442: June 5, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Friday's episode of the Alex Jones Show and encounter some real stupidity. In this installment, Alex misrepresents some news about a retracted study and fails to explain a skull on his desk adequately. Also, Dan takes issue with Alex's vocabulary.
- Alex wants to talk about hydroxychloroquine again
- Retracted surgisphere studies
- Lancet says study is hoax paid for by Bill Gates
- Ian Hayden anti-vax bullshit
- Rothschild, Davos, and Bilderberg are using covid 19 as the great reset
- Alex builds on Hotep Jesus's google trends bullshit
- This protest is all about killing cops
- Retrospective: Unintended Consequences and Christopher Dorner
- BLM says white people are slaves... ad pivot
- Alex's desk items: skull, roses, chess board
- The point is to be esoteric
- Bezos doesn't give enough of his money to charity
- Alex loses the thread because of tech issues, shifts to Bill Gates running Epstein's operation
- Alex covers Project Veritas antifa video
- George Floyd is a covid 19 death
- Alex talks bullshit about Melbourne police
- BLM is teaming up with planned parenthood... ad pivot
- Caller: Trump needs to take over CNN
- Lego hates cops!
- Hotels hate soldiers!
- Alex learned how to pronounce Bolsonaro
- Outlaw Liberalism
- Alex teaches vocabulary
- Caller: Former occultist, concered that skull and roses sends a message to demons
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan discuss a very word-heavy episode of The Alex Jones Show.[1]
Topics covered include:
- A study about hydroxychloroquine has been retracted by Lancet. Alex misrepresents this retraction, and seems to be arguing that the original study was an attack on Trump. The reality is that multiple studies have come out recently that indicate that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for Covid-19.
- There was another study retracted by the New England Journal of Medicine, which Alex thinks was also about hydroxychloroquine, but it was actually about blood pressure medications. Alex does not understand how these retractions came to happen, and how it all traces back to a company called Surgisphere, whose owner may or may not be shady.
- New York Post story about Ian Haydon, who retweeted a Moderna press release about the Covid-19 vaccine entering phase 2.
- Alex talks about the World Economic Forum's Great Reset idea. This is an op-ed on their website as well as a gigantic information visualization. Alex is making up stuff about both.
- Alex pretends that the current protesters want to kill cops, when in reality they are mostly arguing in favor of defunding and disbanding police departments. Conversely, Alex himself has frequently threatened the lives of literally all police in the country if they enforce hypothetical future gun regulations.
- Alex tries to explain why he has a chess board, a skull, and a rose on his desk. He is unsuccessful.
- Alex arbitrarily decides to announce that Bill Gates was running Epstein's entire operation, and thus accuses him, with no evidence, of engaging in rampant child abuse and making snuff films. He's lucky his targets are too busy to sue him.
- Alex plays Project Veritas's new video which pretends to expose antifa. This video is a complete load of shit, and most likely is a total fraud.
- Without evidence, Alex reports that George Floyd's death is being listed as a Covid-19 death. It is true that Floyd did test positive for Covid-19, but if you review the guidelines that the state of Minnesota released in April about how to fill out death certificates, it seems incredibly unlikely that he would be listed as a Covid-19 death.
- Alex claims that the police in Melbourne are mostly minorities, but that does not appear to be true. Melbourne is a part of Victoria, and analyses from 1979 and 2008 both show police departments that are definitely not mostly minorities. Beyond that, there is not compelling evidence that police officers of color are less likely to police in racially biased ways.
- Alex has no idea what happened regarding National Guard troops in Washington DC. The mayor did not evict troops, just refused to pay for their lodging.
- Alex claims that Lego has pulled sets including cops from the shelves. This is not true, and is just a dumb propaganda narrative that was pushed by Trump's campaign staff, and failed congressional candidate Deanna Lorraine.
- Alex has learned how to pronounce the name Bolsonaro.
- Alex wants to outlaw "liberalism," which he seems to think means democrats, which it does not.
- Alex reads the Wikipedia page for Ochlocracy, thinking he's reading the definition of Oligarchy. He doesn't know what any of these words mean, and is just pulling things out of his ass.
- A caller from Northern Ireland thinks that Trump's election was prophesied by the Illuminati Card Game. This is very silly.
- A caller explains to Alex that his skull, chess board and rose could be easily interpreted as an occult altar, based on her experience as a former occult follower. Alex explains he was just trying to get attention.