83: November 10-12, 2015
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[Please forgive the tech glitch we experienced in the first 10 min of this episode. We are figuring out new workflows, and unfortunately encountered some clipping. We appreciate your understanding]
Today, Dan tells Jordan all about another installment in his investigation into what happened in 2015 to make Alex Jones lose his mind and join up with Trump.
Not a lot of Trump action on this episode, but Alex does flex on Dan's alma mater, the University of Missouri, so Dan sets him straight. Then, Alex brings on a cavalcade of completely insane guests.
- University of Missouri system president resigns for being white
- Gang warfare is tribal
- Gay bars vs normal bars
- Alex's True Story: Alex experiences racism
- Alex transcended racism at 14
- Social Justice Warriors are modern Salem Witch Trials
- Guest: Mancow
- Mancow is a hacky racist comedian
- Mancow lives in Beirut
- Mancow was in the room where they picked Jeb vs Hillary
- Mancow loves Putin
- Still supporting Rand Paul
- PJW tells Alex everything he knows about University of Missouri
- Soros owns Union Pacific Railroad
- Melissa Click resigned but didn't resign
- Guest: General Stubblebine & Dr. Rima Laibow
- Advance Vaccine Directive Cards
- Why are white men dying young?
- Rand Paul should be "talking like Putin"
- Exxon-Mobil and BP are pushing climate change to kill coal
- The Klan is all feds and funded by the SPLC
- Alex was too pretty
- Lord Monckton isn't allowed at the Parris accords
- Skin color survey
- Guest: Dr. Darrell Hamomoto and his pudenda pink phallic guitar
- Darrell talks crazy shit about campuses
- Sandy Hook was crisis actors
- Melissa Click is a crisis actor
- Dr. Hamomoto is being spied on by the admin
- Snitches get stitches
- UC Davis has mind-control antennas
- Set up by Linda Katehi
- Angels Don't Play This Haarp by Nick Begich
- HAARP weather control
- Gang stalking
- Alex gets star-fucker-y over Peter Stormare
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Angels Don't Play this Haarp by Nick Begich