125: Project Camelot's War In Heaven
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Today, Dan and Jordan need to take a break from talking about Alex Jones, so they descend into the deep, murky waters of Project Camelot. In this installment, they break down an interview between Kerry Cassidy and a remote viewer named Courtney Brown about a war in heaven. Also, the gents learn about Courtney's incredibly troubling past.
- Courtney Brown talks about the war in heaven
- Brown and his crew can remote view heaven
- Farsight.org
- Brown solves everything with remote viewing
- Project stargate
- Brown has a training academy
- Time Cross Project: Future news
- All religious texts have a war in heaven
- Brown is into Zecharia Sitchin
- War in heaven is a reptillian space battle
- Hey John of Patmos, what's up?
- Brown's remote viewers are Millenials
- Kerry talks about Boriska, the Russian Martian Child Soldier
- How to blow up a planet: puncture the crust
- Kerry: That's not how you blow up a planet
- Kerry gets petty af
- Neighbors!
- ISIS was created to remove evidence of Reptillian domination
- Reptillians at area 51 are not friendly
- Brown won't talk about the Kill Shot
- Brown talks about Hale Bopp comet on Coast to Coast AM in 1996
- Brown is partially repsonsible for Heaven's Gate
- Marshall Applewhite
Notable Bits
- Neighbors!