405: Root Races and Terminated Spiders
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Today, Dan and Jordan have to stop the presses on Alex Jones because the newest installment of the Mark Richards interview series was released over at Project Camelot, and that is not something that can wait. In this installment, the gents learn about UK UFO business, dumb takes on public health, and the coming X-Men threat.
- Kerry's 12th interview with Mark Richards
- Hi Kerry!
- Oprah wasn't allowed to interview Mark
- Kerry isn't officially a journalist
- Mark is stressed due to murders in the prison
- Kerry went to the UK for Rendlesham, almost taken out by black SUV
- Background on Rendlesham
- Kerry talks coronavirus
- Kerry interviewed Jim Humble, inventor of Miracle Mineral Solution, aka bleach
- Stage 1: 5G activates the virus
- Stage 2: Man made climate change
- Mind control at Rendlesham
- Jenny Randalls: Rendlesham journalist
- Mind control took out Nixon
- Mind control is witches, warlocks, and scientology
- Rendlesham was failed telepathy
- Spider Leadership is in play
- So called coronavirus is a Chinese depopulation bioweapon, according to information leaked to Mark
- Oxygen attracts 5G
- Coronavirus is cover for human harvesting
- Kerry talks transhuman agenda
- Project Camelot/ Infowars similarities
- Humans to become part AI
- Draco/Raptor war in Orion galaxy for the control of earth
- The Luciferian Alliance feeds on human blood
- Draco-Anunaki hybrids are the globalists
- Kerry was a JPL contractor
- Close the border to stop the X-Men
- Eisenhower signed treaty to have greys abduct Mexicans and South Americans
- Latinos are closer to the root race
- Mark could have become part raptor
- Elections have been controlled since JFK
- Trump is running a counter coup
- Nixon handled aliens for Eisenhower
- Nixon couldn't get over Cuban Missile Crisis
- Jungles are dangerous to greys
- Kerry goes portal dousing at Fisherman's Wharf
- Soleimani was playing with portals
- Sean David Morton is being tortured in prison
- The women in Trump's family aren't human
Notable Bits
- Hi Kerry!