94: October 19, 2017

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Today, Dan tells Jordan about the October 19th episode of The Alex Jones Show. In this episode, Alex accidentally steps into a large narrative plot-hole about the timeline of the investigation into Trump's connections to Russia. Also, Alex puts on an "awkward transitioning into sales pitch" clinic[1].


  • Trump is taking back DC from the globalists
  • Democratic mothers of soldiers hate Trump
  • Mueller gave Uranium to Russia
  • All Democrats work for Russia
  • Alex reveals too much info about Roger
  • Everyone is a Russian agent
  • Roger beat polonium
  • Tosh Plumlee, Hillary's gun runner
  • Good guys from the Deep State put Trump in office
  • Biden has a stay behind network
  • Torture fantasy ad pivot
  • Fascism isn't as bad as Communism
  • Alex admits he preys on his audience's fear
  • Levels of Hollywood elites
  • Devil ain't that bad
  • Mark Dice almost had a show, but he wouldn't worship Satan
  • It the Clown impression
  • Guest: Millie Weaver
  • Millie talks about sexual assault in Hollywood
  • Men need to beat up violent men
  • Joy Behar wanted to fuck Alex...ad pivot
  1. Note: the original description contains a typo, which was corrected.