242: December 18-19, 2018
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Today, Dan and Jordan set out to see how Alex Jones is doing in the aftermath of Roger Stone having to settle a lawsuit about how he lied about a guy on InfoWars. What they found was unsatisfying on that front, but they did find Alex spending a day yelling about Ben Shapiro, and a second day of him being a real dick about a child whose life he disagrees with.
- Spice Report: Carolina Reaper puree
- Monday Night: Roger Stone settles defamation lawsuit
- Alex sounds distracted
- Discussion: Alex and bitcoin
- Trouble afoot at Fox News: Stop supporting Trump!
- Alex talks Rammstein
- To understand Pewdiepie, you have to understand the entire globalist plan
- Jordan is wrong, Chumbawumba are not fascists
- Discussion: Lost Highway soundtrack
- Discussion: pushback on Rammstein
- Ted Nugent can't play anywhere
- Discussion: Ted Nugent lyrics
- Alex rants about Stone's settlement
- Alex goes from Stone to Sandy Hook
- Michael Savage is losing time to Ben Shapiro
- Guest: Vox Day
- Vox tells Alex how bad Shapiro is
- Discussion: Vox Day, anti-Semite
- Vox Day's father is a sovereign citizen
- Vox Day: Pickup artist
- Alex talks about LGBTP
- Discussion: 11 year old Drag Artist, Desmond Is Amazing
- Alex freaks out about Desmond
- Desmond is on video talking about LGBTP
- InfoWars is fabulously successful...ad pivot
- InfoWars is martyrs, like John Birch and Larry McDonald
- Discussion: Larry McDonald
- Civilizations generally last 200-300 years
- Discussion: long lasting civilizations
- The priest class lives on the energy of children
- Chicomms are promoting pedophilia in America to cause our downfall
- If you're LGBTP, you can get into bars
- Alex says an 11 year old looks like a crackhead
- Desmond reads comments on a livestream
- InfoWars article written by Adan Salazar
- Alex is out of studio, Owen Shroyer sucks at ad pivots
- Owen Shroyer interviews Leo Zagami
- Leo loves Bolsonaro
- Alex pranks Owen
- Alex tells 3 senator Fed story