362: There Is No Mermaid

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Just when they thought they were moving away from Project Camelot World, Dan and Jordan get sucked back in. Dan needed a break from Alex Jones, so the gents discuss some paranormal weirdos. In this installment, they look into the time Kevin Moore (the guy who is making a takedown documentary about Project Camelot and Mark Richards) interviewed a guy who claims to talk to time travelers, which is as close as this show gets to a Halloween episode.


  • Goodbye Project Camelot, hello Kevin Moore
  • Kevin interviews ApexTV creator
  • ApexTV interviews time traveling whistle-blowers
  • Discussion: There's not much to ApexTV
  • Discussion: ApexTV background
  • Time travel video is a pension plan ad video
  • ApexTV creator is on because he contacted Kevin because Kevin is popular
  • Kevin says he hasn't prepared for the interview
  • ApexTV is anonymous for security reasons
  • Mainstream news won't cover time travelers
  • Discussion: Noah from 2030
  • Noah is stuck in our time after getting in a bar fight in South America
  • MLK Jr's granddaughter will be president at 21
  • Discussion: holes in Noah's story
  • Discussion: vetting time travelers
  • Kevin congratulates Apex for making money
  • Time travelers don't come to Kevin... except one
  • Discussion: John Titor
  • Apex talks about his vetting process
  • Some travelers are fake!
  • Noah admits to being a fake
  • It's hard not to laugh at mermaid talk
  • Future technology: spinning top
  • The ottoman empire never fell
  • Discussion: Anti-Islamic Ottoman Empire talk
  • ApexTV explains the Mandela effect
  • Discussion: Google trends of Nelson Mandela's death
  • Kevin shrugs away from tough questions
  • Facebook is great for videos
  • Dueling Noahs
  • Kevin is trying to be a participant, not an investigator
  • Maybe it's demons
  • Apex: people think we're in on these videos
  • Kevin: great judge of character
  • Discussion: Kevin is inconsistent

Dan "Predicts" COVID-19

When Kevin Moore's 2030 traveler "Noah" claims that an (ineligible due to age) 21 year old will be elected president, Dan and Jordan jokingly predict that perhaps there would be a "plague that strikes -- some sort of new illness strikes, but it only affects the older population and thus the -- you know -- everyone's gotta grow up real fast."

This is of course, a complete coincidence, and not really an accurate prediction at all, but given the timing it's occasionally pointed to by wonks as a sort of meta-proof that if you spend hours on air talking about stuff, eventually you'll say something that can seem like a prediction later, a strategy Alex regularly employs to undeservedly boost his credibility.