305: February 1, 2013

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Today, Dan and Jordan go back to the past to continue their examination of how Alex Jones behaved in the weeks after Sandy Hook. In this installment, all of the narratives that were previously in play are dropped, as Alex welcomes two guests that inspire him to do a show primarily about post-tribulation rapture and topics he already covered in his "documentary" Endgame.


  • Dan corrects Kim Jong Un purge story
  • Alex says they'll be on for 3 hours, goes 4
  • The spirit is good to him
  • Discussion": Alex's post tribulation rapture belief
  • Discussion: No king but king Jesus origin
  • Discussion: Christian Identity Movement
  • Alex talks about being psychic
  • Alex knows when someone is looking at him
  • Alex quotes Dune
  • Fear is the little death
  • Check the bibliography of Endgame
  • Bill Gates gave a Ted talk about killing the population
  • Discussion: Reducing carbon emissions slideshow goof
  • Discussion: 1949 Report of the Royal Commission on Population
  • Alex claims the report is everything, but it's not referenced anywhere on InfoWars or Prison Planet
  • Children are the real wealth, globalists have lots of kids
  • Alex has a religious/Endgame vibe going on
  • Discussion: Dr Eric Pianka
  • Forest Mims: amateur scientist, climate change skeptic, professor of earth science at University of Nations (unaccredited Christian college)
  • Pablo Rivera: CFO of University of Nations, in jail for embezzling $3.1 million from school, bought gold mine in Sierra Leone
  • Homeland security is targeting Vets
  • Discussion: Nathan Hadad
  • Hadad arrested for selling illegal weapon parts, likely a sting operation
  • Guest: Rosa Koire, Agenda 21 expert
  • 3 pillars of Agenda 21: Ecology, Economy, Social Equity
  • Go to government meetings and occupy them to stop Agenda 21
  • Background: Rosa Koire
  • Democrats against Agenda 21
  • Did Alex rewatch Endgame to get ready for Rosa?
  • Documentary: After the Tribulation
  • Guest: Pastor Steve Anderson
  • Steve prayed for Obama to be brought down (die)
  • church member showed up to Obama's speech with a rifle
  • Steve has been banned from 32 countries but is still on YouTube
  • Pre-tribulation rapture is a globalist conspiracy theory
  • Alex found printing plates for "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley, reprinted and sells on his site
  • Alex admits he hasn't read Tragedy and Hope
  • Remnants of memory are the beginnings of wisdom
  • Alex has discernment
  • Everyone should have a weapon because it restrains evil
  • The urpose of government is to punish evil doers
  • God is a libertarian
  • Caller: you're a living legend (show ends)


  • Tragedy and Hope

Detailed Show Notes

No King But Jesus


- Discussion of the roots of this quote

- Post Dispatch article about Charles Jennings

Bill Gates

- TED Talk

1949 Royal Commission on Population

- Discussion of the report

- Media backlash to report

Dr. Eric Pianka

- Transcript of Pianka's speech

- Article about misquoting of the speech

- Pianka's response

- University of Nations CFO arrested

Nathan Haddad

- Arrested for trying to sell illegal arms

Agenda 21

- Rosa Koire's prior career

- Rosa Koire starting suspicious citizens groups

- Lawsuit

- Agenda 21 activist details

- Shutting down of Baldwin County, AL development plan

- Text of Agenda 21

Steven Anderson

- Anti-Obama sermon day before congregant goes to speech with a gun

- Steven keeps getting thrown out of countries