133: Operation Paul Revere
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened during Alex Jones' 8 PM shift during his recent "Help Me I'm Being Sued" Marathon. It's a classic esoteric performance by a drunk Alex, covering such diverse topics as "how Alex is a victim because of the lawsuits against him" and "how Alex is a victim because the listeners of his show don't give him enough money." Definitely high end political talk.
- 34 hour marathon
- Alex's exwife is Jewish
- Alex makes strawmen of the lawsuits against him
- Dan reads Rob Jacobson and Ashley Beckford complaints
- Alex burps through a word
- Alex spins Trump wanting to take guns
- Trump is being blackmailed by sex operatives like Hope Hicks
- Evangelicals are OK with Trump having multiple wives
- Alex is ready to die
- Alex is getting drunk
- Trump is popping babies out left and right
- About to go to calls... ad pivot
- Alex talks financials
- David Jones runs InfoWars HR
- Drunk mopey half a sales pitch
- God won't kill you for your sins
- The tribulations will be Satan, AI, and robots
- Alex's soul space-jumped
- Caller: Raptor Man has sympathy for Alex
- Alex talks bloodlines
- Seeing poor people makes Alex want to slit throats
- NY banks taught Venezuela socialism
- Discussion: The Dutch disease
- Esoteric Alex
- Caller: My name is robert and I'm on the ballot and I'm a dweeb
- We're in the endtimes
- Caller: I'm saved, but my son-in-law is a soy boy
- Caller: I'll split your legal fees
- Alex shit-talks Rob Jacobson
- Globalist Plan: Skin Deep
- Scarlett Johansson killed men while filming Skin Deep
- Alex keeps beating the globalists
- Alex talks about South Africa
- Guest: Simon Roche, Suidlander
- Simon's Freestarter campaign
- Ad: Frank, I need your help!
- I have to say I'm under attack to get funding
- Don't buy me coffee, buy my products
- Avenger's initiative changes to March Madness