644: February 2, 2022
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how things went when Marjorie Taylor Greene dropped by to chat with Alex. Also in this installment, Alex gets gross and then later gets real esoteric about touching eternity.
- Content warning for this episode: Alex gets terrible about child abuse
- Guest: Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Johns Hopkins says lock-down is a fraud
- Reuters says i=Ivermectin is effective
- Jeff Zucker steps down from CNN
- The NWO is falling apart
- Cyber attack incoming eventually
- Alex pushes MTG appearance hard
- Alex gets his info from Rogan
- SUNY professor says pedophilia is ok
- Background: Stephen Kershnar
- All pedophiles look like Brian Stelter
- EU executive board are all child abusers who want to destroy the family
- Pentagon says COVID vaccines cause side effects
- SUNY professor is a Renfield to the psychic vampires
- Gross child abuse and anti-trans rant
- Alex is fighting pedophiles... ad pivot
- If Alex fails, it's because you didn't buy enough shit
- Alex sucks up to MTG brags about audience size
- MTG, big fan of Alex
- MTG: RINOs serve the globalists
- MTG: Primaries are coming
- MTG: Proudly kicked off Twitter
- MTG: Fauci made covid
- MTG: They killed people by withholding ivermectin
- MTG: Pelosi's COMPETE act is too long and doesn't talk about fentanyl enough
- MTG for House Speaker
- MTG: the election was stolen
- Alex asks about Jan 6
- MTG: What about Roy Epps?
- MAGA is the party of peace
- MTG for president
- Alex reads headline about MTG interview: They took the bait!
- MTG: Klaus Schwab is this generation's Hitler
- George Soros is the anti-Christ
- Esoteric Alex: the edge of eternity is eternity
- Alex explains reincarnation
- Alex's earpiece distracts his rambling
- Caller: it took Noah a long time to build the ark
- Caller: Operation Fishbowl was about breaking into heaven
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex misreports a meta-analysis released by an entity within Johns Hopkins about lockdowns
- Some states in the US didn't issue any lockdowns or stay-at-home orders
- Alex misreports an article from Reuters about ivermectin
- Alex misreports the story about Jeff Zucker stepping down at CNN
- The guys who run the Brain In A Vat YouTube channel have taken down their video with Steven Kershnar, but the episode where he is on the Unregistered Podcast is still available
- Kershnar's publishing history, and the referenced issue of Reason Papers
- Kirschnar wrote an article on this topic in 2001 and a book on it in 2015
- Libertarians having a problem with age of consent laws is a subject that is so well-known that it's the basis for many memes
- Alex misreports a story about Department of Defense data about Covid vaccine side-effects
- Marjorie Taylor Greene does not have the best electoral record
- Doug Kuzma died from Covid after attending the same Dallas rally Alex spoke at
- The Compete Act passed the Senate in July, and the House version seems to include the word fentanyl more than once
- Greene's record on Jan. 6 is not good
- She is also a raving conspiracy theorist
- One Jan. 6 arrestee asked to be sent to solitary confinement rather than be in the Jan. 6 wing of the prison
- Trump's administration increased drone attacks, dropped more bombs, and killed more civilians than the previous administration, and should never be considered a force for peace