361: April 19, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan return to their examination of the past, and see how Alex Jones covered the unfolding events after the bombing at the Boston Marathon. In this installment, the city of Boston is under a shelter-in-place request as the surviving bomber is on the loose, which seems like it should be right in Alex's wheelhouse. Perhaps too in his wheelhouse.
- This is unprecedented
- Discussion: actual timeline of 4/18-4/19
- Dan Bidondi is out with the Oathkeepers
- Massachusetts is under martial law, and the Oathkeepers aren't allowed to have their rally
- Massachusetts martial law is extending to Connecticut
- Discussion: Alex sucks at geography
- 1-3% chance it was a real attack
- Alex has been right the whole time because drill
- Discussion: Alex was not right
- MSNBC said it's right wing. You heard it on InfoWars first
- Facebook is censoring us
- Discussion: Fake Facebook info
- Discussion: Alex should be excited about marital law
- Alex's pictures changed the game
- Alex assumes all the brown people in pictures are Muslim
- Discussion: Alex needs help
- Alex glosses over Watertown shootout
- Guest: Stewart Rhodes
- Stewart: Armed posses are preferable to police
- Discussion: Texas serial bomber
- Stewart wanted to get arrested
- Stewart does not backup the false flag narrative
- Alex acknowledges Dzhokhar and moves on
- LA times is being mean to Alex
- Discussion: Washington Post vs Washington Times
- It's all just PR to Alex
- Discussion: 2013 InfoWars staff
- Alex asks listeners to cut clips for him
- Alex pivots to framing Navy Seals
- We should call Kraft International
- Alex reads an InfoWars comment
- Figuring out the Navy Seal story gave Alex a migraine
- Caller is an expert on backpacks
- Alex and caller psychoanalyze backpack guy
- There have been so many patsies
- Guest: Larry Pratt
- Larry: That's what Muslims do
- Seals looked surprised by bombing
- Caller: Martial law is to let globalists hunt down whistleblowers
- Dan Bidondi goes out, release the Kraken
- Discussion: Alex doesn't respect Bidondi
- Alex is ok with limited martial law
- Alex reads transcript that contradicts him
- Caller: I have information on the patsy
- Caller: you're so right
- Caller: Bidondi has a sack of steel
- Alex picks up patsy hunting
- Guest: Art Acevedo
- Alex bullied Art to get him on his show
- Art reasonably makes his case
- 4th hour caller brings up MIT cop shooting
- All roads lead back to publicity
- Alex hits important news: Bill O'Reilly complaining about Alex
- Discussion: Alex's conspiracies never change
- Alex challenges Bill O'Reilly to a boxing match
- If they kill me, keep InfoWars going
- If it's not a false flag, I'll eat my hat
- Alex defends not covering the shootout