132: Minisode
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Today, Dan and Jordan have a little episode for you where they discuss Alex Jones' interview with Jalen Martin, a student from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Alex's actions in the aftermath of this tragedy, as well as after pretty much every tragedy, are pretty formulaic and uninteresting, but this interview manages somehow to transcend in the arena of distastefulness.
- Cut down portion of coverage of Parkland shooting
- Alex interviews Jalen Martin, Parkland student
- Jalen writes for conservative news blog
- Alex lays groundwork to set Parkland as false flag
- Teacher said not to tell that there is an active shooter
- The secret service did a drill at Parkland
- Alex leads Jalen to say shooter was a patsy
- Jalen doesn't say multiple shooters
- Everyone says multiple shooters... long ad plug