387: May 13, 2014

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Today, Dan and Jordan wrap up their investigation into Alex Jones' coverage after the tragedy at Sandy Hook, having realized they'd already found what they were looking for. In this installment, the gents jump ahead to cover a couple interviews with Wolfgang Halbig to see how Alex carried himself in that setting.


  • Ending SH investigation
  • Wolfgang Halbig comes on the show
  • Halbig's 2nd appearance after crashing Newtown school board meeting
  • Breaking News: wreck of the Santa Maria is found
  • Alex defends Halbig from being a conspiracy theorist
  • Dr. Group infomercials
  • Alex let his body go to shit to fight the globalists
  • Political correctness is a slippery slope, unless you're a nazi
  • Mel Gibson is cool
  • Alex carries a lot of water for Halbig
  • Halbig: 1st amendment hero, reluctant hero
  • Halbig: this is personal
  • United way is skimming miney from Newtown
  • "This is hardcore information"
  • Why does an animal shelter get money from a school shooting?
  • Wolfgang is the real victim
  • Wolfgang's 16 bullshit questions
  • Sandy Hook: toxic waste dump
  • Fuck the United Way, support the Salvation Army
  • Of course the government would false flag to take guns
  • Halbig, back on May 25
  • Why don't crime stats list Sandy Hook deaths?
  • Guest: Steve Pieczenik
  • Steve says it's a psy-op
  • Just answer my questions and I'll go away
  • Halbig: blackballed with Hollywood, not with god
  • Alex's sticking point: how do they get so many people to take part in the coverup?
  • Alex, come to court with me