84: December 21, 2012
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the 12/21/12 episode of The Alex Jones Show, way back when we nearly avoided a Mayan Apocalypse. Topics covered include:
- Alex Jones faking a visit from the Secret Service
- Did Alex learn anything from his disgraceful Y2K show?
- Does Alex's guest, renowned weirdo David Icke, believe in voodoo?
- Does David Icke think Sandy Hook was fake?
- Mayan Apocalypse
- Solidarity with Juggalos
- The Mayan Apocalypse is being overblown
- It's not the end of the world, it's the age of Satan
- Secret Service in studio
- Carnie killing
- InfoWars has no editorial process
- Guest: David Icke, PEZ dispenser
- Icke: It's not 2012, it's 2015
- Icke is on Sandy Hook
- Death of Dark Knight Rises prop master
- Icke claimed to be the son of god
- Sandy Hook is psychic vampires
- Alex believes in Voodoo and ley lines
- Voodoo is holograms
- Laugh at cops to defeat them
- Demons need humans to create their world
- Alex was paid to sneak into Bohemian Grove
- Alex loves going on RT
- 2012 Alex hates the NRA
- Give the gift of truth for Christmas