645: November 4, 2014
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Today, Dan and Jordan put present-day Alex in timeout, as they dip into the past to see how Alex was engaging with the 2014 midterm elections. It turns out, he gets super racist and interviews someone who would go on to become the Most Important Person In The World.
- Midterm election day 2014
- Guest: Tucker Carlson
- 2014 is everything, it's a political re-alignment
- Obama has been defeated
- Secret weapon: illegal alien voters
- Austin is getting too diverse too fast
- Alex hits white nationalist talking points
- Rawstory said Alex said Obama said open season on white women
- Checking Rawstory article, going back to Monday and Sunday episodes
- Losers lie about how successful they are
- Hallmarks of losers
- Write in InfoWars on the ballots
- Caller: my apartment complex is trying to spread ebola by bringing in refugees
- Ben Stein said Obama is the most racist president
- Slavery wasn't so bad for the time
- Bill Joy revealed that humanity is going to be phased out by the globalists
- Alex's True Story: Someone tried to mug Alex
- Downtown Austin is not safe from whites
- 6 black males tried to kidnap Anthony Gucciardi's girlfriend
- Back to Tuesday: Anthony Gucciardi story is 8 black guys now
- Caller's apartment story is now fact
- Alex explains Greek democracy
- Most Green philosophers were killed by the state
- Walgreens was like Mos Eisley cantina
- The Tower of Babel is a cautionary tale against diversity
- Caller: I don't like voter ID laws
- Caller: mail-in voting is good
- Caller: your pills reverse homosexuality
- Everyone around Nixon is scum
- Drudge report loves Tucker
- Tucker: we're in the middle of a political re-alignment
- Tucker: Fear based voting works, especially racial politics
- Alex brags about his rating
- CNN is so arrogant
- Tucker: immigration ruined California, now it's a one party state
- Obama opposes Voter ID to push voter fraud
- Alex and Tucker take calls
- Caller: Daily Caller is sexist
- Tucker: We like women because they're beautiful
- Tucker: Jeff Sessions is principled
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story