406: March 1-4, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at the beginning of last week on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex's coronavirus narrative shifts considerably, Alex desperately tries to start a fight with Sebastian Gorka, and a disproportionate amount of time is spent mocking Bloomberg's eating habits.
[CW: At approximately 3:05:00, Alex and a guest discuss BPD and self-harm in a very gross way.]
- Beware the Ides of March
- Two camps for coronavirus: hoax or end of humanity
- Alex is pivoting the narrative on coronavirus
- China used coronavirus to shut down its own economy
- Coronavirus scare supercut
- Alex still doesn't know Bolsonaro's name
- The media is salivating at the chance to attack Trump
- Alex isn't funny because he plays 4D chess
- Alex knows what's coming next, but his spirit won't let him tell
- Wuhan shutdown was to cause hysteria
- Alex is in war mode
- The UN will run us as closed nations
- Do you want Trump martial law or Trump martial law?
- Guest: Mike Adams
- Mike: Coronavirus will get Dems to call for suspending elections
- Coronavirus will kill the German auto market
- Buy food buckets!
- not pushing nano-silver
- Mike: millenials are lazy
- It's CPAs man!
- Mike: Liberals won't respect a quarantine
- The most important broadcast ever
- We're back to mass death
- Alex is co-opting Rush Limbaugh
- Alex's True Story: Cheeseburger for breakfast
- Fair point, Alex
- Dems want economic collapse to stop Trump
- Bill Maher is every democrat
- Alex knows lots of lieutenant colonels
- Let's talk about Sebastian Gorka!
- Nationalists in Turkey and Hungary hate Muslims
- The Crusades had to happen
- Food buckets are at 5-8 weeks for delivery
- Softened pitch on nano-silver
- Caller: Trump should be like Charles Martel
- Charles Martel society
- Caller: Merkel wants the Kalergi plan
- Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi background
- Owen and Harrison Smith talk about CPAC
- Owen: Bloomberg will make it happen
- Gorka sells snake oil supplements
- Fight me Gorka!
- Owen is acting like an adult
- Trump secretly instituted a national emergency
- Fake lieutentant colonels say coronavirus is race specific
- Mike: China exported coronavirus to America
- Fuck Tommy Robinson
- Alex enjoys being attacked
- God wants you to be hurt in his name
- Roger Stone: Super religious
- Alex bragging about killing supercut
- Guest: DeAnna Lorraine, super hottie, probably not coming back on as a guest
- Alex offers DeAnna a job
- The left is having less male babies
- Fuck you, vegan scum!
- Bloomberg is a gay demon midget
- Alex's True Story: Soulless husks at the supermarke
- What does it mean to know things?
- Guest: Stewart Rhodes, coronavirus expert
- Steve Pieczenik wants to talk about the dem primary
- Steve says coronavirus isn't manmade
- Montana is a leftist state
- Steve was a terrible therapist
- Stewart: Coronavirus will affect militias
- Stewart doesn't like Mike Pence
- Jim Jordan for VP
- Stewart: Trump needs to enact martial law
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story