386: January 8, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at how Alex Jones is dealing with the evolving situation involving the US and Iran. In this installment, Alex decides to toss analysis to the side and focus on ranting about how much he's scared of Islam. Also, Alex experiences some unfortunate tech issues.
- Alex doesn't know how long Trump spoke for
- Alex is OK with NATO intervention
- Turmp made a dick joke!
- Alex calls Mar a Lago the Winter White House
- Yay! Islamaphobia!
- Alex's True Story: Muslim's at Dan's Hamburgers
- Book: Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam by Peter Hammond
- 10% Islamic population myth
- Turkey was part of the Holy Roman Empire
- Alex tries to backtrack, shits the bed
- The left is worse than Muslims
- Stonehenge gives Alex power
- Islam is creepy
- Alex played video of actual good reporting
- Last night's live stream: It's war! It's going Connecticut
- Owen Shroyer: Iran is going to invade
- Iran hits InfoWars with DoS attack
- Alex has a hot mic
- Return of Zack from Space Command
- Zachari Lee Klawonn introduction
- Zach was kicked out of high school for bringing a gun to school
- Hot mic #2
- Caller from Finland: Tithe to InfoWars
- Caller from Virginia: I'm starting a militia
- Virginia gun laws
- Discussion: InfoWars/George Wallace overlap
- Alex teases legal trouble re: Charlottesville
- Kids can't be arrested in California
- Wikipedia listens to Alex about iodine deficiency
- Alex gets racist towards caller
- Caller: liberal calls back
- Failed map segment, Alex storms out
- Hero of the show: Boom operator
- Alex is just angry about Islam
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik, super boring
- Alex likes to have fun
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Slavery
- Terrorism
- and Islam by Peter Hammond