190: August 6, 2018
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the day that Alex Jones got kicked off a whole bunch of social media platforms. Does Alex come out of the box swinging or is he super weak? Does Dan really like Cake? Does Alex interview a wildly islamophobic prick for almost no reason? Tune in to find out
- Mailbag: prosthetic hand
- Alex is deplatformed!
- deplatforming is propaganda for the invasion of the 1st amendment (what?)
- Apple and Google have merged w/ China
- 86'd on 8/6
- Shadow banning has made InfoWars stronger
- Alex thinks the constitution applies to Europe
- NYT reporter asked Alex what he'll do when kicked off
- Alex has been kicked off Youporn, but not Twitter
- Alex knew the enemy plan and CHOSE to be attacked, here's an ad pivot
- Alex compares this situation to the Alamo
- The priest class is scared
- This banning sets a precedent of banning hate speech
- Alex checked his YouTube channel after getting deplatformed
- Alex's plan: AI doesn't get memes, so flood FB with memes
- Millie has a hashtag: #freeInfoWars
- Banning InfoWars is election meddling, a donation in kind
- Alex gets transphobic and conflates it with pedophilia
- Was Soddom and Gamorrah Star Trek?
- Trump is compromised if he doesn't put Alex back on air
- Alex talks about his fears
- Election night: liberals were a legion of scum, physically ugly
- Pick groups that think they're superior, here's an ad pivot
- Tell people at the library about InfoWars
- Alex claims conservatives are 94% shadowbanned
- Gateway Pundit audience drop-off was likely due to bots
- Guest: John Gondola
- John has a Muslim tracking website
- John trains cops in Maricopa county
- John resigned from the FBI in 2008 for having sex with coworkers and sources
- Discustion: 90's alternative music
- Alex makes a half-hearted dismount
Notable Bits
- Go To bed