189: February 19-20, 2009

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Today, Dan tells Jordan about a couple of 2009 episodes of The Alex Jones Show that go to some profoundly weird places. What is the connection between 10th amendment state representatives and meth houses? Who is "The Living Man?" Do hardware stores sell guns? Tune in to answer all these questions and more.


  • Dan has set up a phone line for listeners, 1-530-NEON-NIPS
  • Alex focuses on a viral video to hearken back to his old fame
  • Police will arrest you if you badmouth Obama
  • Alex reads The Obama Deception script on air
  • Steve In Chicago gets racist, Alex cuts him off
  • Alex hasn't seen a lot of racism
  • People want to live with their race
  • Latinx people want to be in the barrio
  • Alex doesn't want to talk about race at work
  • Alex talks about his parents
  • Discussion: Kaiju
  • Alan Watt says globalists are targeting young men for leadership
  • Alex has trouble reading
  • David Rockefeller is a supernational omnibudsman
  • Alex has IFC film crew and Australian film crew in studio
  • New studio from oil money?
  • Alex is working 18+ hours a day on Obama Deception
  • Bob runs a hardware store in Austin, sells Alex Jones videos and guns
  • Alex flips out, goes British, plays a globalist character for way too long
  • Matrix is a pentagon plan
  • Joel Boniek is a guest
  • Joel was convicted of corruption and deep in sovereign citizen bullshit
  • Alex rants at Ted Anderson a bit
  • Alex treats National Guard training in Iowa as Jade Helm type of narrative
  • Bob Chapman comes on without Ted
  • Alex interviews a serviceman, tells him he's been lied to
  • Bob says Netanyahu is a Nazi/CIA plant
  • Ted comes back on without Bob
  • Anthony Hill can't make it on, so his friend comes on for him
  • Anthony Hill was arrested for jury tampering
  • Anthony Hill is also known as Muad'dib
  • Anthony knows where the Ark of the Covenant is buried
  • Leo Burman comes on
  • Leo introduces a resolution to cover 9th and 10th amendments
  • Resolution passes, but it is anti-secessionist
  • Leo doesn't want HIM to know where all the guns are in Texas
  • Leo is a birther

Notable Bits

  • Neon Nips