there's a pretty good chance
Unknown Speaker (00:57:57.039)
So Alex has not really covered a lot of news
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.039)
But he has a lot of articles in a stack, but who cares
Unknown Speaker (00:58:03.039)
Well, they're tweets
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.039)
I could spend an hour on each one of these articles and discover every little piece of it
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.039)
And talk about how it works and talk about how it's a deployment
Unknown Speaker (00:58:15.039)
But at the end of the day, you get caught up in making it your god by giving it all your attention
Unknown Speaker (00:58:23.039)
Just know this, whatever comes out of these people's mouths is meant to kill your ass
Unknown Speaker (00:58:28.039)
Oh, okay
Unknown Speaker (00:58:29.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.039)
Okay, we can just make that decision
Unknown Speaker (00:58:32.039)
What you need to know is that I need you emotionally aroused at all times
Unknown Speaker (00:58:38.039)
But if you learn anything, that will stop
Unknown Speaker (00:58:41.039)
I don't think that there's any better encapsulation of Alex Jones' sort of style than that
Unknown Speaker (00:58:46.039)
That I could spend an hour on this and all the information, all the minutia
Unknown Speaker (00:58:52.039)
Get really into the weeds on this
Unknown Speaker (00:58:54.039)
Yeah, well he's a policy wonk as we know
Unknown Speaker (00:58:56.039)
We could really get into this, but just know that whatever they're saying, they're trying to kill you
Unknown Speaker (00:59:01.039)
So really, there's no point for me to have any of this in front of me
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.039)
So instead of getting into the nitty gritty, being a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.039)
Which he could do
Unknown Speaker (00:59:11.039)
Oh, no, of course
Unknown Speaker (00:59:12.039)
You just assume that they're just trying to kill you
Unknown Speaker (00:59:14.039)
Instead of getting into the weeds and really figuring this out, he decides to spend his time doing the big work
Unknown Speaker (00:59:21.039)
And that, of course, means complaining about Saturday Night Live
Unknown Speaker (00:59:24.039)
We never aired it, I don't know if they could find it
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.039)
But it's the Saturday Night Live
Unknown Speaker (00:59:29.039)
And they're like, coming up on Saturday Night Live, black people won't take the vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:59:39.039)
So they have a black guy with a British accent, like he's smart, but other black people aren't
Unknown Speaker (00:59:43.039)
They love British accents
Unknown Speaker (00:59:44.039)
Don't pull up
Unknown Speaker (00:59:46.039)
It's the black, a British guy
Unknown Speaker (00:59:48.039)
You got an engine on fire
Unknown Speaker (00:59:49.039)
Literally going, I'll give you black people barbecue and watermelon or whatever
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.039)
If you take the shot, and the black guy has a classic southern voice like that's dumb
Unknown Speaker (01:00:00.039)
You are no Sully Tullenberger
Unknown Speaker (01:00:02.039)
And it's literally them, caricatures, making fun of black people
Unknown Speaker (01:00:07.039)
With a black guy with a British accent, being racist to them
Unknown Speaker (01:00:11.039)
Because of their accent from where they are, saying they're fighting racism
Unknown Speaker (01:00:15.039)
And then it's on CNN
Unknown Speaker (01:00:17.039)
I mean, I can't, these people piss me off, man
Unknown Speaker (01:00:21.039)
And it's constant
Unknown Speaker (01:00:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.039)
Okay, so, one
Unknown Speaker (01:00:27.039)
Did you see that SNL sketch?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.039)
I saw the first little bit of it
Unknown Speaker (01:00:31.039)
I got it
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.039)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:00:33.039)
You get it
Unknown Speaker (01:00:34.039)
It's not hard to get
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.039)
I think that there are some people who took umbrage with it
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.039)
And I say huzzah, rightfully so
Unknown Speaker (01:00:41.039)
That was probably a poorly conceived sketch
Unknown Speaker (01:00:43.039)
I think that people did not enjoy it
Unknown Speaker (01:00:46.039)
And you can find articles in all sorts of media expressing that sentiment
Unknown Speaker (01:00:52.039)
That it was maybe poorly constructed and conceived
Unknown Speaker (01:00:55.039)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:00:57.039)
That said, Alex's point about it is outrageous
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.039)
I mean, I think he was trying to say that it was a racist sketch
Unknown Speaker (01:01:04.039)
But he did so by being more racist towards
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:08.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.039)
The person who's hosting
Unknown Speaker (01:01:11.039)
Daniel Kaluuya?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:13.039)
Kaluuya, I believe, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:01:14.039)
He is British
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:16.039)
But he's not doing a British accent in that sketch
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.039)
No, he's not
Unknown Speaker (01:01:19.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.039)
And specifically, he's not doing a British accent
Unknown Speaker (01:01:23.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.039)
Despite having one
Unknown Speaker (01:01:25.039)
And I think that what happened is that Alex just saw like an outrage compilation
Unknown Speaker (01:01:30.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:31.039)
Of like some of his jokes from the monologue
Unknown Speaker (01:01:32.039)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (01:01:33.039)
Where he's speaking in his British accent
Unknown Speaker (01:01:34.039)
So he knows that the guy is British
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.039)
And assumes
Unknown Speaker (01:01:37.039)
Well, he doesn't know that the guy is British
Unknown Speaker (01:01:38.039)
And he assumes that that carries over to the sketch as well
Unknown Speaker (01:01:41.039)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.039)
Or he doesn't understand how the structure of Saturday Night Live works
Unknown Speaker (01:01:45.039)
No, absolutely not
Unknown Speaker (01:01:46.039)
But yeah, so if you haven't seen the sketch, the idea was that there's this guy who is
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.199)
a doctor and his family won't take the vaccine
Unknown Speaker (01:01:53.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.039)
And so he's having a game show to get them to take the vaccine
Unknown Speaker (01:01:58.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:59.039)
And he keeps offering money
Unknown Speaker (01:02:00.039)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:02:01.039)
For the correct answer, which is yes
Unknown Speaker (01:02:03.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:04.039)
I will take the vaccine
Unknown Speaker (01:02:05.039)
I will get the vaccine, yes
Unknown Speaker (01:02:06.039)
And so one of his family members played by Keenan
Unknown Speaker (01:02:11.039)
He asked what he would do with the money if he won
Unknown Speaker (01:02:13.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.039)
And he says, I'll roll up some joints, smoke some weed
Unknown Speaker (01:02:17.039)
Sure, sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (01:02:18.039)
Get a big barbecue block party, go and get a new grill
Unknown Speaker (01:02:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:22.039)
Or whatever
Unknown Speaker (01:02:23.039)
And that, Alex has extrapolated out into being like trying to entice black people with barbecue
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.679)
and watermelon
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.679)
Right, right, right
Unknown Speaker (01:02:29.679)
He has added an even more racist layers
Unknown Speaker (01:02:32.039)
That's what I was saying
Unknown Speaker (01:02:33.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.039)
He didn't need to add the more racist part
Unknown Speaker (01:02:35.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.039)
And SNL was, you know, like you get it because they were creating that caricature that they
Unknown Speaker (01:02:40.639)
love to do on Celebrity Jeopardy, but what actually happened is they relied on stereotypes
Unknown Speaker (01:02:46.739)
to make fun of, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:02:48.239)
Um, so I think that Alex thinks that because this sketch is clunky and possibly somewhat
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.360)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:57.360)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:58.360)
It gives him carte blanche to be even more racist
Unknown Speaker (01:03:00.960)
I give you the barbecue you take
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:04.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:05.760)
Can you imagine if I had a show
Unknown Speaker (01:03:07.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.480)
And I got up there and I went I give you black people some barbecue, in fact, chew that up
Unknown Speaker (01:03:15.119)
if you can
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.119)
This is what I'm talking about, it is the, everything they say we are is them
Unknown Speaker (01:03:22.320)
What about Fentanyl the dragon?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:23.840)
I was gonna say also it kind of sounded like he slipped into Fentanyl the dragon there
Unknown Speaker (01:03:28.960)
He doesn't have a lot of rage
Unknown Speaker (01:03:29.960)
He's trying to do a racist black person accent and then he slipped into a racist Chinese
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.920)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:36.920)
So that's great
Unknown Speaker (01:03:37.920)
He's a Caliendo
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.920)
No, no, no, no, he is not Rich Little
Unknown Speaker (01:03:41.440)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:42.440)
So Alex tries to play the clip of it and he fails
Unknown Speaker (01:03:46.300)
Yeah here it is, let's cue it up, let's cue it up, in fact if you have the audio ready
Unknown Speaker (01:03:49.719)
you got the audio ready?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.719)
You guys can pull it up really quick and great, they have it, okay here it is, well watch
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.039)
this for yourself
Unknown Speaker (01:03:55.039)
It's okay, our computers, hey I only have like a hundred thousand dollar computer in
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.119)
there it's not the crew's fault, the hundred thousand dollar computer messes up about one
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.800)
percent of the time, the million dollar computer hardly ever messes up so I can't afford the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:13.880)
million dollar switcher so it just locked up on them but whenever it boots back up we'll
Unknown Speaker (01:04:17.880)
play it for you
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:19.880)
You gotta boot back up?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:21.599)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:24.000)
You gotta restart it, I mean look it's a million dollar machine but it still runs on Windows
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:29.519)
This is the hundred thousand dollar one, you can't afford the million
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.920)
That one doesn't even run on Windows 95, that guy's running DOS prompts
Unknown Speaker (01:04:35.679)
I wonder if like what actually happened was that there was like a producer in his ear
Unknown Speaker (01:04:40.920)
during that long silence that was like hey those voices that you're doing and the way
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.280)
you're characterizing the sketch, if you play the sketch
Unknown Speaker (01:04:48.239)
This is not gonna go well
Unknown Speaker (01:04:49.639)
You're gonna be shown to be wrong
Unknown Speaker (01:04:51.360)
You're a racist
Unknown Speaker (01:04:52.360)
Yes, this is gonna look bad
Unknown Speaker (01:04:54.239)
I wonder if that's what happened, it would make sense based on the incredibly long pause
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.000)
and then eventually they do play what I think is the outrage compilation, the only thing
Unknown Speaker (01:05:04.519)
that he's aware of, which is the clips of the monologue and then a short clip of that
Unknown Speaker (01:05:09.079)
sketch and then he's just written a story about it in his head that is more racist than
Unknown Speaker (01:05:13.280)
the original version
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.280)
Wild, wildly racist
Unknown Speaker (01:05:15.719)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:16.719)
So at this point Alex has a reporter named Sheila Gunn-Reed on his show, she is a reporter
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.619)
with Rebel Media
Unknown Speaker (01:05:27.199)
Sure, sure, trustworthy
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.559)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:30.559)
Yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:05:31.559)
And she's on to talk about a certain church in Canada that is under attack
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.599)
Uh oh
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.599)
Well thanks for having me Alex and thanks so much for your ongoing interest in this
Unknown Speaker (01:05:39.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:40.880)
It's truly an international story despite what the mainstream media in my home province
Unknown Speaker (01:05:44.340)
would have you believe
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.340)
This church has been the flashpoint for the fight for religious freedom in Canada during
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.719)
the pandemic
Unknown Speaker (01:05:53.719)
I doubt it
Unknown Speaker (01:05:54.719)
The pastor there, Pastor James Coates, was arrested and incarcerated for 35 days in
Unknown Speaker (01:05:59.639)
a maximum security provincial facility for refusing to limit his congregation to 15%
Unknown Speaker (01:06:07.079)
of fire code capacity as per the public health orders here in Alberta.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.079)
He refused to comply, he said it violated his religious freedom, so he was taken into
Unknown Speaker (01:06:15.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:16.760)
He's been released now, but the crackdown on his church has not stopped
Unknown Speaker (01:06:22.079)
So this is the Grace Life Church in Alberta and like Sheila was saying, the pastor of
Unknown Speaker (01:06:27.800)
this church James Coates was arrested in February after repeated breaches of COVID safety measures
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.940)
He was given multiple opportunities and warnings to follow the rules and he refused to do so
Unknown Speaker (01:06:37.480)
So he got arrested and then released on the condition that he stop breaking the rules
Unknown Speaker (01:06:41.360)
which he immediately proceeded to break again
Unknown Speaker (01:06:43.039)
Literally everybody involved was like dude we don't want to do this, you don't want to
Unknown Speaker (01:06:47.960)
do this, well obviously you want to turn yourself into a fucking martyr
Unknown Speaker (01:06:53.239)
So in response to his trouble, a group of 28 community leaders from various religious
Unknown Speaker (01:06:57.920)
backgrounds released a statement that quote stress the need to prioritize the well-being
Unknown Speaker (01:07:01.920)
of all members of society over individual needs during the pandemic and to follow the
Unknown Speaker (01:07:06.159)
directives of public health officers and the government
Unknown Speaker (01:07:08.440)
Someone acting Christ-like, kill them!
Unknown Speaker (01:07:11.760)
Just this week, the Alberta Health Service shut down the church by putting fences up
Unknown Speaker (01:07:15.300)
around it, quote until the church can demonstrate the ability to comply with Alberta's Chief
Unknown Speaker (01:07:20.280)
Medical Officer of Health's restrictions
Unknown Speaker (01:07:22.480)
Do you hear what they said?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.820)
You are teens, they put you in time out until you can eat your goddamn vegetables, you don't
Unknown Speaker (01:07:32.639)
get to go to church
Unknown Speaker (01:07:33.639)
Yeah you can't use the phone until you can learn to not prank call people
Unknown Speaker (01:07:36.880)
Yeah I mean it's insane
Unknown Speaker (01:07:38.679)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.679)
I think closing the church is kind of murky territory honestly and I'm not sure how I
Unknown Speaker (01:07:43.599)
would proceed if I were in charge there but this is Canada
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.000)
If the local folk there in Alberta are terribly opposed to this closure then they can work
Unknown Speaker (01:07:50.699)
on that with the local government but from everything I've seen pretty much everybody
Unknown Speaker (01:07:54.360)
outside the church itself seems fine with the fact that they, you know, if you're not
Unknown Speaker (01:07:59.440)
going to follow the restrictions they're not even, the restrictions are 15% capacity
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.280)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:04.280)
It's not even closing the church
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.280)
You don't even have to close the church
Unknown Speaker (01:08:06.280)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:07.280)
Just fucking live stream it, dude we don't want to put you in jail, it would be stupid
Unknown Speaker (01:08:12.760)
this is stupid, you're a child
Unknown Speaker (01:08:14.400)
Let's find ways to work this out in ways that work for everybody
Unknown Speaker (01:08:17.439)
Please just go away
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.680)
Anyway there's a 15% capacity that he's supposed to follow but not everybody has to follow
Unknown Speaker (01:08:25.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:26.760)
Because it's 15, one five percent of fire code capacity but the Walmart up the road
Unknown Speaker (01:08:32.000)
but the Costco up the road they can operate at 30% of fire code capacity so this is why
Unknown Speaker (01:08:37.960)
this is truly amazing
Unknown Speaker (01:08:38.960)
Your church doesn't sell food
Unknown Speaker (01:08:39.960)
It knows if you're going to Walmart or if you're going to praise God
Unknown Speaker (01:08:42.460)
This is embarrassing pretending to not understand the different capacities for different things
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.720)
No get the fuck out of here
Unknown Speaker (01:08:47.840)
Like I would totally bet that Walmart would have a 15% capacity order if it were a place
Unknown Speaker (01:08:53.039)
where people congregated for long periods of time, sat in place and sang
Unknown Speaker (01:08:57.439)
So stupid
Unknown Speaker (01:08:58.439)
The things you do at Walmart while you're wearing a mask which they didn't do at this
Unknown Speaker (01:09:02.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:03.600)
Oh that was really surprising to me, I assume that they all still wore masks
Unknown Speaker (01:09:07.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.119)
No that's surprising
Unknown Speaker (01:09:09.119)
You know you're required to wear a mask to enter the Walmart and you walk around and
Unknown Speaker (01:09:13.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:15.680)
That's why maybe you could have 30% capacity there safely as opposed to a building where
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.479)
everyone sits and sings
Unknown Speaker (01:09:22.840)
Yeah that is like, listen I know the word is supposed to be mainly geometry based but
Unknown Speaker (01:09:30.000)
you are being obtuse
Unknown Speaker (01:09:32.279)
That is ridiculous
Unknown Speaker (01:09:33.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:34.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:35.720)
So Alex gets to talking about his Spars conspiracy a little bit
Unknown Speaker (01:09:39.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:40.439)
And I thought he was kind of done with Sheila and the church
Unknown Speaker (01:09:43.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.600)
He is not
Unknown Speaker (01:09:45.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.600)
He does say this and I think it's silly
Unknown Speaker (01:09:47.840)
Emergency Saturday broadcast world shocked by Spars 2025-2028 document 2,000,073,000 views
Unknown Speaker (01:09:58.239)
Well that sounds great at Bandai Video
Unknown Speaker (01:10:01.800)
It needs 100 billion views and we beat these people, it's all right there
Unknown Speaker (01:10:05.520)
But 2 million is a good start
Unknown Speaker (01:10:09.079)
But I'm not doing this and putting my life on the line and flying a helicopter right
Unknown Speaker (01:10:14.279)
on the Mexican border where they shoot at helicopters and doing all this to like lose
Unknown Speaker (01:10:19.319)
Yeah I think that that's really illustrative too, it's like Alex's gauge of being able
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.159)
to beat the globalists has to do with his metrics, they are traffic related, we will
Unknown Speaker (01:10:28.840)
win if we get a hundred million
Unknown Speaker (01:10:30.399)
No you won't
Unknown Speaker (01:10:31.399)
The globalists just watching the view, oh shit he's at 99,999,998, if he gets two more
Unknown Speaker (01:10:38.520)
we lose
Unknown Speaker (01:10:39.520)
Sir, shut down the internet
Unknown Speaker (01:10:41.239)
Shut the internet down
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:45.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.840)
So I thought it was a little bit irresponsible that Alex is you know largely, at least subtly,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:55.159)
maybe not so subtly encouraging people to go down to the border and behave as he did
Unknown Speaker (01:10:59.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:00.600)
Yeah just to cost people trying to help, I think that's a, humanity is generally widely
Unknown Speaker (01:11:07.439)
recognized to have evolved society by killing people trying to help
Unknown Speaker (01:11:11.239)
And I think that the only effect that that could possibly have is escalating a situation,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:15.720)
raising the temperature beyond the point where it's easily handled by responsible people
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:21.960)
This is not the only instance of him doing this on this show
Unknown Speaker (01:11:24.119)
This should be the Christian Woodstock, everyone in Canada can get there, I'd say the US but
Unknown Speaker (01:11:28.960)
your borders are so controlled, unless you're a legal alien, everyone should go there, bring
Unknown Speaker (01:11:33.239)
pizzas, bring barbecues, bring, I think if 20,000 people show up it will turn the tide
Unknown Speaker (01:11:38.359)
against this tyranny
Unknown Speaker (01:11:39.359)
Don't you agree everyone should come there, tell us where it is
Unknown Speaker (01:11:41.640)
So that church is just west of the capital city of Edmonton, Alberta, it's really just
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.960)
a couple of miles outside of the city limits, it's very easy to get to, and you know there's
Unknown Speaker (01:11:56.000)
a public road right there, you can get there and
Unknown Speaker (01:11:58.159)
And for those listening, they must go now, what is the name, what is the address, everyone
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.720)
must go now
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.000)
It's Grace Life Church
Unknown Speaker (01:12:07.159)
So yeah everyone's got to go, everyone's got to go to this church, it should be the Christian
Unknown Speaker (01:12:11.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:12.039)
Uh huh
Unknown Speaker (01:12:13.039)
So that means Jars of Clay will be performing
Unknown Speaker (01:12:14.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:15.520)
DC Talk is going to reunite
Unknown Speaker (01:12:18.239)
Oh it's about time, it's about time, Red Hot Chili Peppers is going to play with just the
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.920)
socks on
Unknown Speaker (01:12:23.920)
Ted Nugent's son is going to sit
Unknown Speaker (01:12:28.680)
Yeah this seems irresponsible
Unknown Speaker (01:12:30.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:31.880)
And it gets kind of worse
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.880)
Oh of course
Unknown Speaker (01:12:33.960)
It's 51520 or 51529 A Range Road 262 Spruce Grove AB, is that right?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:45.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:46.720)
Alright so here's the deal, instead of being like, I'm not putting you down because you're
Unknown Speaker (01:12:50.239)
just like me, you're like oh thanks for carrying, they've put a fence up and arrested the preacher,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:55.920)
thanks for carrying
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.920)
Sounds insulting
Unknown Speaker (01:12:57.920)
We're under attack okay, you're under attack so are we, all of us need to go there, if
Unknown Speaker (01:13:02.399)
you're in Canada or if you're near the border, you get in legally, go there peacefully, give
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.039)
aid and comfort to Christians under CHICOM, Governor, attack the CHICOM agent, I just
Unknown Speaker (01:13:13.640)
showed you him pledging allegiance to Xi Jinping, Trudeau, everyone should go, they're scared
Unknown Speaker (01:13:19.159)
aren't they?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:20.159)
Trudeau did no such thing
Unknown Speaker (01:13:21.159)
No he did not
Unknown Speaker (01:13:22.159)
Um yeah so this is irresponsible and certainly hope that nothing ends up happening there
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.399)
that Alex might look bad in hindsight, giving the address out and soliciting and inciting
Unknown Speaker (01:13:32.880)
people to go because the church is under attack by the communist Chinese and Justin Trudeau
Unknown Speaker (01:13:40.920)
fucked up
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.920)
Yeah there's no other way for that to, like it goes two ways, it goes with a bunch of
Unknown Speaker (01:13:46.840)
people showing up and being like oh shit this was dumb, or a bunch of people showing up
Unknown Speaker (01:13:51.439)
and getting whipped into a mob and like let's go down two miles and start wars, you know
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.439)
like that kind of thing
Unknown Speaker (01:13:57.439)
And when you think you're fighting the fucking literal devil, it seems like the latter is
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.100)
more likely
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:03.100)
Yeah so I don't know, I don't think this is good, and I mean it's obviously that they
Unknown Speaker (01:14:08.680)
are fighting the devil
Unknown Speaker (01:14:09.680)
Alex, I've never ever seen overt Satanism in real life before
Unknown Speaker (01:14:16.060)
Oh yeah you told me one of them said Satan is good, tell people about that
Unknown Speaker (01:14:19.359)
I've never seen overt Satanism like that, as you and I both know the enemy works through
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.520)
all kinds of people but this person drove by in a pickup truck, screamed at women and
Unknown Speaker (01:14:32.939)
children whose church they're looking at being locked up, so they're distraught and this
Unknown Speaker (01:14:38.319)
guy screams at them that he's happy that their church is being closed and then he yells at
Unknown Speaker (01:14:43.739)
other people and he says to them even the church of Satan follows masking laws and that's
Unknown Speaker (01:14:52.579)
why you should too
Unknown Speaker (01:14:53.579)
As a Christian, if you're telling me that Satan likes it, I'm more inclined to not do
Unknown Speaker (01:14:58.359)
it but that's the level of public discourse here
Unknown Speaker (01:15:01.319)
Yeah some guy in a truck said that we're Satanists and even we wear masks
Unknown Speaker (01:15:06.159)
That's the level of overt Satanism
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.520)
Man, this is the weakest of teas, this is weak tea because I wouldn't even have bought
Unknown Speaker (01:15:18.600)
it if she was just like he screamed out the window I love Satan because then it's like
Unknown Speaker (01:15:22.520)
yeah of course you say that shit, they're a bunch of assholes
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.880)
She doesn't seem to be as willing to let it fly as Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:15:29.079)
No clue, he's just like hey guys, ostensibly your most evil worshippers in the world are
Unknown Speaker (01:15:38.319)
still not dumb
Unknown Speaker (01:15:39.319)
We're more concerned with public health and our fellow man than you
Unknown Speaker (01:15:42.760)
Satanists don't want people to die of disease, do you not understand where you are in this
Unknown Speaker (01:15:49.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:50.359)
Yeah that seems to be with this Satanist alleged Satanist because you might have been
Unknown Speaker (01:15:54.840)
just fucking around
Unknown Speaker (01:15:55.840)
Yeah that sounds more like that
Unknown Speaker (01:15:57.159)
Anyway some guy yelled for him in the truck and all this is going on and so Alex encourages
Unknown Speaker (01:16:02.520)
something man he should be careful with his language
Unknown Speaker (01:16:05.199)
Well I'm telling my listeners, I'm telling them if you live in Canada whether you're
Unknown Speaker (01:16:10.079)
500 miles away or 20 you must go there, bring some muffins, bring some food, support these
Unknown Speaker (01:16:15.020)
great people because the system has drawn the line here, the enemy has drawn a line
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.119)
at your church, the enemy's drawn a line and said and so they've chosen this as their Stalingrad
Unknown Speaker (01:16:27.159)
and I think we should make this their Stalingrad
Unknown Speaker (01:16:29.560)
Oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:16:30.560)
Who's chosen this as their Stalingrad?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:33.840)
Nobody's chosen this as a Stalingrad, this is way below the level of Stalingrad
Unknown Speaker (01:16:38.479)
You bet
Unknown Speaker (01:16:39.479)
Also not for nothing the Soviet Union won that battle
Unknown Speaker (01:16:43.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:44.119)
The communists might want a better metaphor, also Stalingrad was incredibly violent
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:51.479)
I don't know if Alex wants to evoke that kind, I mean obviously he does but it doesn't seem
Unknown Speaker (01:16:55.600)
responsible to evoke that kind of imagery surrounding what he's trying to incite people
Unknown Speaker (01:17:02.000)
to go be a part of
Unknown Speaker (01:17:03.479)
Yeah I'm gonna be honest here, okay, here's what I'm putting together, on this very episode
Unknown Speaker (01:17:10.520)
he said literally like everything they're doing, everything they say we're doing is
Unknown Speaker (01:17:15.119)
what they're doing
Unknown Speaker (01:17:16.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:17.680)
Right, now I would say that that is revelatory about what he's doing and I'm gonna say that
Unknown Speaker (01:17:25.199)
he worships Satan because this is the behavior of someone who worships Satan
Unknown Speaker (01:17:29.359)
That was just when he was younger
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.079)
I don't think he stopped, why isn't that a possibility?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.800)
That's a long term theory of yours, I understand that
Unknown Speaker (01:17:38.640)
So look dude, I think that this episode is really fucked up, there's multiple incitements
Unknown Speaker (01:17:45.159)
towards listeners going to places that Alex seems to want to get out of hand
Unknown Speaker (01:17:51.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.720)
A little bit
Unknown Speaker (01:17:53.720)
Yeah, even if I was the shithead pastor of that church I would be like Alex no, no, no,
Unknown Speaker (01:17:57.600)
no, no, we don't, no, no, no, no, we don't want that
Unknown Speaker (01:17:59.760)
We want support but you're, this is bad
Unknown Speaker (01:18:03.119)
You're bad support
Unknown Speaker (01:18:04.920)
And really honestly, Sheila wants to bring up that this could all be solved if all the
Unknown Speaker (01:18:12.319)
pastors in the area weren't against this guy
Unknown Speaker (01:18:15.640)
It's very disappointing to see some of the other pastors in the area say well why isn't
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.319)
this church making the same sacrifices that I am
Unknown Speaker (01:18:25.199)
Oh they make it a sacrifice not to be shut down, they make it a sacrifice to traffic
Unknown Speaker (01:18:30.359)
kids, they make it a sacrifice to submit, those aren't real churches and God knows it
Unknown Speaker (01:18:35.000)
Oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:18:37.920)
These other pastors, I mean if they can reconcile
Unknown Speaker (01:18:40.399)
These aren't pastors, these are world council of churches, Rockefeller pimps
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.079)
So this is a point of the episode where I was sort of lost in thought and I started
Unknown Speaker (01:18:51.159)
to think, I have an interesting thought experiment, maybe it's not a thought experiment, rhetorical
Unknown Speaker (01:18:56.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:57.680)
Sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (01:18:58.680)
Do you think that Alex Jones could name a living member of the Rockefeller family?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:03.359)
Absolutely not, absolutely not, zero percent chance
Unknown Speaker (01:19:07.279)
I don't think he could
Unknown Speaker (01:19:08.279)
No, I do like that this also plays into what should be very obvious to anybody is if it
Unknown Speaker (01:19:15.479)
weren't for immigration and racism, Christians would be murdering each other left and right
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.920)
They hate each other, they don't believe the same shit, they're all nonsense
Unknown Speaker (01:19:26.079)
Well I mean with this letter of the 28 religious leaders in Alberta, they were all like hey
Unknown Speaker (01:19:34.420)
come on, let's take this seriously
Unknown Speaker (01:19:36.800)
Do you know what was in that letter?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:38.960)
Even the Church of Satan is willing to
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.079)
That letter was delivered from a truck
Unknown Speaker (01:19:43.359)
From a truck, yes
Unknown Speaker (01:19:46.399)
It's rare that you get the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist communities walking arm-in-arm
Unknown Speaker (01:19:55.520)
with the Satanists
Unknown Speaker (01:19:56.520)
Yes, exactly
Unknown Speaker (01:19:57.520)
But this church is enough of a pain in the ass
Unknown Speaker (01:20:01.199)
Oh my god guys, anyway they're giving us a bad name
Unknown Speaker (01:20:05.880)
Alex is trying to get people to go to this church and have it be their Stalingrad, someone's
Unknown Speaker (01:20:12.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.199)
Anybody's Stalingrad
Unknown Speaker (01:20:15.840)
In order for this to sound better, he wants Sheila to do it
Unknown Speaker (01:20:22.180)
He wants her
Unknown Speaker (01:20:23.180)
He wants her to tell everybody to go there
Unknown Speaker (01:20:24.720)
Yeah, because
Unknown Speaker (01:20:25.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:26.720)
Then he could be like ah, she did it, I didn't do that
Unknown Speaker (01:20:28.840)
Yeah, absolutely, implicate somebody else in your crime
Unknown Speaker (01:20:31.720)
She's not as into it as Alex hopes
Unknown Speaker (01:20:34.159)
I feel it, I see it, I think it'll be 5,000 people tomorrow, 10,000 this weekend, I think
Unknown Speaker (01:20:39.279)
they've jumped the shark
Unknown Speaker (01:20:40.279)
Call, you need to do it, beautiful, beautiful soul, tell people, Sheila Gunn-Reed, come
Unknown Speaker (01:20:45.119)
peacefully now, call them, tell them
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.159)
If people are going to come to support Grace Life, they welcome the support, but if you're
Unknown Speaker (01:20:52.800)
coming, come peacefully and come respectfully, but they would appreciate your support, they
Unknown Speaker (01:20:59.319)
need it now more than ever, their church has been seized by the state, they need all the
Unknown Speaker (01:21:05.560)
support that they can get
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.560)
I don't want to be peaceful, but we need you to then call them, say, help us, call them
Unknown Speaker (01:21:11.560)
Well I don't want to speak for the church, Alex, I really don't want to speak for the
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:15.840)
But just as a Canadian, as a human, I'm just saying that everyone needs to hear you call
Unknown Speaker (01:21:18.520)
for that, I'm calling for it, we call for people to stand up for religious freedom
Unknown Speaker (01:21:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:24.000)
Sheila, I'll go that far
Unknown Speaker (01:21:25.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:26.159)
I'll support religious freedom, isn't this what like journalists do?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:31.119)
I guess
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.119)
Is this what Alex thinks reporters do, they come on shows and try and
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.760)
Demand murders!
Unknown Speaker (01:21:41.640)
I mean, if she's supposed to be covering this story, it doesn't make sense for the interview
Unknown Speaker (01:21:45.720)
to end with him begging her to call people to come to this church
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:52.319)
That's weird
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.319)
Yeah, that's bad
Unknown Speaker (01:21:54.319)
Yeah, this isn't any kind of reporting
Unknown Speaker (01:21:56.880)
This is, at best, activism, and at worst, and in reality, incitement
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:06.520)
This episode is nuts
Unknown Speaker (01:22:07.520)
Sheila, you're a bad person
Unknown Speaker (01:22:10.560)
I mean, I think she's, I don't know enough about her to really have a full picture, but
Unknown Speaker (01:22:14.800)
based on her behavior, I think she's trying to stay a little more neutral than Alex wants
Unknown Speaker (01:22:19.680)
her to be
Unknown Speaker (01:22:20.680)
I do, I do agree with you there
Unknown Speaker (01:22:22.039)
She doesn't understand that Alex is like, she's talking to a guy who's a parody version
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:27.840)
Of a right-wing media outlet
Unknown Speaker (01:22:29.640)
Oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:22:30.640)
She's used to, you know, uh
Unknown Speaker (01:22:33.239)
Pretend seriousness
Unknown Speaker (01:22:35.000)
Oh, and at least like, I don't necessarily want to get sued
Unknown Speaker (01:22:39.359)
Sure, sure, sure, sure
Unknown Speaker (01:22:40.800)
Alex doesn't seem to care
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.359)
I'm behaving in ways where I clearly want people to fucking sue me
Unknown Speaker (01:22:47.680)
I fear consequences, and Alex apparently doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:22:51.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.520)
In Canada, we might get consequences
Unknown Speaker (01:22:54.319)
In America, Alex receives none
Unknown Speaker (01:22:56.279)
Alex has learned over the course of his career not to respect the idea of chickens coming
Unknown Speaker (01:23:01.520)
home to roost
Unknown Speaker (01:23:02.520)
Of the law, yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.479)
And that's why he behaves the way he does
Unknown Speaker (01:23:05.680)
Yeah, pretty much
Unknown Speaker (01:23:06.680)
I listened to this episode, and I was blown away by like, okay, I thought that video was
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:11.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:12.600)
I thought it, I still think it's bad
Unknown Speaker (01:23:13.600)
I think it's terrible
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.600)
I think it's terrible
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.600)
I think it's legally actionable, and uh, you know, whatever
Unknown Speaker (01:23:16.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:17.720)
I didn't expect for the episode afterwards to be worse
Unknown Speaker (01:23:21.119)
Yeah, I was, I was surprised, I thought we were gonna have a little fun clowning on that
Unknown Speaker (01:23:25.640)
dumb video, I hadn't seen it, so I was, you know, I was waiting for the show, obviously
Unknown Speaker (01:23:32.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:33.039)
There's not much to see
Unknown Speaker (01:23:34.039)
Instead, we got a concentrated bullion cube of racism and incitement to violence
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.239)
Yeah, yeah, and I really, I mean, I mean this, I hope that nothing happens
Unknown Speaker (01:23:47.039)
Yeah, me too
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.159)
His behavior in the past has led to people going and fucking with people and victimizing
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.199)
people in ways that are irresponsible and terrible, and for him to have two targets
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.720)
of like, everyone's gotta go to these places
Unknown Speaker (01:24:03.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.319)
In one day is really, really scary, what it could portend
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.680)
No, admittedly, it could lead to nothing
Unknown Speaker (01:24:10.880)
But the danger is there, and that is, I just don't think it's acceptable to act this way
Unknown Speaker (01:24:15.600)
Yeah, I mean, see, can't you see in a courtroom, like, your honor, in this trial we aim to
Unknown Speaker (01:24:22.640)
prove that Alex Jones did another Pizzagate, so if we prove that, then he goes away forever,
Unknown Speaker (01:24:30.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:31.640)
That's good
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.640)
I don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.640)
I'm a bad prosecutor
Unknown Speaker (01:24:34.640)
Yeah, certainly
Unknown Speaker (01:24:35.640)
I don't know how you do that in court, but like, just for the sake of like, a podcast
Unknown Speaker (01:24:38.840)
that explores these things
Unknown Speaker (01:24:39.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:40.840)
I think you can definitely say he's behaving in exactly the same ways as he has when things
Unknown Speaker (01:24:45.560)
have gone bad
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:47.560)
It's bad
Unknown Speaker (01:24:48.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:49.560)
Not good
Unknown Speaker (01:24:50.560)
We should learn from the things that have already happened
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:53.640)
I think that would be wise
Unknown Speaker (01:24:54.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:55.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:56.640)
So, fingers crossed, things work out okay, and I guess we will find out on our next episode
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.800)
I hope calling on people to not go to the border, or that church
Unknown Speaker (01:25:05.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:06.520)
I strongly call on everyone to not do either of those things
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.000)
Yeah, I'm in favor of people
Unknown Speaker (01:25:12.079)
Stay home!
Unknown Speaker (01:25:13.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.079)
Have a nice little cocktail
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:17.640)
Isn't that better than going to the border or a weird church in Canada?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:20.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:21.560)
I think so
Unknown Speaker (01:25:22.560)
And we will be back, but until then Jordan, we have a website
Unknown Speaker (01:25:25.319)
We do, it's
Unknown Speaker (01:25:26.760)
Oh wait, I forgot, also
Unknown Speaker (01:25:28.319)
What's that?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:29.319)
Like I said, we're gonna, our Monday episode will be on Wednesday
Unknown Speaker (01:25:32.119)
It'll be on Wednesday, yes
Unknown Speaker (01:25:33.359)
But if I'm feeling better, might put out a little funny fun thing on Monday
Unknown Speaker (01:25:37.560)
We'll see
Unknown Speaker (01:25:38.560)
We'll see
Unknown Speaker (01:25:39.560)
Also, we're gonna be on Twitter
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.960)
We are on Twitter, it's at, go to bed Jordan
Unknown Speaker (01:25:43.439)
We're also on Facebook
Unknown Speaker (01:25:44.439)
We are on Facebook
Unknown Speaker (01:25:45.439)
If you would like to download the show, and if you could, please find a local charity
Unknown Speaker (01:25:49.199)
or bail fund in your area to help out people doing God's work
Unknown Speaker (01:25:52.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:53.239)
We'll be back, but until then, I'm Neo, I'm Leo, I'm DZXClark, I'm Daryl Rundis
Unknown Speaker (01:25:57.239)
So what do you think about them apples?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:59.359)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding
Unknown Speaker (01:26:01.079)
Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work
Unknown Speaker (01:26:06.439)
I love you