279: Formulaic Objections

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the recent deposition that Alex Jones had to give in his Sandy Hook lawsuit. Does Alex admit he still thinks there's something fishy about Sandy Hook? Does Alex's lawyer pick a fight with opposing council as a distraction? Does Alex accidentally reveal that he doesn't even care enough to know basic details about the shooting he's being sued for lying about? The answer to all these questions is yes.


  • Back after move
  • Dan explains he's leaving some of Alex's recent actions alone
  • Raptor Princess helped out in the move
  • Alex is sworn in
  • Discussion: civil perjury vs criminal perjury
  • Media misrepresented Alex's use of the word psychosis
  • Plaintiff's Lawyer (later revealed to be Mark Bankston) did admirably
  • Alex tries to frame his comments as being about a gun grab
  • Alex has two lawyers present, Barnes and Enoch
  • Only Barnes is allowed to speak
  • Enoch keeps trying to coach Alex
  • Barnes objects constantly, Jordan makes a game of it
  • Alex's defense of any clip: it's edited and taken out of context
  • Alex can't believe Plaintiff edited video
  • Alex asks what the definition of "staged" is
  • Alex criticizes length of videos and audio quality
  • Plaintiff yells at Barnes for constantly interrupting
  • Stenographer admonishes lawyers for talking over each other
  • Enoch starts interrupting, trying to twist clarifications
  • Plaintiff shuts down Enoch
  • Plaintiff shows Alex knew kids weren't at the school
  • Alex forgets what question he's answering
  • Plaintiff shows Alex's video doesn't show what he says it shows
  • Plaintiff shows school wasn't shut down and falling apart
  • Alex says school looks shabby
  • Alex claims a clip was 7 years ago (clip was from 2017)
  • Alex reveals he took info from Wolfgang Halbig
  • Plaintiff calls Halbig a raving lunatic
  • Alex is a slow reader
  • Plaintiff puts Alex in a no win situation (either he doesn't know what he's talking about or he doesn't bother to confirm anything)
  • Alex doesn't know what date Sandy Hook happened
  • What research did Alex do?
  • Is there ever a good context to criticize dead children?
  • Alex and Rob Dew out Leonard Pozner as head of the HONR network and leak his address
  • Alex sends Dan Bidondi to badger people at courthouse
  • Alex still thinks something fishy happened
  • Alex doesn't not think he's done anything wrong
  • Alex can't remember anything he's said in the past
  • Alex complained they didn't send helicopters or ambulances, then confirms that Halbig told him that
  • Did Alex accidentally reopen the Chobani suit?
  • Plaintiff gets Alex in a trap about CNN blue screen: It's the International Hotel in Riyadh
  • Alex can't talk about his nondisclosure agreements
  • Alex defines what he thinks a source is
  • Alex admits 4chan is a major source
  • Alex doesn't know why he's being sued
  • Plaintiff goes off on Enoch, almost kicks him out
  • What is InfoWars LLC?
  • Alex denies Lucy Richards
  • Alex is the victim
  • Alex blames Hillary
  • Alex says his ads are separate from his content
  • Alex has no shame

Notable Bits

  • Good Job Barnes



Dan: I question my decision to intentionally not know the name of this attorney, this prosecuting attorney. But whatever. I made that decision and I'll stick by it. But I will say that he, whoever he is, probably never killed a guy.

Jordan: Almost certainly.

Dan: Now this guy he's questioning in this deposition, this guy? This Alex Jones guy? He probably, technically has killed a guy.