165: Rotondo, Round 2
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Today, Dan tells Jordan about how Alex Jones completely lost his mind in a live video he streamed on May 25th, 2018 when he took another stab at trying to be a father figure for Michael Rotondo, the 30 year old who got kicked out of his parents' house. It may seem like this is too much Rotondo for this podcast, but please believe that this is not about him. This is all about Alex Jones being a complete lunatic.
- Announced goal: None Dare Call It Conspiracy analysis
- None Dare can't be done as a podcast
- Correction: previous episode, removed segment about missing immigrant kids
- Rotondo is back on
- At least you're not on welfare
- Mike: I stand by all my decisions
- Alex, what's your biggest accomplishment
- Alex kickstarted Brexit
- Alex's True Story: Alex is King of the Hill
- Alex talks about his money too much
- Why should insurance cover sex changes?
- Is Alex's wife Jewish?
- What is empowerment
- Alex's True Story: I met Josh Brolin once
- Alex's True Story: I used to work 2 jobs
- Mike says stuff Alex said offline
- Let me save you
- Mike's business: I'll do stuff and it will work
- Alex misuses a metaphor
- Alex explains racism... How does' 5G affect racism?
- Mike doesn't care about 5G
- Asians killing Asians isn't sexy like Oprah in roots... did you know there's human cloning?
- What kind of food do you eat? ad pivot!
- Super male vitality makes your hair fall out
- Will you read this book?
- Book: The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard Brown
- Jordan Cult Background
- Mike doesn't know who Roger Stone is
- Don't you want to be a wingman?
- Roger doesn't work for Russia
- Your greatest accomplishment is being born white
- Genetic memory created Alex to fight the globalists
- We're in a space war of genetics
- There's a genetic trapdoor to keep the genetic door open
- Where does evil come from?
- Good people can use the tools of evil to do good
- Most people are retarded
- You're not autistic, you should take up painting
- Alex is over talking to Mike
- Where's Nonk!
- Alex's True Story: The tale of Max the dog
- My dog story is sadder than your dog story
- Mike and Alex are having different conversations
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Where's Nonk
- The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard Brown