181: August 16, 2016

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Today, Dan tells Jordan about the August 16, 2016 episode of the Alex Jones Show. They decided to talk about this episode because "king of living The Best Life" Roger Stone was clearly indicted for communicating with Russians the day before. What happened on InfoWars that day? Something normal? Nope.


  • Roger talks to Russians
  • UN is going to take out whites using refugees
  • Illegals will be the new constabulary
  • Alex quotes a (non-peer reviewed) study from (not) the Stanford Research Institute that shows Dems stole the election from Bernie for Hillary
  • Global police force
  • Alex thinks the US constitution applies to the whole world
  • Latin American schools are indoctrinating kids to hate Americans
  • DNC is shipping illegals from across the world to bus up to the southern border, get them on welfare, vote, and skim money back to the DNC
  • Alex plays Tim Kaine clips and self-owns
  • Alex says 3% of the world identifies as Anglo but isn't Anglo
  • Soros pays for social justice
  • London to become a Muslim Police state
  • Contact in Secret Service confirms that Hillary will false flag an assassination attempt agains herself
  • Hillary has brain cancer
  • Kingsman and Moonraker reveals the Globalist plan
  • Soros is a demonic demon
  • Alex stops to read a text from Roger, goes to an article about election rigging
  • Alex teases email release
  • Hillary talks like a sailor and beats Bill
  • Obamas are nice and don't steal, even though he's an Islamisist
  • Hillary doesn't tip
  • Ales tips and treats waitstaff well
  • Alex refers to it as "our leak"
  • Alex says that Russians hacked before, but this time it's not the Russians
  • Alex rolls commiting a crime into an ad pivot
  • Jordan is corrected on the pronounciation of Mueller
  • Alex salutes hackers
  • Alex loves scifi, read at an 8th grade level when he was 5, but he wasn't too good at spelling or math
  • Alex didn't understand nietzsche, but he was into it