493: February 16, 2016
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Today, Dan and Jordan put present day Alex Jones on time-out, and take a glimpse into the past. In this installment, Alex brings in the big guns to cover the death of Antonin Scalia, which ends up mostly being about a suspicious van.
- New button press
- Big News: Scalia is dead
- Loretta Lynch has a racist name
- Scalia will be replaced quickly
- No autopsy means murder
- Saudis own Bush and Clinton
- Trump is baiting attacks to show 9/11 was stages
- Trump: better than Bernie
- Bernie didn't have a job until he was 40
- Alex had a job at 12
- Alex doesn't want Scalia to have been murdered
- Michael Savage is smart because he started supplements
- Alex knows smart people
- Trump is a good egomaniac
- Ad pivot
- Guest: Larry Nichols
- Larry weighs in on Scalia's death
- Alex Jones Karaoke: Amarillo By Morning
- Larry talked to Clarence Thomas
- Larry has no proof
- Larry: this looks like a duck
- The Clintons killed Scalia
- Pillow on Scalia's face is a message
- Larry is safe because he has a knife
- Black SUV outside Larry's house
- Larry took a cell phone pic of the van
- Alex gives Larry's address out
- The van is a message
- 2016 is the final election
- Hillary killed Scalia to avoid jail
- Obama made a no Constitution zone around the border
- Larry needs money
- 8 days later
- What happened with the van?
- Larry: bring it on
- Larry: how did I get wrapped up in this?
- Obama is waiting until after the election to replace Scalia
- Obama is going to be king
- Larry: I've never said Hillary killed anyone
Notable Bits
- Alex Jones Karaoke