180: Heresy and God Kings
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Today, Dan takes Jordan for a hard side-tour to talk all about the time that Jim Bakker had Paula White-Cain on his show and revealed how badly he wants to have sex with a pen. Also, Dan tells a fun story about church camp. Also...turns out the band Journey sucks more than you think.
- Discuss changing intro
- Jordan's grandmother can make poultices
- Jim has Paula White Cain, televangelist and husband of Journey keyboarder Jonathan Cain (silent) on the show
- Jim paved the path for televangelists/con men/scammers
- Paula background
- Paula is Trump's favorite preacher
- Paula kept Trump from running in 2012
- Paula is a heretic
- First Fruits
- Paula loves drug paraphernalia
- Paula is a prophet who must speak or evil wins
- Obey and say yes to god
- Women need obedience
- Trump is good because he's punctual
- Jim sells a magic water bottle
- God says to love Trump
- Paula says principalities a lot
- God says pray for those in authority no matter what
- Trump gets attacked more than any other President
- Jim tells an Alex style story about being threatened by watchers
- Paula wrote a book about Ester because she hates Vashti
- Jim is excited to preach, but the applause sign gets messed up
- Dan once holy ghosted
- Jim orgasms and ad pivots off of a pen
- Paula tells a prophecy about what could have been
- Donations are obedience, Dan riffs on Steely Dan