547: April 8, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in with Alex Jones in the aftermath of him pretending to have saved some children from human smugglers. In this installment, Alex makes escalates the situation even further, and talks to a clearly unhinged Ted Nugent.
- Alex stopped a van at the border
- Alex may be defaming a charity
- Background: Sister Norma Pimentel
- Taiwan is going to be the start of WWIII
- Alex talks over Biden's gun control speech
- The O'Biden administration
- Everyone saw the van video
- Random tweets = media coverage
- This is like Bilderberg!
- Alex wants to put a team on the border... ad pivot
- Everyone should go to the border
- China is going to take our guns to start a civil war
- Trump's red flag laws are different
- Bill Gates is the world's most powerful doctor
- Alex is gonna put it in you
- Guest: Ted Nugent on a coke binge
- Ted: Weird Ol' Yeller metaphor
- Ted: Let's go to the border
- Guest: Rocco, Ted's son, full of brain worms
- Rocco's driving video: Rocco talks to angels
- Rocco's ultimate FOMO
- Rocco is a rapper
- Alex lights a literal metaphorical candle
- The only thing worth knowing: they want to kill you
- SNL is racist
- Guest: Sheila Gunn Reid of Rebel Media
- Sheila: Canadian church is under attack
- Alex can beat the globalists if he gets enough views
- Everyone go to the Canadian church
- Church of Satan wears masks
- This is a new Stalingrad
- Sheila: why are other churches against us?
- They're all Rockefeller churches
- Sheila, call for help