223: A Progressive Space Diplomat

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Today, Dan and Jordan take a break from talking about Alex Jones to take a much needed Project Camelot break. On this episode, the gents discuss a difficult interview that Sweary Kerry did with a guy who liberated Mars back in the 1970's. Also, Dan found an album Kerry recorded a few years back, and Jordan thinks it slaps.


  • Kerry interviews Captain Jay
  • Kerry made an album in 2014 called "Rebel Gene"
  • Disclaimer from Kerry: There's no way to prove that Captain Jay has actually been to Mars
  • Discussion: Jay's proximity to Randy Kramer
  • Jay admits he's only on because of Randy Kramer
  • J comes before K
  • Jay goes over credentials, Kerry derails with 1 question
  • Discussion: Jay's obvious plotholes
  • Discussion: how do you research an alias?
  • 1963: made it to Mars, saw a teeming civilization, went home
  • Mars is full of lots of species, but they're locals
  • Silver flying craft of legend are not locals
  • Captain Jay: space diplomat and space hero
  • Captain Jay liberated Mars from evil silver flying saucers
  • Greys are good, pleadians are bad
  • Pleadians aren't pleadians
  • Kerry: This is convoluted
  • Jay doesn't want to talk about seeing the silver saucer pilot because they broke child labor laws
  • Jay doesn't have any handler approving what he says, but check with the military, they'll confirm
  • Jay just sorts out problems in space
  • It only takes 20 minutes to sort things out
  • Have you met Randy Kramer? Nah
  • Jay doesn't want to talk about the moon
  • Astronauts freaked out being on the moon
  • They exposed people to alien races slowly
  • New alien race: Easter Island people
  • Liberation day: kicking out silver saucer aliens
  • Silver saucer aliens are a trisexual, warm blooded, highly psychic race
  • Three sexes: wasp, waterbear, serpent
  • There's a whole hell of a lot of radiation at galactic central
  • You can't destroy the sliver saucer aliens, just spoil their fun
  • Discussion: maximum IQ
  • They showed Jay 15 years of 1 person's life in 1 hour
  • The can pass knowledge and memories psionically
  • Jay doesn't explain what the cataclysm is
  • Silver saucer aliens have transport technology
  • Pleadians ain't shit
  • Jay had no command chain
  • Kerry takes questions from the audience
  • Jay wears sunglasses to look more like a space captain
  • Kerry ends by reminding everyone that Jay's story can't be verified
  • Kerry Cassidy listening party

Notable Bits

  • Hi Kerry!