304: May 30-31, 2019

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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at what Alex Jones is up to in the current day, and find him being absolutely all over the place. His lawyer is a guest on two straight episodes and the two of them seem to think they have psychic powers. More importantly than all that, this episode contains the greatest out of context drop of all time.


  • Alex reacts to Mueller press conference
  • Alex talks about why they want him off the air
  • Alex tells a story about talking to Trump
  • Discussion: who did Alex warn Trump about?
  • Discussion: Nazis in Trump's staff
  • Alex is talking about Katie Walsh
  • Discussion: Rooting out undesirables
  • EU is unelected but they're losing elections
  • Discussion: EU commission
  • Alex lists reasons why he hates the other side, it's all lies
  • Discussion: Why his enemies are his enemies
  • Alex talks about AOC and cauliflower
  • Alex mistakes Nazis drinking milk meme as a left thing
  • Mikael Thalin: IW writer, rebranded as Daily Dot writer, fell for Nazi milk troll
  • Discussion: Racist trolling becoming real
  • Discussion: milk's racist history
  • Nature's Perfect Food
  • Jared Holt wrote an article about Nature's Perfect Food for Huffington Post
  • How are plants racist? Everything hinges on that!
  • They want to destroy your birthright... ad pivot
  • Everyone suing Alex happens to be an enemy of the Republic
  • Guest: Robert Barnes
  • Barnes: Obstructing a coup is not obstructing justice
  • Alex analyzes Game Of Thrones finale
  • The 6th sense tells you when a mountain lion looks at you
  • Barnes things Dany is the hero
  • Alex thinks Dany torching King's Landing is what the left wants to do to Conservatives
  • Alex and Barnes say they're psychic
  • Alex wants to be a farmer... ad pivot
  • Barnes would be a great talk show host
  • Background: Barnes
  • Barnes' website says he's a fan of "persuasion and gambling"
  • Barnes represented Joe Banister, the founder of Girls Gone Wild, and Cassandra Fairbanks (among others)
  • Blue cities are collapsing into disease, drugs, and drag queens
  • Sodom and Gomorrah were real
  • Discussion: finding Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Kushner is going to Bilderberg
  • Alex will turn on Trump if Trump does something to piss Alex off, but Alex knows that will never happen
  • Barnes is ok with Kim Jong Un potentially purging his officials that upset him
  • The left wants to cancel MLK
  • Discussion: Why Alex should not agree with MLK's positions
  • MLK abusing women makes Alex like him more
  • Barnes gets MLK completely wrong
  • Alex tells a story about slapping his father's cousin's wife on the butt

Notable Bits

  • Good work Barnes!
  • Alex's True Story


  • Nature's Perfect Food

Detailed Show Notes

Katie Walsh


- America First Policies PAC is dark money polling

- Carl Higby resigns after racism scandal

- Andrade gets in trouble for supporting Nazis

- Witch hunt in Trump administration in days after election

- Purge in North Korea

EU Parliament Is Not Unelected

- EU election website

Andrew Cuomo

- His quote in context


- AOC's livestream at community gardens

- Sustainability Research Institute paper on Environmental Colonialism

Milk's History

- Andrea Freeman paper

- 1933 Agricultural History of NY publication

- Huffington Post piece

Robert Barnes

- Barnes' bio

- Barnes made a bunch of money betting on the 2016 election

- Barnes was Joe Francis' lawyer

- Barnes was Chuck Johnson's lawyer

- Barnes was Cassandra Fairbanks' lawyer

Sodom and Gomorrah

- Archaeologists don't know where the cities are

Martin Luther King Jr.

- MLK leaned toward socialism

- MLK speech on reparations

- New discussion about MLK tapes