647: February 8, 2022

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Today, Dan and Jordan tune in to hear Alex go really overboard trying to drum up fear of Russia starting a thermonuclear war, only to have one of his guests ruin all the fun. Plus, Alex finds a fitting representative to speak about the Ottawa protests, and Ted Anderson drops by, but he's not selling gold.


  • Maximum red alert: Putin threatens total nuclear war
  • Alex and the crew did research!
  • InfoWars is the only one with the right headline
  • Daily Mail video vs Kremlin translation
  • Russia has suicide agents with nukes all over Europe
  • Article 5 means nuclear war in the blink of an eye
  • Alex explains how total nuclear war would happen
  • Russia has subs off the coast of the US because we deserve to be attacked
  • The CIA has a secret Muslim brigade to overthrow us
  • Capitol Police are out of control, they're snooping in offices
  • Ottawa trucker caravan
  • Guest: Jeremy Mackenzie, pro-caravan
  • Mackenzie background: he's an anti-Semitic piece of shit
  • OK, you weren't in the military
  • Guest: Ted Anderson, not selling gold
  • Ted needs money for Sandy Hook lawsuit
  • Ted came to Alex for money
  • It's official: DHS says unsanctioned speech is terrorism
  • Guest: Joel Skousen, Russia expert
  • Joel: Putin is posturing, US won't stop the invasion of Ukraine
  • Joel: Collapse of Soviet Union was a false flag
  • Joel: Putin is a propagandist and fake Christian
  • Alex is eating lunch during Joel's interview
  • Joel: You can't prove Fauci is lying
  • Wayne Allen Root needs Alex on hour 4
  • Wayne interviewed Trump
  • Wayne: I came up with the idea of Trump for Speaker of the House
  • Wayne: you don't have to be elected to be Speaker

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]: