95: Project Camelot Break
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Today, Dan is hungover and doesn't want to talk about Alex Jones, so he takes the opportunity to tell Jordan all about what happened on a recent installment of Kerry Cassidy's Project Camelot. The lead singer of Blink-182 has been hanging out, talking about aliens with a guy named "Jim Semivan," and Kerry has some serious thoughts about it.
- Dan got drunk and watched dunk videos
- Kerry is a bit anti-Semitic
- Robert David Steele: Holocaust truther
- Hi Kerry
- Kerry hits the news
- Robert David Steele can't be on because he's not allowed to talk about space
- Update on Tom Delong
- Who is Jim Semivan?
- Hal Puthoff is in play
- Kerry pushes back on lies
- All news is ET wars
- Satanists and Illuminati run Secret Space Program
- It's all blood libel
- Chinese study of water fluoridation
- Mothmen are draco
- Mantids and dragon moths
- Med beds, infinite life, free energy, water energy
- Andrew Basiago tease
- Las Vegas was faked by aliens
- ISIS is run by aliens
- California fires are a space laser
Notable Bits
- Hi Kerry