280: Raptor Weddings and Sardinian Spiders
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a detour into Project Camelot world to go over the latest entry in the saga of Sweary Kerry's interviews with Mark Richards, a convicted murderer who likes to pretend he's a space warrior. In this installment, Kerry actually discusses Mark's crime, which is a bad move, since it kind of opens the door for Dan and Jordan to do the same.
- 10th Mark Richards interview
- Kerry has a new graphic, it looks terrible
- Disclaimer about Mark's case, no recorder, but Kerry's memory is great!
- Wall of text: Mark's background
- Kerry talks about the murder
- Kerry calls Richard Baldwin a pedophile
- A group is trying to discredit Mark, Jo Ann Richards, and Kerry
- James Angel Engelton was head of CIA and Mark and the Dutchman's arch nemesis
- Engleton was instrumental in death of JFK and framing Mark and Dutchman
- 6 alien AI's are messing with Earth
- Prison Life update
- Kerry talks about the murder trial
- Discussion: murder and 131 page interview with police
- Kerry implies Andrew was a CIA plant
- Jo Ann tracked him down
- Kerry brings Mark's book Imperial Marin into the trial
- Mark says that Caryn (Mark's ex) spent too much money and was an alcoholic
- Mark actually owed Baldwin a lot of money
- Mark's front company was poorly set up
- Mark stole Baldwin's credit cards
- Mark bought a boat with Baldwin's money
- Kerry conflates pedophilia and homosexuality
- Paul Collin: Project Camelot blogger and scammer, says Kerry is like Alex Jones
- Kevin Daniel Moor is a British documentarian making a documentary about Mark
- Mark tried to get William Robles to sell Baldwin's stuff
- Mark tries to put murder on Robles
- Mark's new alibi is that he was eating lunch with his parents
- Lawyer Shapiro told Mark that no one would buy the lunch alibi
- Mark had just gotten back from fighting Dracos in the Falklands
- Mark says he was framed for being cocky about how much the raptors looked up to him
- The Dutchman had just gotten back from Kamchatka
- Is Mark playing Risk in prison?
- Project Camelot was threatened
- The mob made Caryn divorce Mark
- Mark says Baldwin is still alive
- DIA put out a report that exonerates Mark, but it disappeared!
- Mark has seen Chinese androids underground
- The aliens have already invaded Earth
- New alien race: Trogs! (Insectoids)
- We're working with Russia in Syria
- The war with Iraq leads to war with China
- Reptilians can't handle sickle-cell anemia, can't feed on anyone with sickle cell, breed with them, etc
- Sardinia is full of spiders
- Kevin Spacey was set up
- Raptor wedding in February
- Mark was friends with Jan Michael Vincent (Airwolf)
- Kerry ends with a disclaimer
- Imperial Marin