366: November 5-6, 2019
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the present day of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex wades around in a kiddie pool full of racism, then embarks on a two-day adventure of trying to reveal the name of a potential juror in Roger Stone's trial.
- Top Story: perception is not reality
- Mormon missionary murders
- Joy Behar wanted to bone Alex
- Alex talks about Nigerian Prince scam
- Get a gun if you're going camping
- Alex is super racist
- Proud boy judge
- Alex tries to tie Epstein to climate change
- population control story
- The Holy Spirit told Alex he's going to be a preacher
- Gross murder fantasy
- Guest: James O'Keefe
- Project Veritas ABC/Epstein video
- Hospitals won't treat racists
- Guest: Jacob Engels, reporter on Roger Stone
- Alex and Jacob make hay out of judge not kicking out Obama era communications director from potential juror pool
- Alex tries and fails to figure out who potential juror is twice
- Alex has an epiphany
- Guest: Robert Barnes
- Drag Queen Story Time rant is auto pilot
- Barnes swings for the fences
- Alex still doesn't understand empathy
- Barnes is sexist as fuck
- So many ad pivots
- Owen Shroyer gets in an argument during his on the street reporting